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Thursday, May 31, 2007
6:49 am
i'm feeling super high~~
at 6:51 AM in the morning~~
news on Hana Kimi just keeps on getting better and better!!
the number of hot guys keeps on increasing too! XDD (who am i to kid?)
it's said that Shirota Yuu's gonna be Sano (Oguri Shun)'s rival!
last time i saw U-kun was in Prince of Tennis' drama. HA.
another rumour is that TOMA
PI are going to sing Hana Kimi's OST! =DDD
nothing better than having Pi-chan reuniting with his best friend Ikuta Toma (appeared in the first episode of HYD2) to sing the ED (or was it OP?) of Hana Kimi! x)
people on d-addicts really got high hopes in Hana Kimi simply because many think the taiwan version sucked~~ (
with some biasness involved and that includes me LOL!!)
they are talking about it even in the YamaPi thread. haha~ XDD
there is this article from a HK tw version fan that dissed Shun. >.>
but that person's probably just trying to attract attention.
d'oh, HYD turned out to be so much better than MG. ha.
another good rumour is that NEWS is going to release a new single soon.
this is not confirmed, it's just a rumour, d'uh, but i can keep my hopes up. ^_^
it's been so long since Hoshi wo Mezashite was released~~~
and oh, i saw HwM single being sold in gramophone in takashimaya 2 days ago!! =DD
i thought of buying it, but since it's not the Le DVD version and i already have ALL the singles in it in my cpu, i thought, what's the point of buying? haha.
if i ever saw the next single, i think i'm gonna buy it.
and while on that topic, i also saw KAT-TUN's singles and KinKi Kids' albums in HMV 3 days ago! XD
so finally JE has spread to more places than just taiwan...
anyway, the reason people download stuff is because they can't find it
anywhere, but in the internet (more precisely anime, ne~).
so if it's (NEWS' singles) gonna be sold, i won't stop myself from buying haha.
heck, i only have 1 original CD thus far. xP
anyway my expenses on manga has been decreasing (due to the limited number of interesting ones being released here locally), so, yeah. ahaha.
and oh, Koyama Keiichiro's going to be in the japanese version of High School Musical this July? x_X
this, i'm not sure about whether it'll be successful. lol.
cause even i have to agree that his voice ain't all that wonderful, and the guy in HSM is definitely more handsome than kei-chan wahahahahaha.
school.......... sigh.
somehow just typing about it is such a drag.
maths on tuesday wasn't that bad.
it went by super fast.
but it's so stupid to have humpty dumpty (as angel calls him) teach you circle properties. =.=
like, he didn't even know how to solve a question either.
and he still keeps on talking about how we dunno the basics blahx3.
he assumes that just because his past students didn't know, we don't know that the sum of interior angles of a triangle adds up to 180 degrees.
just like how he assumed things last year.
and the way he looks at people.... URHHH!
on the other hand, mrs norman rocks.
i finally understand trigo! =D sort of, that is...
the currently-teaching-in-fajar teacher has succeeded in making me confused till a few days ago.
yesterday was humanities.
geography was as always boring (the way she teaches!).
i still like the subject, you know?
heck, that was my favourite subject in sec 1, 2 and 3!
that WAS always the subject that pulls my grades up.
right now i'm still totally clueless on agriculture.
social studies wasn't that bad. (=
a maths too.

Friday, May 25, 2007
2:32 pm
MS SEET!!!!!
what about philip??????
and for the rest of you who are clueless,
our very patient & honest & caring teacher (no sarcasm here, ms seet!) has told me to join her and maverick tomorrow in bukit batok CC to do chinese the whole day.
ms seet why can't u spare meeee??? :'(

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
7:15 pm
i'm SO NOT satisfied with the Hana Kimi ending of the taiwan version!!!
it's soooooo different from the manga!!!!!!!
sometimes i'm a bit ticked off by ella's acting...
and those corny add-ons of the class jokers just add oil to the fire!!!
and i just found out that many people hate the ending too...
so there's going to be a second season... but still! =.=
now, when i'm all this sad, the BEST news came in!!
the japanese Hana Kimi drama is CONFIRMED!!!! WOOOOT!!!!
it's no longer just a rumour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDD
and they are using the BEST actors!!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully the japanese version will stick to the manga!!!!!!!! xD
it'll be airing starting from 3 July!!!!!
nothing is better than having:
-Horikita Maki as Ashiya Mizuki
-Oguri Shun as Sano Izumi (well, it's not Ryo, but i've no complaints if he's going to be Shun!!! XD)
-Ikuta Toma as Nakatsu Shuichi
-Kimura Ryou and
MIZUSHIMA HIRO as 2 of the other casts!!!!!!!!!!
Edit! Hiro will be Nanba-senpai? ROFLS!!!!YATTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i began to love Hiro ever since i watched Kanojo to no Tadashii Asobikata SP!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he's the previously mentioned Suzuki-kun in Lovely Complex j-dorama~~~!!!
the best news ever.
i swear i won't be disappointed by this drama that has the best actors and actresses!!! XDDD
look, look, the wiki page is already up!!!
http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Hanazakari_no_Kimitachi_eHONTO NI SAIKOU NA KOTO NEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!!!!
http://wwwz.fujitv.co.jp/hanakimi/Edit! The rest of the casts are confirmed~~~ XDDD
Click on their names to see the actors/actresses.
Mizushima Hiro - as Nanba Minami
Yamamoto Yusuke - as Kayashima Taiki
Okada Masaki - as Kyogo Sekime
Kimura Ryo - as Nakao Senri
Konno Mahiru - as Hara Akiha
Kamikawa Takaya - as Umeda HokutoLMAO!!! the supposedly gay Hara Akiha is played by a GIRL!!!
but then again, considering his character in the manga... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
and pftt.. kimura ryo as nakao....... LMAO!!!!! HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAAA!!
well... this seems interesting....... pft.. can't... stop... laughing........... XDDDDDD
and i want to see how Umeda-sensei will be likeeeeeeeeeee!! XDDDDDDDDD
omoshiroi na... XDDDDDhahaha... *glomps*

Monday, May 21, 2007
4:19 pm
lols. i should make a warning like ferly, huh?
this post in entitled to my anime dehydration and fangirling of TegoMass and Tachibana Keita.haha.
baka janai?
i went to
gendou.com a few minutes ago cause it's been a long time since i went there.. x.X
i totally forgot about continuing my downloads for
Weiss Kreuz's songs haha.
ferly sort of reminded me about it on her blog lols. =/
a few surprises...
i totally don't know that
Tachibana Keita's
FRIEND is used in an anime (
Blue Dragon)!!!
[edit]Blue Dragon is by the same person who created Dragon Ball?? i forgot his name.. hee..[/edit]and, this is long ago, but,
Michishirube (his first single) is used in
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!?? heeh..
i'll see if any of the anime's any good haha.. but even code geass i haven't even continued watching... ~_~
and how come i didn't think of going to that site (
gendou.com) to get
TegoMass's single??!!!
rabukon's (
Lovely Complex) OP for goodness' sake -->
Kimi + Boku = Love?the one that i've been looking for everywhere... LOL.
it even has them (this, and
Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song) in TV size...
honto ni wasurechatta... ~_~
slight info: TegoMass is a duo from NEWS, consisting of Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa.
wanna know how they look like? d'oh, look nowhere else, they're in my blogskin haha.
right now i'll have to face reality and waste the next 4 to 5 hours of my life doing something stupid: chinese homework!
kisama no sensei-tachi... gave us 2 compo and 2 compre sets to do. wth la!
let me state it once more over here (though it's not actually gonna change anything =.=).
i hate mother tongue and i don't have the slightest bit of intention of even passing it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
3:12 pm
new layout!
but it's so plain!
but i took so long!
best viewed in Mozilla Firefox, screen resolution 1280x1024 px.
gomen, forgot to check how it'd look like in 1024x768 px before finalising, but it isn't too bad (i hope) lols.
now i'm too tired to change the cbox colour manually.
using the preset one though it's rather off-colour.
but oh well.
Pi is the love.
(flashy, eh? xP)

11:12 am
lmao. i found this in a website. read the following text and then click the link.
The mystery is finally resolved.
How does the small arrow on your computer monitor work when we move the mouse?
Haven’t you ever wondered how it works?
Now, through the miracle of high technology, we can see how it is done.
With the aid of a screen magnifying lens, the mechanism becomes apparent.
Click on the link below and you will find out! The image may take a minute or two to download and when it appears, slowly move your mouse over the light gray circle and you will see how the magic works.
Follow this link and! find out the truth.
And the link:

9:09 am
it's been so long since i dreamed something ne~
and this time i can remember it too haha.
but it's a pretty weird dream.
yi wei (i just realised he's the only guy whom i called by his chinese name though he has an english name lols. i don't know why.) and
dixie appeared in my dream?!
talk about randomness.
the last time i ever saw them was 3 to 4 years ago! x|
so the setting was in this restaurant, i think.
and there was a small bomb in the toilet lols.
then it seemed dixie and i were inside.
now, how come dixie's in a girl's toilet?or if the victim was a man, why was i in a boy's toilet?was the toilet unisex? hahaha~yea, this victim was badly burnt in the left side of the face (harry in spiderman 3? LOLS!).
hmm... then the toilet was out of bounds to everyone it seemed, but the 3 of us (yi wei, dixie and i) could go in... some kinda investigators? haha.
then a woman 'cried' outside the toilet, and tried to enter the scene, ne, but she was blocked by dixie~
she said she's the victim's gf/wife/wdv and that yi wei allowed her to go in.
so i helped dixie to block her by pulling her wrist when she tried to enter again. (very detailed ne...)
then suddenly the woman snickered, saying that people like yi wei who allows people into the crime scene is unreliable or something and that she only wanted to test the 3 of us, not even caring about the victim.
rubbish lah hahaha.
that's some stupid dream.
and then i woke up after that.
recently my family friend came from indonesia.
one of them is my childhood friend since we were 5 years old (11 yrs already?).
she's 8 months older than me, has an australian dad, thai mom and a li'l sis.
last time i saw her was... 4 to 6 years ago?
and we found a lot of similarities! xD
maybe i turn out the way i am now is because i used to play with her everyday? =x
both of us:
-love manga & anime to boot
-love suzuki-kun in the lovely complex dorama(!!!)
-hate chilli like hell
-hate horror movies
-don't like pink
-our best science subject is physics
-love basketball
-have no fashion sense (LOLS!)
-prefer harry in spiderman 3 rather than that peter parker
-are indecisive
-don't get along with my bro
-tend to belittle small stuff that we think are easy (this, my bro too)
hahaha there are a few others more but i forgot what they are.
she's super intelligent and a quadrilingual (sp? does the word even exist?) person!
as in, she knows 4 totally different languages.
indonesian, thai, english, japanese.
sugoii~~~!!!then we were like, talking in 1/3 english, 1/3 indo, 1/3 japanese.
anyway, she came to play yesterday.
we watched lovely complex (both (1st ep) anime and dorama lols), 1st ep of death note anime, beginning of death note: the last name and 10th epi of la corda d'oro until 3+. XPPP
we forgot about lunch. lols.
we ate lunch in jurong east and then we went ice-skating.
saw this girl who used to be in choir... ¬_¬
seemed her friend was having a birthday..
but i'll admit her friends are pro-skaters! x.X
then there were these 3 other (unrelated) people who were... totally enjoying themselves.
1 old man, 2 young guys (1 ugly, 1 has style xP). they were skating in a line.
the old man's movements were breathtaking okay... like, really.
he was literally dancing, spreading his arms and all, oblivious to others, like the whole skating rink was his own world.
i felt like taking video la haha.
anyway, i fell down once yesterday while speeding.
a lot of the ice melted yesterday and i
just had to fall on the watery area.
and it hurt like hell. ¬_¬ my elbow bled lols.
after skating we bought tickets to spiderman 3 @ 8:45.
then we brought my friend to the national library, but we bumped onto another family friend of mine, so my parents chatted with them in the cafe till 8:40. ~_~
no dinner! so we bought a super large popcorn~ =/
finished at 11 pm, then we sent my friend back home.
drove in to McD to buy dinner then we finally went home.

Friday, May 18, 2007
3:43 pm
i should try updating my blog, ne~
i'm currently very hungry cause it seems that my sis forgot to bring down the food from the car and now the car is in a far away place.
results are out and as i expected, they suck.
no As this time round. blah.
mother tongue intensive program is a waste of my time.
i'd rather be in the same class as anelie and learn other subjects.
what for spend so much time on a useless subject that's not going to be passed?
during the 4 to 5 hours that's already over i nearly fell asleep for countless times.
enough of this "chinese is important..." or "without it u won't be able to..." blahx3 crap.
know what's so ironic about today's compre?
it's about whether people really think chinese is boring blahx3.
the thing is, while doing i yawned like a million times and nearly fell asleep halfway.
heck, i slept after i finished the paper.
now what have i been doing these past few days...
gone to town, finished reading anelie's book, photoshopped, made gifs...
ahhhh i want to learn more PS skills~~

Friday, May 11, 2007
3:13 pm
whoa. i can actually suddenly randomly remember 3 of my primary school friends' birthday today. after 3 years of forgetting. xP
anyway, happy birthday to:
- chua yi wei ian, the crazy bball freak guy in ctss who liked to tease me ever so much.
- one of my good friends chay shu xian who's now in krss. x)
- and lastly badminton pro leonard chua wang jie who's in god-knows-where. *cough*
but none of them knows i know their birthday lmao.
so actually what's the point of writing? hmm...
gawd i miss those times!!!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
7:04 pm
some quizzes i just took while taking a break...
when was the last time i did this? ¬_~
You Are Indigo |
 Of all the shades of blue, you are the most funky, unique, and independent. Expressing yourself and taking a leap of faith has always been easy for you. |
You Are 24% Evil |
 A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
Your EQ is 100 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
i guess i'll give a *'short' update of how terrible my exams have been..
and it's going to continue till next week.
subjects i'm confident in: none. not even english, not even physics, not even geography.
basically, every paper i've taken was a failure, and still is going to be a failure.
i'm forcing myself to try liking chemistry again, i guess.
i can't fail that after all.
despite how bad my a maths is (very bad to the point where i've gotten Fs before), though, i still can't seem to hate it. surprising ne?
papers left: 5.
now, some people probably have been thinking why i look so indifferent even after some horrible paper.
the thing is, your paper's done. and there's nothing else you can do to change it (especially when you just realise you know the answer after the paper's been passed up).
you can only wait till the paper is returned to you, then you can start doing something about it.
just being crazy about it after your paper's finished doesn't change a thing, and is not going to.
so it's not that i don't care or anything.
oh yeah. my blog's now 2 years old!
it's actually officially 2 yrs old on May 5th but,
just like last year, i forgot on the day itself cause it's the exam period. =.=
a few days before i actually remembered that this day was coming, yet i forgot again.
sigh. one of the bad things about MYE.. they make you forget stuff!
(just like today's geog paper. =.=)
*short enough?
or did i get carried on and rambled again?
how short is
short anyway?