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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
5:44 am
yes, yes, it IS
5:39 AM now.
and yes, it's my
and yes again, it's
not my wish to wake up at this time in the morning.
no, i
can't sleep again no matter how hard i tried.
blame it on my
daily routine of waking up at this time just to make it on time to school.

Monday, September 25, 2006
7:20 pm
just short wishes:
happy birthday to
jessica and
zhi yun (25/09),
and happy belated b'day to
shaun (24/09)~!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006
10:51 pm
changed to a new skin after so long. =/
i couldn't find a suitable skin on blogskins.com.
even this i'm not so satisfied, but it's the best i can find for divs skins.
there was a new
very nice HIKARU HITACHIN skin there, but after i put everything up, the alignments are wrong, BOTH in IE and Mozilla FireFox!!! T^T
retreat with remaja this morning in fort canning park.
theme's friendship and stuff. =/
nice \(^_^)/, but lazy to type. m(_ _)m
just summarise:
there were games + sharing + fellowship.
yeah. usual stuff.
after retreat went to PS with my sis to wait for my mum.
called her so many times but she didn't pick up.
in the end we waited for 3 hours in PS doing nothing.
but we managed to buy a present for jessica.
and there's that shop downstairs.
the live action one?
whatever that's called, i forgot.
yeah, over there i heard bleach's OP, D-tecnolife (TV Version). XD
and other shops also on some J-pop songs.
Niiiiice~ XD
after my mum fetched us, we ate in bukit timah market.
then we went to world of sports in west mall.
bought a new spalding basketball and a mizuno volleyball! =D
bball's for me, vball's for my sis.
dunno since when she loves it more than bball.
we lost our previous bball while moving house. =/
but it's okay now cause we get a better one.
\(^_^)/ waii~~
after we reached home i tried adding something more to the HCI presentation
weI am doing.
damn the guys, they never do anything.
and my computer's acting up too.
it can't open the file from the thumbdrive.
and it can't open the pictures from the camera.
AND it doesn't allow me to watch Millionaire's First Love.
edwin lent me that, but it only works in my sis' com, and she isn't lending me hers,
it doesn't even play on the REAL cd/dvd player.
what the hell?
monday's e maths test.
that freaking topic.
i don't understand (!!!) the obtuse/acute angles!!!
i was absent/away from class when that was taught. T^T
and the week after's already EOY exams.
and i've no freaking comment.
things i got to do before and during the exams:
-STUDY, damn it.
-do PHY and BIO projects.
-STOP going out.
-STOP giving in to my evil temptations of touching the com (which is impossible).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
8:49 pm
one house.
three people.
one sickness.

Friday, September 15, 2006
11:23 pm
Happy birthday to the following people:
-michelle (05/09)
-norfi (06/09)
-ME! =D (07/09)
-ting ju (07/09)
-gary (07/09)
-faeeqah (08/09)
-dwi (09/09)
-vicky (11/09)
-salman (12/09)
-steffi (13/09)
-uncle teguh (14/09)
-shawn (14/09)
-septiana (15/09)
-teck tee (15/09)
-ervin (17/09)
-uncle theo (18/09)
-tiffany (19/09)
-shaun (24/09)
-jessica (25/09)
-zhi yun (25/09)
God bless! =D
Anyone i missed? ;]
EDIT: just added shaun and jessica! i just remembered... =/

Sunday, September 10, 2006
1:02 pm
Name 11 people you can think of right now in your head.
*three of which must be the opposite sex*
After that tag at least 5 people to do this.
1. Angeline
2. Arlha
3. Ervin
4. Anelie 5. Steffi
6. Edwin
7. Diana
8. Xin Mei
9. Endi
10. Qiao Yang
11. Wei Yi
1. How did you meet 10?
2. What would you do if you never met 2?
if i never met anyone, not just her, then i wouldn't even know that person exists to change my life, so i won't do anything. XP
3.What would you do if 9 and 11 dated?
LOL!!! they don't even know one another.
4. Do you like 7?
sure ^^
5. Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
... hard to imagine.
6. Describe 3.
i treat him like a younger bro~ tralala. hahaha. he's nice.
7. Do you think 8 is attractive?
of course~ =D
8. Tell me something about 9.
too innocent. lols.
10. Whats 5's favourite things?
her piggie doll which is hung on her bag? haha. i think. =/
11. What would you do if 10 confesses he/she likes you.
i'd run away. hahaha.
12. What language does 6 speak?
let's see... what's that called? hakka? o.O and indo, english, malay, blah.
13. Who is 9 going out with?
nah, no one. hahaha.
14. How old is 8 now?
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5. count.
15. When was the last time you talked to 1?
erm. a week ago. before i went back to indo.
16. What is 2's favourite band/singer?
hmm.. not sure.. i know she LOVES K-stuff.
17. Would you ever date 7?
no. XP
18. Would you ever date 11?
no. XD
19. Have you ever seen 8 naked?
no~ hahaha. siao.
20. Name five people to pass this on to.
1. anelie
2. arlha
3. deborah
4. diana
5. wan ru
sorry, guys~ ^^

12:11 pm
i'm back from indooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((
honestly, i'm super sad!! T^T
after a week of super happiness i'm back to this hell again.
school, homework, annoying accents, same food everwhere.
my mood really became super bad again after i stepped down from the plane. =.=
be patient, kezia, patient...ur dad's going to san fransisco tomorrow...just hope the family will be dragged there after some time (a few years, more likely =.=)...zzz.
hmmz. jakarta. i love.
1 week of fun and FOOD!!!
let's see..
over this 1 week i managed to eat:
[indo name // english description]-
bakmi GM // GM (brand name) noodles.
hoka hoka bento // jap food. =D
bakso ragil (in KPS! XD)
// erm. beefballs? or chicken balls? =X with noodle and bee hoon.
siomay bandung (KPS!! =3)
// bandung siew mai.
ketoprak // er.. there's fried tofu, cucumber, tauge, bee hoon and... smth which name i forgot, with satay(i think?) sauce.
sate // satay! d'uh.
// crepe. d'uh. lol.
gurame goreng di sari kuring
// indo food restaurant which serves my favourite fried gurame [type of fish]! XD
opor // dunno how to describe.. chicken.. in santan[coconut milk]-nified soup? lols.
gandul // erm.. chicken.. in a lighter soup.. brown/red colour.. hya~ dunno.
mee goreng // fried noodles but in different style for here. =/ different type of noodles and much nicer! XD
otak otak // otah otah but made of fish cake and definately NOT spicy. X3
eat drink
super nice coffee topped with caramel and whipped cream in bengawan solo.
*for those who dunno, KPS is the school i went to in indo for playgroup, kindergarten and primary 1 and 2. =D
and lots more. haaaa! XD just like heaven~
hmm... sari kuring was the restaurant where my b'day celebration was held [my birthday's on 7, but celebrated the next day~]. those who came are all my relatives. 30 people. XD practically
everyone from my dad's and mom's side was there!!! except for those who are in US, including my bro. =/
why i love birthday parties in indo? presents. gehehe.
i dunno why, but 90% of the presents i got are t-shirts. =X
the rest gave money. hehehe.
yes, that was so far the best birthday i've had and will remember~ XDD
guess how much i spent for my manga~?
about $106. whoa.
my monthly allowance is only 3/4 of it.
the rest got covered up by my b'day $$ present. XD
i bought about 45 manga. ^^
i thought, heck, 1 manga in singapore costs 4 times the price in indo~
so i'll just buy less here, more there! XD
yup, i'm crazy.
i've been told that too many times. XDD
like my grandmother said,
my bro's obsession: girls
my obsession: manga
my sis' obsession: clothes