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Sunday, July 29, 2007
8:43 pm
"You will only know one's true worth by the number of people who visit their funeral."
The church held a memorial service for Pdt Amin Tjung today, instead of normal service.
So instead of preaching, pak Tong called several people up to share their sharing of pak Amin.
Only about 3 weeks away from prelims!!!
I'm gonna be so dead.
And what the hell am I doing here when I'm supposed to be studying?
I -hope- this is my last post.
Till the prelims are over, at least.
I wonder if I should start studying in Gardenvista so that I can avoid the com here. =/
Was sick last Friday. And know what?
Since there was no Physics that day I thought I could rest at home.
To think Mr Lee just had to use the self-study period to conduct a remedial.
On Saturday I felt sooooo abnormally cold that Shawn even asked me why I wore a jacket.
Now I feel like puking. =.=
Tuesday. Omg.
Tuesday, tuesday, tuesday!!!!!
I got shortlisted for interview with Ngee Ann Poly!!!
It's my second choice, but now I think I'm pretty glad I got chosen for it instead of SP.
Omg I'm like damn scared la!!! x_X
I've to leave school earlier that day.
Will miss Physics again! ._.
And when will I take the A Maths retest?
Thank God before Physics it is Bio, though. *phew*
But I'm scared!!!!!! o(>< )o o( ><)oジタバタ

Sunday, July 22, 2007
10:42 pm
Sunday, 22 July 2007 - 08.30AMIn loving memory of:
Pdt Amin Tjung MTh(24 October 1965 - 22 July 2007).
Praise the Lord,
he was finally called to be by His side this morning after 2 years of suffering.
May his family keep strong in the absence of their loved one.
Luke 17:10bSo you also, when you have done everything you were told to do,
should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'
Note: He chose the Bible verse by himself.---
I don't know how to express how I'm feeling.
He was one faithful believer, husband, father and teacher.
He was the one who taught me all about the Reform movement.
If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be officially part of GRII now.
God bless Ibu Rita and their 3 young sons,
especially Ibu Rita and Ezra (14),
the eldest son who's got to bear all the responsibilities now.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
8:25 pm

colourful? x)
it's the result of 2 days of burning frenzy. =X

Monday, July 16, 2007
10:51 pm
I'm feeling rather random today.---
Thank you, dad for buying my sis and I a new DVD burner~!!
Finally, I can go on another "Burning Frenzy" and save some space on my hard drives. *phew*
The last time my computer was running short on space and I got warnings here and there was when only
1 point something megabyte was left.
*note: mega. not giga.* D:
I couldn't burn cause my DVD burner was acting up, and most of the
doramas left were more than 700mb for some of the episodes. =_+
The other thing is, I used up all my CD-Rs.
Aah~ I need more CD-Rs for the small episodes!
There's news that Tokyo was hit by a 6.8-Richter scale earthquake this morning. *_*
Tsunami warnings were given out everywhere around Japan. \(>o<)/ギャーッ!
And global warming is all but decreasing; it's getting more and more humid each day!!
Our earth's gonna die out really soon this way ne..
And July this year is really full of nice dates ne~
It's cause everyday is __/07/07.
And an additional plus point because 7 is my favourite number! xD
Firstly, there's 07/07/07 which is already over.
Then there are 10
20.07/2007, 30
7 definitely rocks. Haha.
But it's just my luck that everything-7 just had to be our 'O' Level year. (*´ο`*)=3 はふぅん
[EDIT: Prelims are on August! Not July! My bad. >.<]Everyday is so tiring. (;´ρ`) グッタ
I fell straight dead after the chinese listening compre just now.
Before I knew it, it's already 7.30 p.m.
Speaking of the listening compre...
Nothing new, of course, my answers were all wrong.
I didn't even understand any of the passages, anyway~ ¬_¬||
Somehow, the day passed by so quickly today.
Maa, ii ka~(*^^)/~~~~~~~~~~◎

Saturday, July 14, 2007
12:21 am
GIFs of the day!!! XD
[Edit: I made a new one today (27 July 2007)! xD]

and the two i made long, long time ago. x)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
11:09 pm
lol i feel so "refreshed" can. xD
accompanied my cousins who're going back to indo soon (T^T) swim at gardenvista from 9 to 10.30 just now. ^^
one thing i wish to do before i sleep.
(i miss these things lol.)
1) How old do you wish you are?-
17 and 3 months - 'o' level over n done with!
2) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?-
curse by heart =x
3) Do you count yourself kind?
saa~ i can be quite evil at times lol.
4) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
5) Do you know your neighbours?
6) Do you follow your horoscope?
7) Would you move for the person you loved?
... huh? like, move house? nah. unless married, d'uh.
8) Do you believe that opposites attract?
what, do you expect a girl to go out with a girl, or guy with a guy? sorry but i strongly object these things.
9) Favorite channel(s)?
animax, nat.geo
10) Favorite place to go on weekends?
hm. i don't mind staying at home. no fav place here.
11) Showers or Baths?
12) Do you paint your nails?
never tried. maybe next time. not interested in these things. ~_~
13) Do you trust people easily?
uhh. no.
14) What are your phobias?
hmm. none? but there are times when i'm afraid of heights when i'm standing on an escalator.
15) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
16) Where would you rather be right now?
on the bed.
17) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
you guess. actually, you already know, don't you? =_=
18) Heavy or light sleeper?
19) Are you paranoid?
not really, can be.
20) Are you impatient?
21) What's your favorite pick-up line?
i don't pick people up. and i certainly don't talk to things i pick up.
22) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?
23) What were you doing at midnight last night?
packed my school bag.
24) What did the last text on your cellphone say? Who was it from?
"A maths notes g yg integration ada ama u ga?" from Shanny.
25) Most recent movie you watched?
eeto... i quite forgot... sp3? nah. aiya. i forgot.
26) Name three things you have on you at all times?
wallet, handphone and watch.
27) What color are your bed sheets?
school song playing: "the white and the blue, the white and the blue..."
28) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
29) I can't wait till...
'O' Level is over.
30) How tall are you barefoot?
huh? =_=" u mean how long? didn't measure.
31) Do you own a gun?
32) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
33) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
probably still here.
34) Last thing you ate?
35) Does someone have a crush on you?
uh. no? and like, how'd i know?
36) What's your favorite candy?
ehh. none.
37) if you have three wishes, what would they be?
-o lvl over n done with
-whole family migrate elsewhere
-another million and one other wishes to wish for

Monday, July 09, 2007
6:28 pm
my mum wants me to try out for the DSA thingy. =/
maybe i'll stay in singapore after all. ¬_¬
for now (and ever), i'm trying out for 2 polys:
- SP - Diploma in Integrated Events and Project Management (DEPM)
- NP - Diploma in Facilities Management for Business (FMB)
Funny, these two courses are similar, but the one in NP didn't attract my attention simply because of the word 'business' there. =/

Sunday, July 08, 2007
7:19 am
what should i update about? =/
i forgot everything when i clicked
+new post, that's why i didn't update these past few days. =P
some inspirations from reading anelie's blog:
the progress monitoring program.
last week i had some trouble following the weekly plan, but i'll try to start from tomorrow onwards, i guess. for today, i've to make sure i do the bio paper ms seet wants us to do, and study for the e maths test tomorrow.
friday was the very first time we stayed back for the study program. it's made compulsory now, huh. =/ but i won't elaborate on this since everyone probably knows how it feels like already. surprisingly, i was put on the 'coping' side (AVT). but it's not much of a question anymore when ms seet divides the class simply into just 2 sections. lol.
oh, remind me to bring jacket on monday! x)
i had 'o' level oral on thursday too. =_=" i wasn't bothered too much about it until just before i entered the examination room. one of the examiner's eyes were so big and open that i became afraid, but i don't know why, i didn't try to look at the other examiner. i think she was too uninterested, that's why i didn't look at her. =/ passage was horrible. conversation wise, it's lucky enough that i understood the question: only 40% of singaporeans are exercising enough, what can you do to help them blax3.
before the oral started, someone wished me good luck, and hence started the endless teasing from edwin + anelie. =_=" and now it seems that for every different moment, a song goes along with it. lols. this one's quite funny, so i'm not complaining much. xD
hmm. i'll talk about yesterday then.
a distant relative of mine (that i hardly see), was a drug addict, but is now repenting and has finally agreed to stay in a rehabilitation centre here. (: thank God.
my grandmother said he's now a much better
kid person. ^^
i don't know how old he is, about 20+ i guess.
anyway, we were invited to the Breakthrough Mission's 24th Anniversary.
basically what you see in a normal church happened yesterday. singing + preaching + sharing by the people recuperating and alumni of the Breakthrough Mission.
well, the sharing part is not included in my church here, but there is a session for that in my church in indonesia (from the general).
only one thing was horrible.
the main service was held in
the language i hated.CHINESE!!!!!!!
only the preaching part was translated to english.
oh, and it's an indonesian, the deputy manager of Lippo Group, who made that preach.
considering he's in Lippo Group, you can tell he was talking about the economy trend, huh.
so i sort of lost interest, but still tried to listen. =/
we were seated outside under a tent on the grass... with fans, luckily.
so i was pretty restless yesterday. =x and busy flicking ants off my mom's pants. xP
there was a dinner buffet after that too, but it's just the local food. ~_~
apparently my grandmother, cousins and i didn't pretty like the food. =X
*hits oneself* i should be grateful enough to be given the food. lol.
yeah, anyway, that's all about it, i guess.
the rating was only 15.9%, but that's pretty above the average of other shows already.
in fact, this is the highest rating for the spring season~ yay! =DD
the 2nd highest was 14% and 11% and so on.
i prefer this version by MUCH, though only episode 1 has come out!!
a lot of CG was used here haha.
i watched it 4 times omg lol.
first, by myself, then, with my sis, then, with my cousin, and lastly with my mum. XD
it's very fun-filling! xD and the school was very...
ashiya mizuki (horikita maki), rui xi (ella) in the tw version, is a definite win. =D
she didn't act cute at all, which i SO LOOOOOOOOVE! xD
sano izumi (oguri shun), on the other hand, zuo yi quan (wu zhun) in tw ver, is also much colder here. no complaints! XD
shun wa yappari kakkoii na hito desu yo ne~~
i prefer nakatsu shuichi (ikuta toma) here much more than jin xiu yi (jiro?) also!
this one has the bad boy image, and i absolutely love the way he talks! x)
link to the opening song :
Ikenai Taiyou - by Orange Rangei'm still trying to find a place to dl the mp3 version, aside from
sendspace. =.=

"This dorama is fictional, please pardon the foolishness." xD
there was an airplane that shot the cloud out haha.

introducing the off-colour school. =P

ashiya mizuki (horikita maki)! she's a girl.

the crazy St. Blossom Gakuen's Hibari Four.

the gay umeda-sensei! so much hotter than the tw ver. xP

hanazakari no kimitachi e/ikemen paradise - episode 1

the 3 people in front:
nakatsu, sekime
(so hot here, so ugly in the manga LOL), nanba-senpai (mizushima hiro).

the ghost guy - kayashima (dunno who).

sano back then.

the school's principal, who didn't exist in the manga.

the one below nakatsu looks a lot like nakamaru yuichi! (and the koala or bird, torripi! xD)

the class. they had steps like in universities in the class! so cool~

before this there was the CG, haha.

sano izumi (oguri shun). xD
only took screencaps till this part. =/
nvm, basically it's much more fun and nicer than the tw ver! *shotforbeingbiased*
ok, fine, so the tw one was good for their own storyline (which i find was a bit too silly/act cute).
but IMO this is still nicer - cool, non-silly guys! xD
a lot of actors here are first-timers!
i bet they had to go through some selection/audition for the kakkoii ones with skills before they get to act here. xD