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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
5:36 am
my sis got a customised bear from her friend for her birthday which is like aeons ago.
then the topic came up.
mum: what do you want for your upcoming birthday?
me: i don't know~
mum: a yamapi poster? (lol)
my sis: i can give her that!
=_= my sis... she meant that she could *print* that out for me. =_=

Monday, August 13, 2007
5:56 pm
i got accepted at np!!! O_O
thank God!!
*still shocked*
and LOL!
my mum laughed when i told her i got F9 for chinese! XPPP
expected la hur..
but i dunno if i should try for clb..
today don't think abt it first la. =p

Sunday, August 12, 2007
9:04 pm
half-biased post ahead.
no offence, just an observation.
wth ok.
i heard a chinese song with a FINAL FANTASY beginning in popular just now, during my quest in trying to a book which i couldn't find after all. =.=
like, where in the world has all the creativity and originality gone to??
especially in mando pops. =.=
one song i heard was modified from london bridge.
another song i heard was modified from canon in d major a.k.a. pachelbel's canon.
a few others were modified from some english songs.
and now from Final Fantasy, the best OSTs ever!
to think i was so happy when i heard the song, just to end up with listening to some crappy song.
please la, more originality, people!
[random] i saw
a chicken fu ping in KFC. lol. jkjk.

Friday, August 10, 2007
10:25 pm
Tips Membuat Surat Lamaran PekerjaanSudah ribuan lamaran kerja dikirim tapi belum ada balasan? Mungkin salah satu tips dibawah ini adalah masalahnya..1. JANGAN TERLALU BANYAK MENGGUNAKAN SINGKATANDgn Hrmt.ttrk dgn ikl lwg krj yg dmt pd srt kbr edisi sls , sy brmskd mengisi lwgyg bpk bthkn,rdri thn 1999 - 2004 , sy tlh bkj di aptk km farma , di bag cln srv. drithn 2004-2005 , sy bkj di LC bank sbg kabag keu. dri thn 2005- smp skrg jd tkg pkr di BIp2. JANGAN TERLALU BANYAK LAMPIRANsebagai bahan pertimbangan bapak , bersama ini saya sertakan :a. foto copy KTP bapak sayab. pas foto saya waktu disunatc. surat kelakuan baik seluruh keluarga sayad. bon hutang selama 1 tahune. proposal permintaan sumbangan pembangunan mesjid di Rt saya3. BAHASANYA SOK GAULDgn hromat banget , boss!!!!halo boss , capee deeehhh!!!! apa kabar nich.....? baik baik aja dong ,iya kan iya dong , bener kan bener dong....? saya mo ngelamar kerjanich..boleh dong...please. ..boleh ya...?4. BAHASANYA SOK PREMAN.gue pernah kerja di kantor bokap, tapi lantaran gue sering bolos samasering ngegodain skertaris kantor, gue dikeluarin, setan banget deehhh!!!!makanya sekarang gue ngelamar kerja di kantor elo , ga usah khawatir soal jabatan deh.....gue sih yg penting dibayar gede sama elo. ok deh!! gue tunggu panggilan kerja! dari elo di rumah gue , kalo sampe tiga hari belom juga ada panggilan , elo bakal tau sendiri akibatnya... .!!!!!!!5. BAHASANYA SOK AKRAB.Dengan hormat ,hai apa kabar nih...? baik baik aja kan ...? saya juga ketika menulissurat ini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat, semoga kamu juga baik baik aja seperti saya disini. ngomong ngomong gimana kabar anak anak , sehat kan ..? istri pasti makin cantik aja.....salam aja ya buat mereka. oya ..hampir lupa, saya bermaksud melamar pekerjaan padaperusahaan kamu bisa kan?6. TERLALU RESMI DAN BERTELE TELE.Dengan segala hormat,Setelah saya membaca iklan lowongan pekerjaan di surat kabar ternama di ibukota yang oplagnya 3 juta exemplar per harinya , saya sangat tertarik sekali dengan iklan yang anda muat di halaman 16 kolom 6 seperti pada lampiran surat lamaran saya ini. oleh karena itu saya bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan tersebut dan juga sekalian harapan saya , dengan surat lamaran ini kita bisa mempererat tali silaturahmi antara kita berdua, bukankah dalam agama pun telah diterangkan betapa pentingnya arti sebuah silaturahmi.---LOL.

9:46 pm
de wa,
chotto matte kudasai ne.
then, everyone, please bear with it for awhile before i got the time to replace the html links.

4:47 pm
Tomorrow's going to be a SUUUUUPER LOOOOOOONG DAY for me... -sobs-
SS/Eng remedial from 9 to 12...
Chem tuition from 2.30 to 4.30...
Phy/A Maths tuition from 5 to 7...
So I'm making full use of today.... Hehe......
Actually, that's just an excuse. -shot-
Anyway I'm going to be so dead tired tomorrow... (~-~;)ヾ(-_-;) オイオイ...
I'm halfway into doing the E Maths paper 2... in which so far I've lost like, 22 marks? wth.
Don't even talk about A Maths.
I saw the first question and already I'm defeated. _| ̄|○
I'd rather do it with my tuition teacher tomorrow...
And dousuruuuu????
I can't find any extension question for Physics!!!
Not to mention I can't find my thinner booklet of the Phy examination questions...
From here on it's all about my *
silly stupid rantings. m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ
I'm liking Kato Kazuki... haha...
Sometime later I'll change the song to his when boomp3 stops being a b!tch, I guess.
He's a new actor/singer that I just found out about recently in Hotaru no Hikari.
He's not shuai or whatever, but he has the charms, I guess. XP
He's not the main protagonist... He may even be the antagonist! =P
Hajimete da yo~ Atashi wa konna hito no koto ga suki~But if Hotaru ends up with him, it'll be a dream come true! (*≧▽≦)
There's this rumour going on that Ryo will leave NEWS and gets replaced by Toma next year!!!
SONNA!!!! No way this can happen! PLEASE, REMAIN AS A RUMOUR!
I know Ryo's tired, being in 2 groups at the same time and all... BUT! BUT!!!
Ryo can't leave NEWS!! I'd rather he leave K8! >.<
And Toma deserves more than debuting in a DEBUTED GROUP!
Went to West Mall last Wednesday...
Bought Fruits Basket vol 22 which is my fav volume!!!
Why? Cause that's where all the confessions are in! \(^▽^*) (*^▽^)/
Next volume's the last one...(;_・)23's long you know...
It's the same length as Hana Kimi.
Okay, I definitely know how Arlha feels when Harry Potter has ended. (。_゜)〃ドテ!
And I also bought a set of YamaPi poker cards!( ´∀`)
And my mum knows me well -- that I won't even play with them and just stare... Hehe...
*... Okay, I find the word 'silly' very corny now. After endless times of hearing my sis say that to her bf/typing that to her bf in RO... ( ̄~ ̄;)ウーン・・・