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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
6:47 pm
40 secrets about yourself.be honest no matter what.1. Honestly, what is your natural hair color?
` Black
2. Honestly, where is your default (friendster) picture taken?
` Indonesia
3. Honestly, what's your middle name?
` Olivia
4.Honestly, what color do you hate most?
` Pink.
5. Honestly does your crush like you back?
` Dunno.
6. Honestly, what is your current mood?
` Indifferent.
7. Honestly,what color underwear are you wearing?
` =_=
8. Honestly, what makes you happy?
` Getting a LOT of manga, jmagz, dorama. xP
9. Honestly,look at a picture/poster in your room, who's on it?
` Pi? =X I mean, I have Pi, KAT-TUN, Kanjani8, Hey!Say!7 and Kis-My-Ft2 posters but I don't put them up. xP
10. Honestly, if you could go back in time and change something, what you would you change?
` All my actions that were done without thinking.
11. Honestly, if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
` Dolphin? ^^
12. Honestly, ever had a near death experience?
` Yes. Nearly knocked down by a car -twice-.
13. Honestly, something you do a lot?
` Read manga, watch anime & j-dorama~ xD
14. Honestly, the song stuck in your head?
` Stand by me -- by the brilliant green.
15. Honestly, what is your desktop background?
` Pi. xP
16. Honestly, what are you wearing?
` Shirt n shorts.
17. Honestly, when was the last time you cried?
` I forgot.
18. Honestly, have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
` Yeah...
19. Honestly, if you could have one super power what would it be?
` Teleportation.
20. Honestly, what's the first thing(s) you notice about the opposite sex?
` Looks? Cause we see them, d'oh.
21. Honestly, what do you usually order from Starbucks?
` Can't remember the name. Caramel something.
22. Honestly,what's your biggest secret?
` My biggest secret's that I have a biggest secret.
23. Honestly, favorite colors?
` Blue, black, orange white.
24. Honestly, is it sunny or raining?
` Raining.
25. Honestly, do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
` Not really.
26. Honestly, what are you eating or drinking at this moment?
` Nothing.
27. Honestly, do you speak any other language?
` Indo and a bit of Chinese? Aside from English that is.
28. Honestly, what're your favorite smells?
` None. I hate even perfumes.
29. Honestly,if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
` Lifeless.
30. Honestly, when was the last time you received a hug?
` Few days ago? By my mum lah.
31. Honestly, have you ever kissed in the rain?
` No.
32. Honestly, what/who are you thinking about right now?
` I'm actually thinking about
what --> dinner.
33. Honestly, what should you be doing?
` Revising Chem for tomorrow's tuition.
34. Honestly, what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
` Myself.
35. Honestly, how often do you laugh?
` Seldom.
36. Honestly,do you like working in the yard?
` No.
37. Honestly, if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
` My last name's fine, thank you.
38. Honestly, do you act differently around your crush/significant other?
` Maybe?
39. Honestly, name one song that reminds you of an ex?
` Seriously, nothing.
40. Honestly, who was the last person to make you cry?
` Myself.

6:37 pm
Name : | kezia mulia |
Birthdate : | 7 sep 90 |
Birthplace : | jakarta |
Current Location : | singapore |
Eye Color : | hazel brown |
Hair Color : | black |
Food : | italian, japanese, western, indonesian |
Candy : | candy floss |
Number : | 7 |
Color : | blue, black, orange, white |
Drink : | coke, chrysanthemum tea, green tea |
Body Part on Opposite sex : | eyes |
Perfume : | NONE. |
TV Show : | shounen club, music station, utaban |
Music Album : | pieces - teppei koike |
Movie : | death note, death note: the last name, the heavenly forest, detective conan: a challenge letter to kudou shinichi, final fantasy vii: advent children |
Actor/Actress : | yamapi, hiraoka yuuta, oguri shun, ikuta toma, horikita maki, mizushima hiro |
This or That |
Pepsi or Coke : | coke |
McDonalds or BurgerKing : | burgerking |
Chocolate or Vanilla | chocolate |
Hot Chocolate or Coffee : | hot chocolate |
Kiss or Hug : | hug |
Dog or Cat : | dog |
Rap or Punk : | punk... but hate both. |
Summer or Winter : | winter |
Scary Movies or Funny Movies : | funny movies |
Love or Money : | love |
YOUR... |
Bedtime : | unfixed. between 11 pm - 2 am? |
Most Missed Memory : | primary 3 & 4 days |
Best phyiscal feature : | nose...? |
First Thought Waking Up : | what time is it...? |
Ambition : | editor (but dun think i'm anywhere towards there) |
Weakness : | food, j-dorama |
Fears : | God, horror movies =.= |
Cheated Your Partner : | no |
Ever been beaten up : | no |
Ever beaten someone up : | no |
Ever Shoplifted : | yes |
Ever Skinny Dipped : | no |
Ever Kissed Opposite sex : | yes |
Been Dumped Lately : | no |
Favorite Eye Color : | no specific color. brown? black? |
Favorite Hair Color : | black, brown.. no specific color either. |
Short or Long : | as long as it doesn't get past the shoulders. |
Height : | taller than me. |
Style : | cool. xP |
Looks or Personality : | of course, desirable ones. xP |
Hot or Cute | hot |
Muscular or Really Skinny : | midway, please. |
What country do you want to Visit : | japan |
How do you want to Die : | peacefully |
Been to the Mall Lately : | yes |
Get along with your Parents : | yes |
Health Freak : | no |
Do you think your Attractive : | no |
Believe in Yourself : | yes |
Want to go to College : | sorta |
Do you Smoke : | NO |
Do you Drink : | no |
Shower Daily : | yea |
Been in Love : | yea |
Do you Sing : | yea |
Want to get Married : | yea |
Do you want Children : | yea |
Age you wanna lose your Virginity : | after marriage |
Hate anyone : | actually... =X nah. dislike, yes. |
Take Survey | Create Survey |

Monday, September 03, 2007
11:05 pm
ah. scratch the previous post.
i think i know what i'll use this "blog" for now.
stuff you do when you're bored:
internet surveys!and stuff. haha.
---In your bedroom you have:
[ ] a television
[x] vcds
[x] dvds
[ ] Cd player
[ ] ps2
[ ] radio
[x] computer
[ ] laptop
[ ] fridge
[ ] bathroom
[x] picture frames
You are allowed to:
[x] party
[x] go to mall with friends
[x] eat unhealthy stuff
[ ] stay out til past midnight
[x] have ur own curfew
[x] pick ur own school
[x] buy ur own stuff
[ ] drive anywhere if you know how
[x] drink liquor
[ ] curse
Have you ever?
[x] talk back to ur parents
[ ] sneak out at night
[x] been "told" not "scolded"
[x] been out of the country
[x] shopped till u drop
[x] been given more money than u needed
[ ] felt u were heavily guarded
[ ] spent thousands in one store only
[x] made ur parent(s) cry
[x] yelled at ur maid (in indo when i was small ne~)
[x] have what u need
[x] get what u want
[ ] travel a lot
[ ] have a maid
[ ] have a driver
[x] get a high allowance
[x] do whatever u want
[x] have branded clothing
[ ] have a credit card
[x] eat whenever u want
[ ] ever scold you not following your curfew
[ ] give u EVERYTHING u want
[x] trust you
[ ] buy you things for the sake of buying them
[x] give you "extra cash" when you're out somewhere
[ ] think u should have the best and only the best
[x] want you to be happy
[x] help you
[x] love you
[x] pay for the mess you've made
30x2 % spoilt.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
12:26 am
Official AnnouncementFor main posts, please go to:
http://seiiki_akari.livejournal.com/This site will be inactive until further notice.This site will be used for miscellaneous posts.
You may update your links/bookmarks if you want.
See you there.

Saturday, September 01, 2007
7:42 am
okay people... sorry to trouble you or anything. =X
but i think i'm moving to LJ.
i only replaced the image of the current skin. =/
right now i can't make my own skin just yet but...
i hope time will allow. ^^
i won't delete this blog though.
it's where i put all my links after all. =P
and so far i can't put a tagboard in my Basic account's layout.
when i know how i'll choose the Plus account and put the tagboard there, i guess.
so for the moment you can use the one here.actually, you can post comments there. ^^
just click the 'comment' button.
so far there's 4 posts i think, from in the middle of prelims. =X
the newest one i just posted last night.
here's the new link -
seiiki_akari@LJ(intended) meaning of
sei'iki akari: light from the safe place. x)
relink me? xD