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Sunday, February 24, 2008
2:09 am
Snagged from Deborah! :D
Didn't bother to edit the styling/formatting/grammar mistakes. :P
1. Does it matter to you if your bf/gfsmoke?
- YES. He shall never come near me if he smokes.
2. How about drinking?
- It's not too bad. Just don't drink everyday and spend millions of bucks on them.
3. Do you want someone you cant have?
- Nah~
4. If someone liked you right now,would u want them to tell u?
- I don't know~ Haha.
5. Whats your favorite sport?
- Badminton, basketball, table tennis. :D Running sucks, period.
6. Its saturday night, you're homealone.. what do you do?
- Use the com~ As usual~ Hahaha.
8. Can you do the splits?
- Nah.
9. Do you like roller coasters?
- Of course. ;)
10. Whens the perfect time to have aboyfriend/girlfriend?
- I don't know~ The time just comes and goes, no?
11. If you could date any celebrity,who would it be?
- Yamapi, of course (or Ryo-chan? XD), but then we all know it's impossible. HAHAHA.
12. Whats your favorite band?
13. What are you doing this weekend?
- Eh. It's already the weekend. I went out with Arlha+Anelie+Leroy, and also did CATS project. =="
14. Whats your favorite restaurant?
- Hmmm...... I don't know... Kobayashi? Pastamania? Crystal Jade? Lols.
15. Do you usually fall for the right or wrong girl/boy?
- Lols how would I know?
16. Have you ever hugged someone?
- Of course lah~ Who hasn't hugged their parents or friends? D'oh~
17. Ever kissed someone you werent attracted to?
- Who, my cousins? :D
18. Do you like anyone right now?
- Nope!
21. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
- Appearance. Cause no matter what you do, you always look at their face first.
23. Which do you prefer, beach or the mountains?
- Beach, cause I HATE trekking.
24. What kind of phone do you have?
- Nokia E51.
26. Computer or laptop?
- I have both. =/ Prefer computer, actually. It has larger screens as well as memory. :D
27. What is your favorite store?
- Blah. No idea. I don't shop often.
28. Jeans or sweats?
- Jeans! :D
29. Which year has been the best so far?
- Hmmm... 2003?
30. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
- 18.
31. What should you be doing right now?
- Sleeping. Or studying.
32. What is your favorite tv show?
- Shokura? :D or Music Station? D.Gray-man! That's the only thing I'm following now. LOLS.
33. Color?
- Blue, black, orange, white. Standard answer. :D
34. Are you attracted to girls/guys that smoke?
- No way. Haha.
35. Would you want a chilled laid back gf/bf or a party animal?
- Chilled laid back. :D
36. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
- Can't remember.
37. Explain your dream car:
- The ferrari I saw just now! Whoa! Everyone was like posing and taking pics of it! (I don't know about cars, period. =X)
38. What do you do when you're at home?
- Use the comp~
39. Whats your favorite subject?
- English~? Now's CATS/Mindworks (without all the projects)? :D
40. Where do you want to go to college?
- No idea.
41. Do you like to go to concerts?
- Sure~ But classical/orchestral ones.
42. Favorite type of music?
- J-Pop. No techno, rap, C-pop, etc etc please. =X
43. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
- Right. But I always roll around. Hehe.
44. Scariest thing you've ever done?
- Hmm... No idea. BUT I FIND TREKKING SCARY. VERY. I'm that traumatised.
45. Whats the best feature about you would say?
- Eyes? or nose?
46. What annoys you?
- "extreme hypocrites." ditto, deb. :D
47. If you had one super power, what would it be?
- teleportation. yes. or telepathy. i don't mind either. :D
48. Ever gone to saturday school?
- Yup. Indo used to ask u to go to school on sats~!
49. Been kicked out of class?
- Yup. That's the norm. LOL.
50. If you could say anything to anyone?
- What the heck do you want?
51. What are some of your favorite quotes?
- That 3 kinds of people in the world. :D
52. Are you jealous person?
- I can be.
53. Are you friends with people that you shouldnt be friends with?
- Maybe.
54. What is your deepest fear ?
- God.