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Thursday, August 31, 2006
11:56 pm
right. remember me saying that i was gonna update about HCI in the next post? well, i lied.
partly. i'll just give a summary~ and then i'm going to say some stuff about my progress report this term.
bad stuff.
HCIgroup members: [aes] me, kean wai, shaqif, maverick, [hci] zhao bo, jing yu, erick, wen jia.
8 of us. =x actually, we're only supposed to have 6 in a group, but we prefer it this way. for some reasons.
gehehe. anyway, it was fun.
[day 1] monday:
-intro to waves
-superposition of waves
-conditions for a standing wave pattern
-interference fringes
-viewing a light source through a rainbow glass
-3 practicals
[day 2] tuesday:
-diffraction of light
-5 practicals
[day 3] wednesday:
-interference of light
-3D pictures/glasses
-3 practicals
[day 4] thursday:
-reflection hologram
-transmission hologram
-1 practical (made a hologram =D)
[day 5] friday:
-spatial filtering
-2 practicals
now as for my results, they're as i expected.
that's what i call my *the* worst results ever.
and it is, indeed, the worst results in my whole life.
i practically got each of most of the grades.
A1, A2, B3, C5, F9.
English - A2 [well, gotta do better. this is one of my fewest subjects that i can rely on anyway.]
Chinese - F9 [same ol' thing.]
E Maths - B3 [like, wth? it's
E maths and i don't even get an A for it.]
A Maths - F9 [my new record! it's the first subject to get me lower than chinese! 10 out of 100, cool eh? =.= yes, i do realize my slacking has to stop right now.]
Physics - A2 [gawd, i love this subject. compared to the rest of the sciences, anyway.]
Biology - B3 [surprising.]
Chemistry - C5 [i hate this.]
Comb. Humanities - A1 [i LOVE this.]
enough about this.
went to have lunch in west mall's food court with angeline just now.
reached home, watched some
Bokura ga Ita episodes.
went to ang mo kio with my dad.
he [and my mum] got me a Panasonic FX01
LUMIX camera for my birthday this year.
Leica lens.
then fetched my mum from my office.
reached home, watched more of BgI episodes.
went for a BBQ in my mum's friend's place.
that's all i did for today
a few days ago i watched Kimi wa Petto on youtube!
all 10 episodes! XD
not anime.
matsumoto jun rocks can!!!
oh gosh. X3
i want more matsujun~~~
more dorama~~~
the ending theme was Darling by V6!
i'm going to indo tomorrow afternoon! =D
with my sis.
my parents will be going on tuesday.
but i didn't follow what i said again.
haven't started doing homework at all.
=/ gonna do some on the plane.
gonna convert my monthly allowance to rupiah.
buy a LOT of manga (i hope) as many as i can!!!
to replace those i should have bought in june!
i didn't go back last time. =7
yup, so this is my last post before i go indo~
the next one will be in more than a week's time, i guess~
i don't think i can use the internet in indo this time.
my aunt who has the fairly fast internet is going to the villa with us! XD
mata ne~

Thursday, August 24, 2006
8:06 pm
i feel so much better after eating an ice cream. =D
my favourite. X)
my tongue was burnt after a super hot macaroni soup during lunch.
my mouth was so bitter after i woke up from my so-much-needed afternoon nap.
my tummy was so noisy after waking up too.
now, things i got to do:
-STUDY for E Maths test.
-STUDY for A Maths test.
-STUDY for Social Studies test.
-STUDY for Chemistry test.
-STUDY for Biology test which should be coming soon.
my head's gonna explode, i tell you.
study, study, study, study, study.
after a week of relaxing in HCI.
fun! =D
thanks to the antics of
one two(?) gay
(s) partner, initially E and J.
i've cried from laughter for the past 3 days.
the people in HCI:
-WONG YANG!!! [ex-classmate in HSS]
you're like as tall as ever, okay...
he saw me walking up the -dreadful- slope this morning. =X
-kevin seng(?). [ex-schoolmate in CPS]
as small as ever. =x
i saw him sitting down in the clock tower on the first day.
never got to be classmates before in my all of my primary school days.
simply cause he was too smart, and i was never in the first class before.
-jing yu. [current sec 3 guy in HCI]
nicknamed "the cool guy"
by shaqif.
he's like, the most normal guy out there.
and while he's 'the cool guy', initial E is nicknamed 'the cute guy'.
people who look/sound like:
-aaron lai(?). [ex-classmate in HSS]
i forgot your surname. =/
a guy named
your similarity scares the hell out of me.
-sebastian ng.
it's your accent and the way you talk.
a guy named
zhao bo.
the voice, the words you used and your appearance are too distinctive. =x
oh, and the way you stare blankly at something...
-eugene then.
your faces...
too alike.
even the specs!a guy named
yes, he's the one mentioned above, initial J. =X
the way you two keep quiet the same way also scares me.
-joshua choo.
uh. no comment.
a guy named
wen jia.
both of you are short and you sound alike sometimes. =/
luckily wen jia's not as weird and unintellectual and lame as JC. ^^;
for what i did during the 1 week in that school, i'll probably write about it in the next post.
the experiments/practicals, lessons and stuff.
lastly, i wanna wish
my cousin koko reynard and
my grandmother a

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
10:53 pm

Friday, August 18, 2006
11:11 pm
next week i'll be going to HCI...
dunno whether i should be happy or not.
on one hand, i'll get to learn some pretty interesting stuff (for me, at least).
but on the other, i'll miss 1 whole week's worth of lessons!!!
to think that my standard's now lower than before... T_T
and on monday i'll still have to take the physics test, so i have to get back to school.
and also the e maths test... i heard it was super difficult!!!
i missed it because the Japanese came today and we were down for duties.
arlha and i were put in charge of science exploration centre at the last minute.
supposed to be darryl, but he wanted the library.
they stayed in study room first to watch a presentation by alicia and rasyiqa.
then the SCs brought them around to SEC and library and D'Light Hse and NE room.
SEC: 2 of the girls told me that the ping pong ball in Japan is bigger than the one they saw in the room. lol. i was like telling them that one of the projects was to produce our own water... new water la. but they didn't understand... =( so i only said "
mizu, mizu" since i only know that water is
mizu in japanese. hahaha. =p stupid.
then it was break time?
it was unclear of what was happening... ._.
so we just brought them to the canteen till 11.
then we played basketball! =D
then we watched the jap's presentation.
i hardly understood what they were saying. X+
but there were pictures. phew.
they also let us hear their cheer.
sugoii na!!!!!!!!!!!!
the small girl was so loud!! x.X
after the presentation we ate lunch and then took group pictures.
and yes, it's true.
most of the japanese are soooooo shooooooort!!!
and to think they're about our age. ._.
i got 6 of their namecards! XD
urh.. this first? at least i updated? lol. i'm sleepy. bye~

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
5:41 pm
my URL's been changed to:
http://namida-iro.blogspot.com/also did some clean-up on my links section.
removed the broken ones, relinked the changed ones.
planning to change skin soon.
pretty soon.
i hope.

Monday, August 14, 2006
6:43 pm
choir meeting in the morning. i laughed (by heart -- lol. is that possible?) at stupid excuses given by some lazy people. really, it was stupid.
social studies was okay. prashant said something stupid he didn't mean to say. hahaha. he said 'gangbang' when mrs gan was asking for some international banks that we know. and my reflexes acted on me again. lols. i hit his back for saying that straight away 1 second after he said that. lols. hee. sry, "
chemistry was a not too boring too. not as bad as usual, that is. did some calculations [which i FINALLY understood]. and there was no test. a relief.
a maths was okay too. hee. as per usual. as in, time flew by pretty fast, though slower than most. lol.
recess was cut short by a maths. we were let off about 5 minutes later after the bell.
e maths was pretty good. a half-free period. we were supposed to do a worksheet, but i slacked since we don't have to pass it up by today. pretty anxious for the next period though.
physics was goooooood! THERE WAS NO TEST! w00tS. it's cause by half an hour mr lee had to leave and some people had to attend to the sec 2 streaming. hehehehe...
cme was practically a free period. hohoho.
no one had EC today~ sat in the canteen for about 10 minutes first then we went to west mall. i bumped into shawn (cps/bbss) a few times. hahaha. he still looks the same as ever, but taller. =P
i tried the
katsu kare rice today. indeed, the curry's not THAT smelly. different from the
disgusting local one. lol. it's really nice. haha. then we walked around for a bit.
i saw hui mui going to popular bookstore [as usual haha]. but she was too far away so i couldn't call out to her. =/ she was in the exact opposite of where i was standing.
then we went to shop 'n save~ angel bought whatever stuff she needed, and i bought september's issue of teenage. the cover is really... striking. =.= and i find the woman in the cashier irritating. obviously me + angel were standing directly in front of her, behind someone who was still paying, but she obviously couldn't see us! so we stood at the wrong place, so she told us to queue up again BEHIND SOMEONE WHO JUST
BLOODY CAME!!! stupid blind woman. =.=
uh huh, we went home after that.

12:31 am
ok... i think he's began to lose it. heh. oh well.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
10:45 pm
i find life a

Friday, August 11, 2006
9:34 pm
fun. =D
i woke up at around 9~ then went to the bank with my dad at around 10.40 to get my house address changed. went to NTUC fairprice to buy some stuff and then i went home.
watched a few more episodes of anime in my com and did some of my english hwk. then i got ready to meet steffi + xin mei + prashant + sebastian in lot 1 to catch a movie.
[1 month, 3 movies. O__O] leslie and joshua, the "
planners" were supposed to come along to "spend" their free movie tickets, but they couldn't make it.
we watched
"My Super Ex-Girlfriend". prashant and i can tell you one thing straight away after watching:
it's a screwed up movie. =_= really, totally, screwed. rated PG with some sexual humour. LOL! i thought it was just some corny jokes, but turned out it's the actions. haha. "flying" beds. =X ha. oh well. i dunno, the movie actually seemed okay, but i didn't totally enjoy myself while watching. ~_~
after watching we ate in Pizza Hut.
OH, THANK YOU SO MUCH SEBASTIAN FOR PAYING THE $7+++ GST AND SERVICE CHARGE!!!! hoho. i was rather broke. the pizza meal itself was... $9. XD really full, though. worth it. hee. we ate the one that looks like a sun. chee~sy.
after eating we walked around a little. then angel called me; asked if i'd like to go to lele's bbq party. at first i didn't plan to go cause i rarely go out with xm and co, but steffi had to leave in the end. her new laptop just arrived. haha. good for her. now we can chat more. =D yeah, in the end everybody left. so i called lele and told her i'd go over instead.
reached lele's place at about... 7? i think. bbq-ed there. nadya and novina were there!!! XD it's been so looooong since i last saw novina~~ haha.
i put my bag beside the bbq pit and followed lele to her condo [cause she asked me to follow her]. me, being sooooooo helpful and kind and nice and all (LOL! just kidding. haha.) accompanied her. then lele asked me to lend her my phone. the unsuspecting me lent it to her, not knowing why she asked. i thought she just wanted to see if i got new pics or something. then suddenly she blocked my path by walking beside the grass, not swimming pool. so i was forced to walk beside the pool. SUDDENLY SHE PUSHED ME INTO THE WATER!!! >.> i got wet, of course. my whole body. with sandals (luckily.. if not i can't go to school), shirt and
and it was my period too (the second day...)!!! =_=" upstairs lele lent me her bathrobe. then we went down again with raw, seasoned chicken meat (for bbqing).
then bla, bla, bla, the usual barbeque stuff. eating, drinking, talking, laughing, lalala~ we finished at around 10.40. novina, nadya and ji yeon (sp?) left much earlier at 9.40+. then lele's other friends left, followed by ryan and bejamin (his tail =X). ervin didn't go. boo.
yeah.. since i was so wet i called my dad and he fetched me home. hohoho. reached home at about 11. then i completed 99% of my english hwk before sleeping at 2. >.<
-MT. boring. 11/50 for test.
-EM. boring. see the teacher till can faint.
-GE. boring. more mapwork.
-recess. some fun.
-EL. test. boring. difficult. 70% i'll fail.
then choir. blah.
accompanied angel eat in kopitiam after choir, then met my parents + sis there and we went home.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
11:13 pm
today went out to a few places~ with my family~ IN OUR OWN CAR!!! XD lol. honda jazz. my mum finally cave in to the temptation. hahaha. 2nd hand one, of course. we're not that rich. a car after living in this tiny island for 8 years... =.=
anyway, after lunchtime we went to orchard (where else huh? this is singapore we're talking about here). my mum
finally bought me sandals. the last one was spoilt lo~ng lo~ng ago. and my mum scared me, telling me that THAT will be my upcoming birthday present.
NO WAY!!! that's a basic necessity!! and if i had bought that earlier, it wouldn't be a birthday prezzie! and so she said, "that's PART OF your birthday presents." heh. phew. hahaha. greedy me. hmm... then we were texted by my dad's friend saying that his wife gave birth today, so we bought presents for the new baby named NeoLance(sp? 1 word? 2 words?).
[why that name? when we asked, the wife just said that the husband chose that cause he loved matrix. lol.]then we went to heeren. my sis bought a pencil box for her friend's b'day present (too) and we ate wanton mee at the 5th floor. my mum wanted it just cause it was cheap. =_= after eating we headed for the hospital to visit them. got lost at some point. =.= hmm.. turned out the father of neolance(?) went home to sleep. he was exhausted. haha. we still went in anyway. THE BABY IS SOOO CUTE AND SMALL!!! XD but rather big as compared to the other babies. his nail was so lo~ng. haha. then we (they) talked about date of births... whether it should be on 7 august (07/08/06), double-8 day (08/08/06) or national day (09/08/06). then the baby came out at 7 AM this morning. haha.
after baby-visiting, we went to IKEA to have dinner, and all the way till 10 PM, we shopped for more stuff. =D i'm
tomorrow i'm going to watch
my super ex-girlfriend with xin mei and co. haha. she's worried that i'd be going out with angel and the rest as usual, that's why she was in a little doubt that i'll go with them. so i called angel first and reassured xin mei. hahaha.
mouuuuuuuuuuuu~ where's ouran high epi 18??????
doko, doko, doko~~??????
though i think i'll find the next epi boring. =.=
hani and chika, mori and his li'l bro (what's his name again?).

Monday, August 07, 2006
8:10 pm
finally a break!!!!!!!!! XD
tmr's half day.
next day's national day.
the day after's national day holiday.
sugoii~! XD
watched prince of tennis again in the morning, till episode 28. then i did some homework before leaving for church at 4+. it was my first ever holy communion yesterday... felt nervous... and as usual my hands were shaking. =/ (nervous or not, they're
always shaking)
church ended at bout 7:10. my family then left for cineleisure. my sis wanted to watch what i watched the night before:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest. lol. and yes, i did watch it again last night. so we bought the tickets and ate dinner in es teler 77. then since the movie started at 9:45, my parents went to settle some monetary stuff in lucky plaza while my sis and i walked around cineleisure and heeren. as usual, she's the one who found stuffs to buy again, though yesterday's walk-around is supposedly for her to find
me a prezzie. lol. i only bought earrings that matched with hers. $1.50. lols. cheapo. then she bought 1 more pair and a hp case.
at 9:15 we went back to cineleisure and met my parents, then we stalled time walking around till 9:45 and then watched the movie. till 12:15. =_= i fell asleep at some parts haha. some parts i
purposely slept because i find them boring and i need to save sleeping time to do homework later in the night. lols. then i woke up and watched some more bits of it. but unfortunately at the very last part when Jack got eaten by Cracken (sp?) that i wanted to watch, i fell asleep again till the end!!! =.=
oh well.

Saturday, August 05, 2006
11:10 pm
ookaee~ i'm just back from orchard with angel + edwin +
ervin +
separated with those in
bold in plaza sing cause they watched the movie we're gonna watch already.
"Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest"hella funny movie. XD
hella long too. DX
angel couldn't take it anymore and went to the toilet about 15 minutes before it ended.
so the whole day went like this:-met up with angel + edwin in the bus as usual.
-ate in kobayashi in cineleisure.
-met up with ervin + endi.
-checked out the LAN gaming price in E-MAX (Cine Lvl 9).
-took bus to PS.
-checked out the LAN gaming price in the cyber club in dhoby ghaut (sp?) mrt.
-played in arcade. stupid child games. lol. saw lin jie n teck tee but never went up to them.
-walked around in PS for a li'l while.
-separated with ervin + endi. went back to cineleisure.
-watched the movie.
-ate dinner in long john. just the clam chowder and free chicken from angel.
-walked around taka till 10+.
-took bus no 171 home.
in cineleisure:there were a lot of cosplayers walking about!!! maybe there was some kinda cosplay event today. ahaha. my first time seeing real cosplayers. XDD but too bad it's either they're too far away to take pics of or too near that i don't dare to take one. :( i saw
hitsugaya and
ichimaru from
bleach, more
shinigamis also from
ryoma from
prince of tennis sadly with a
yellow racket, not
full metal alchemist characters and more!!
waaaaiiiiii!!!!!!! XDDincident related to bus 171:some big family (in numbers and in size). the big fat husband saw the full bus with little spaces inbetween. then he started with "NABE!!!". then he started running up and down, to and fro, to the front and back of the bus (on the outside, of course). while carrying his li'l 2-year-old girl. then he continued screaming vulgarities away. while pointing to the (probably only) 20 cm apart the most spaces in between bodies in the bus (and running to and fro, remember). he really shouted really loudly and the mood inside the bus was very tense. but his wife and other family members/friends in the bus stop were laughing away. anyway, the bus was quiet. then i burst into giggles. lol. pai seh la. so i faced the road. i was standing at the most front of the bus with angel. then angel told me nearly everybody behind was staring at me. lols. so funny. i always laugh at the very wrong timing. mean, mean me.

Thursday, August 03, 2006
9:26 pm
i'm so full today~~~ XD
at night, that is.
after doing a l'il bit of hmwk, at 5 me + angel went to west mall while anelie + diana went back home.
went to watsons, then we ate in KFC.
i ate the cheese fries student meal.
half-way eating, my dad called, telling me to go JP.
cause tomorrow my grandmother's going back to indo already.
so i met my dad + mum + grandmother + churchmate in JP.
ate in crystal jade.
so full!!! XPP
i shouldn't have eaten the cheese fries. =(

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
7:44 pm
ate in boon tong kee chicken rice with angeline after choir.
and expensive.
so i only ate the $4.50 chicken rice.
drank from my own water bottle.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
6:38 pm
my effing a maths got only 2 out of 20.