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Saturday, April 28, 2007
9:17 am
these 2 moths came to my house some time ago. cool, eh?
a same specie of the second one attached itself onto my skirt during flag lowering when i was in primary 5. =_=||
now these are the rest of the photos.

Monday, April 23, 2007
6:34 am

Sunday, April 22, 2007
11:37 am
Here are the links for the photos:
Original photos - 247.56 MBMegaUploadCompressed, resized and corrected - 33.03 MBMegaUpload |
MediaFireThese photos are zipped by WinZip.
Ask me if you don't know how to unzip/view them.
You probably know already, though. =/

7:48 am
before i hit the books...
something stupid happened in the bus yesterday.
in the bus, steffi was sitting with arlha, and i was sitting alone across of them as usual.
a few bus stops later, a guy came in and sat beside me.
a while later, this fart smell can me smelled around us, and we suspect it's the guy beside me.
then in indo i said: "jgn2 org sebelah gw nih.. tadi gw rada ngeliat dia ngangkat diri.."
which translates to: "maybe it's the person beside me.. i saw him lifting himself up a bit.."
i said the second part softly, dunno why.
then steffi really said it.
the second part of what i said, i mean.
the three of us laughed like siao.
then it was normal again............
THEN he received a phone call, and he replied to that person:
"*smthsmth* ntar ketemuan di *smthsmth*"
it's like omg i was super shocked that he's indo can.
i was watching stuff so my head was facing downwards...
then i suddenly shoot up.
arlha & steffi asked me what happened.
then i dunno what to say cause if i say in english, he surely will understand.
if i speak in indo, he probably can also understand (at first i wasn't sure..)!
then a&s suspected that what i meant was that he's indo.
i'm super embarrassed la!
by this moment he was sitting with his back facing my side.
i laughed secretly till my whole face turned heaty red and tears even came out okay.
the worst thing is i saw the guy himself trying to resist his smile!!!!!!
rofl. that's probably the funniest & most embarrassing thing that's ever happened in my life.
we alighted at the same bus stop and he went down really quickly haha.
and i was so in a daze so i forgot to tap my ez-link again. =.=
i'm using the adult ez-link cause i had no change and my ez-link is lost, remember?
anyway, i'll just cut short on the rest.
went towning with arlha, steffi, edwin, diana, angel and maureen.
but somehow i'm -still- not cut out for the narcissistic part. =/
this will take a long time. lol. i'm the
last man standing.
when the rest already went home, edwin and i stayed with angel and maureen to wait for their friend and her bf.
i still dunno her name. (maybe angel also?)
then my parents fetched me and told me to postpone the tuition till 8.
turned out my teacher's not feeling well, so the next time i see her is on tuesday.
then my sis was all moody, then i became moody, had dinner, then i told them the stupid thing that happened in the bus, then everything was well again. *phew*
then my sis went with her bf, and my parents and i went to lido.
bought tickets for this korean movie,
200 Pounds Beauty.
i insisted on watching to release my stress. ~_~
super funny la.
but i scared i'd be like her omg.
really. must. go. on. a. diet.
currently uploading pics to com.
i'll put up a few here, then i'll just zip them up and upload them to some uploading site.
then you go download from there.

Friday, April 20, 2007
9:25 pm
Speech Day's today!!!
and this marks the last practice and performance for choir! T_T
i certainly do no wish to go back to my studies...
but what the heck, i've no choice. =.=
oh yea, they announced the new choir ex-co members today!
so from today onwards i'm officially no longer the choir vice-president.
pretty sad, but it's okay. haha.
instead, clarice becomes the VP now, and jasmine takes over her place as the president.
hmm, the ex-co this year is pretty huge, especially considering the fact that we have so few members now. =/
the seniors, carene and hilary (and hui yi and eileen and amanda i think) joined us to sing Celebration of Life today! =D
actually i have quite a few pictures to be posted up,
but i have to recharge my camera first, so, be patient! x)
i ate a LOT, LOT, LOT, LOT, LOT of stuff today!!! O_O
so much so that it's uber scary.
at 4 a.m. this morning when i was scratching my head and going crazy doing e maths probability homework, i got so starved up that my tummy growled super loudly. so i went to the fridge, took out a packet of five-star's (shop name) chicken rice, heated it and then ate it.
then after school today for a span of between 11.30 AM to 7.30 PM, i ate a total of 5 small different pizzas, 1 drumlet, 1 wing (1/2 section of the wing, i dunno what that's called), plate of fried rice and 2 fish balls. cool, eh?
THEN, for dinner, i ate 3 spoons of chicken rice (five-star too), veggie, 2
you tiao and fruiiits!!!
omggggg i really need to limit myself.
stop gorging myself with food!
don't fall to temptations!!!
i need someone to remind me. =/
and begin to lose weight, please, kezia.
you've been doing nothing buy gaining more pounds for yourself lately.
aaa... err... gee.
know i have something else to post about today.
but i completely forgot what is it about.
in just, like, 3 minutes ago? ._.
oh well.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
12:20 pm
i'm in MRL! ms seet, you have no right to stop me from blogging since i've completed your worksheet. =D
anyway, i wanna say that since everybody practically knows already, i'm just gonna say it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
7:21 pm
syf. wtfomg i actually "cracked" during the arirang performance? it's totally shitty, okay, the whole performance... (for me, at least, since it wasn't my best perf.) and the results... we'll see tmr (actually, i know already, but i'm supposed to keep it a secret till tmr ~_~). good news? bad news? i'm not supposed to say it here. but i think you can tell already? keep guessing.
okay. so how do i really feel about choir (since everyone has shared their part of the story of missing it next time)? with this friday's speech day being our very last performance and all. honestly, since my primary school days i've always
likedloved being in choir. so it was no different during all these times. i don't think this comes as a surprise ne, since i was always the one who is "most excited" as they say, whenever there is practice..
i was in the choir in church in p4 till p6, choir in sec 2 till now, and am planning to join the choir in church again next year.. so honestly i don't find choir all that unbearable, especially when you have everyone like CHIPmates over there (
dan si 'dia' dulu.. hehehe.. xP klo ga tau mah keterlaluan namanya..). and especially also when we still have angel, diana and ervin with us..
sigh. anyway, i'm gonna bloody hell miss choir. being truthfully honest, here. i'm sooooooo not ready to face my books right now. you know, i use choir as an excuse partly to put aside my books first. i just don't want to face reality. one where you have to study damn hard
(for nothing). seriously, you study NOT so you can learn more, but it's for the mere sake of surviving in this world where nothing is free. it's just a delusion. here you use "gain more knowledge" as
the excuse to not lose out with the world. i mean, it's human nature and instinct to find ways to survive, and this is just one of the ways.
then blah, blah, blah... i shan't go on to the details. you'll be bored to death, and will be made crazy by my warped thinking.. maybe next time. since i'm also no longer in the mood to blog, and i want to eat. heeh.

Saturday, April 14, 2007
8:23 am
2 straight unlucky days for me!
2 DAYS AGO:let's see.. it's thursday, ne?
hmm... my unlucky happeningS today ARE...
i lost my EZ-link card in the bus in the morning!!!
the thing is, went i boarded the bus, i already tapped the machine!
then i sat down at the most frontal seat of SBS 170.
the next thing i felt was something went missing on me.
and tadaa- my EZ-link is gone.
after school.
me, anelie, steffi, arlha, shanny, lele, edwin, eddiek, robinson, prashant, thomas went to shanny's house to take a basketball.
on the road, the baby star i just bought burst open and 99.9% fell onto the ground!
halfway while crossing the road, at that. urgh!!
then it rained, so we played UNO instead with dina without the guys except edwin.
it took 1 to 2 hours and the game still hasn't ended! haha.
only anelie, arlha and i managed to finish our cards~ xD
YESTERDAY:stupid friday the 13th. (not that i believe it)
weather just had to be freak with continuous rain and sun.
it's like, it changes every 1 hour.
scratch that, sports day was not just 1 hr. =="
and cause it's sports' day, many people lost their voice.
(just great. syf, getting a silver is now totally impossible. -.-)
what's worse is, they released us 1 and a half hour later than scheduled.
and so we could only buy our food for take-away cause there was choir soon.
worse, it rained again. we had to run all the way to school. =.=
and cause we were late, told to eat in 10 minutes, MY FISH FELL ONTO THE FLOOR!!!
great. just great.
whoever hates me, will be really happy to hear that. =.=

Monday, April 09, 2007
3:50 pm
great. fever.
after studying for dunno how many hours for chemistry.
i actually studied for more than 4 hours yesterday...
(though i know i still have the least bit no confidence =/)this lazy kezia actually managed to do that for a
not exam.behold, the power of chemistry. =_="
actually i was unwilling to study
(since it's chem) and wanted to do the english compre first.
but even
greater, my english compre was left in class. =.=
the only thing i'm willing to do is not with me.
kuso.and there is choir today too!!!
i don't want to miss any practice.. =/
i mean, honestly, choir isn't all that bad...
on the brighter note, today is yamaPi's 22nd birthday! x)
who, by now, who reads my blog, doesn't know about yamaPi? xP
i made a banner while taking a break from studying. hehehe...

actually i wanted to make the bg doraemon rofls.
it's his favourite anime character. hahaha~
but i decided not to...
now i'm
impatiently waiting for
Propose Daisakusen (aka Operation Love) starring yamaPi to air in Japan on the 16th of this month, get it subbed by some group in D-A and then watch it!!!
lols, it's no longer the high-school boy image anymore~ =P
but still,
cho kawaii!! i don't like the girl, though. -.-
why didn't they use Maki-chan to be the female lead??! mou..
here's the HUGE advertisement in Shibuya station in Japan:
life-size yamaPi! lols.
now, if not only that lady hadn't been there...

Saturday, April 07, 2007
5:45 pm
changed my blog layout.
featuring... yamaPi (again)! XP
twiddled the css a bit here and there.
as u can see my fs is also of these shades.
that's cause my favourite colour is
blue (if you don't know that already)!
any shades of blue haha~
i don't know what's wrong with me.
the whole day i've been feeling super feverish.
angel and edwin asked if i wanted to go to bugis with them.
lele and nadya asked if i wanted to eat ice cream with them in 6th avenue.
accepted (cause lele was going to treat me), but cause of rain,
what a day~~
gtg. ja.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
3:00 am
made a new FS footer pic. =/
didn't turn out as good as i wanted though...
(and yes, this is me taking a break from hw.)
*look at the time stamp again*
this, is an email from my dad. lols.
just had to be sent to me after a disgusting a maths test on differentiation. ¬_¬"
and was yesterday my lucky/unlucky day or what?
my 2.4 timing is the best in my life which is 16:10...
which is other people's slowest timing in their life.
how saddening.
then there was no chinese remedial, but anelie had her own stuff to do, edwin already left, etc.
so i went to west mall (alone at first, then saw hidayah + qy in the bus stop) to buy Zig x Zag v5.
ate lunch in BK with them (when was the last time i stepped into BK? ~_~), buy the manga, went to popular, bought chocolates for tmr's chinese lesson. the one that sanny bought in cine.
addictive.went home after that...
and in the bus stop i alighted, i saw daniel (the one from HSS) and dean.
daniel was like, grinning like an idiot
(as usual?). =/ lols.
dean asked me how i know there was no chinese rem.
did he think there actually was and waited in school? haha.
reach home liao i bathed then sleep till 11 PM.
if not i really will have no energy to do geog hw.
sighh. am i turning into a nocturnal human being now?
like my bro. heeh...