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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
6:11 am
uhh. yeah. i woke up at 6 again today. i guess the school timing still gets to me. thing is, i woke up even earlier than usual!
i was supposed to meet up with angel and edwin yesterday to catch some movie. but in the end, we couldn't catch any as usual.
1st reason: even the booking list is ALMOST FULL for both
X Men III and
Over the Hedge. (yeah, even over the hedge. =/) there were only the most front seats and 3rd most front seats left. O___O terrible.
warning: this might be a really disgusting part of the post. extremely graphic.2nd reason: now this is linked. first, i got toothache since yesterday. and it carried on to today which leads to my headache. i also only ate
so-not-hot cup noodles and 4
siew mais for lunch. suddenly, while watching stuff on the com, the whole screen became blurry for me, so i thought i was just sleepy [which i'm not]. i took out a soursop + nata de coco juice from the fridge and drank LOTS of it (i got carried away while watching again). then angeline called and i took 174
halfway to orchard. i stopped at edwin's place cause i got so dizzy and nauseous i could vomit right then and there. AND THE STUPID DRIVER
*kills a stupid cockroach under my table* uh. anyway, i straight away asked edwin for $10 (thanks!) and took a cab home. uhh. i nearly vomited inside the cab. when i got down, i spit some saliva into the drain cause the vomit's already halfway up my neck. after i got to my floor, i vomited a bit more outside the lift.
uh.. sorry people. i rushed home and straight away headed for the toilet. THERE, i let out a LOT, LOT, LOT of you-know-what! uh. even as i'm typing this i can feel it again. yuck. then i lied down on my bed and smsed angel telling her i couldn't go. then i lied down outside in the living room and uh. yeah. did
it again there. i called my mum then. and
it happened again. my breathing became uneven. and the food my mum fed me i threw up again.
yuuuuuuuck. T_T and the mylanta [medicine] that's supposed to calm my stomach down also... i threw them up again. urgh. and the tea too. and the plain water too. haha. i really shouldn't be tooooooo graphic. i should stop here. =X =P yeah... i couldn't get up at all. so. urgh. stop.

Monday, May 29, 2006
4:37 pm
toothache!!!!!!! PAIN!!!!!!

7:20 am
hehe. yesterday was pretty good. =) was baptised, got a new bible from the church, ate at pizza hut after church and bought a storybook from popular. xD first of all, thank you, God. and thanks to all those who congratulated me! i was shivering all over yesterday; nervous... i was the youngest among all those baptised too. can't believe that michelle is older than me....... hahaa.
i find it amusing how people actually believe da vinci code. it's supposed to be
FICTION. when i told some people about what the book is about, they actually seemed shocked. but when i first heard it, i actually laughed my ass off. hahaha. just as my pastor mentioned, those who've never heard of Jesus and do not believe in Him will fall, but us who believe in Him will actually laugh it off. heh. how true. my church's going to have a seminar on this sometime in... june?
and about watching the movie, i want simply watch it for pure entertainment. i've been interested in codes since i was young. =X and i also wanna watch it to let myself laugh at how
dumb and
weak (in faith) the world is getting into. don't you find it amusing how silly people could actually think of such outrageous false ideas?
i do.

Saturday, May 27, 2006
11:40 pm
Your First Name: Kezia*Although the name Kezia creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that
it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition.
*This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, worry, and mental tension.
*Your first name of Kezia has given you a
rather quiet, reserved, serious, studious nature.
*You have sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and
deeper things of life, the beauties of nature, music, art, and literature.
*The people who mean the most to you are those who can offer you
intellectual companionship.
*It is
only when you are among those who understand your deeper nature that you can really be yourself.
*The experience of having your remarks taken lightly or belittled, particularly during the early years of your life,
has caused you to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
do not express yourself spontaneously when conversing with others; hence
other people may often regard you as being aloof, and even unfriendly.
I guess those I boldened are somewhat true.

11:25 pm
mm. i'm really not in the mood for anything nowadays. moody, no appettite, nothing. of course it's because of the mid year results. i definitely have to buck up this semester. =/ i'll post my mid year results soon. now's not the time for it or it'll dampen my moods even further. heh. and getting tired of this skin. i really want to find a new one, but none lifts up my spirit or suits my taste just yet. =/ something's just off in each and everyone of them. by now arlha, steffi, nadya and eddiek are already in indonesia.
just now i went to tanjong katong secondary school with steffi [she left just before lunch to catch her plane], clarice and teck tee. took a cab to and fro. it's for the choir leadership thingy. mainly how to lead sectionals. i was called up. =.= and at that point of time when i was called up, everything froze and i forgot all the essential stuff that was taught, to-dos and not to-dos. =.= sung
sanctus. was taught conducting too. reached home at about... 6? i guess..
choir will be lonely and quiet this holiday, cause even if angeline doesn't go back to indo, she'll have to attend the extra remedial classes, so do diana and edwin. and anelie doesn't plan to attend, i guess?
must try to persuade her... haiz.
my relatives will come on the 9th, i think. 10 june will be the celebration day for my cuz's wedding which will be held in US a few days before. is it on the 2nd? or the 3rd? i dunno. then maybe my family'll go to KL. nothing's been confirmed yet..
and holiday homework. i'm SOOO GLAD that ms chong and ms phay didn't give any! e maths and bio are already too much! and there's that "what have i done" homework from ms seet and the selling of the stupid $2 bookmarks! who the heck would buy a simple bookmark for 2 dollars when it is not even laminated or something. it's simply a leaf with coupons/discounts/vouchers whatever attached to it. and we must sell 20 of those. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargH!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
10:49 pm
that's the updated scoresheet, i guess. i'm not too sure about geography, but i know it's either 32 or 34... i'm shocked when i heard eddiek said i got 76.5/100 for physics!!! woah! XDD mr lee scared us so many weeks before the exam so i thought it was going to be a killer paper. woah... but overall... haiz. sucks. overall percentage is only a mere 62.5625% (if you count geog and ss as individual subjects, and NOT counting mother tongue [since i don't know my results yet]). so, when my SS/Geo are combined and i got back my chinese, i'm sure it'll be much lower. haiz. from 69.9% [EOY2005] drop to 67.675% [CT1-2006] and now it drops again to 62.5625% [MYE2006]... i'm such a 'pro'. -.-
anyway, my dad's back from algeria. =D i got my money back from him to replace the amount i used to buy manga! XD and my mum decided to let me get a laptop [partly to save space when we've moved to block 7]. =D and i didn't even ask her about it. hahaha. she came up with the idea herself. so i hope i can sell this stupid com and get a new laptop for myself! XD i'll be moving sometime in june.
can't go back indo this holiday at all cause instead my uncles/auntie are coming here for my cousin's wedding celebration. hmmz. i can't possibly ask them to buy manga for me. it's too.. i dunno, it just doesn't feel right to ask them to help me buy.. many of those. ha. T_T i hope i can at least go somewhere out of singapore...
all this for now, i guess. ja ne.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
6:58 pm
heh. mid year results are out. for most, at least. hm. it's horrible. yeah. and i'm not surprised. i realised i've been too slacked this year. worse than last year. =/ so there's no point in my grieving over it, right? i just have to work harder for the next exam. however i'm pretty satisfied with my english results! XD i'm good in subjects you don't have to study for. haha. my results're below. for your information, red stands for FAIL, BOLDed are the ones in which I got As and NIL means i don't have the results yet (i forgot to redden the second NIL for Chinese), so, there:

thanks steffi for doing my corrections and taking down the marks! sorry for troubling you! arlha and i asked her and xin mei to do so cause we had to got to biopolis for the
great science challenge. but of course, we screwed up still. our knowledge is only the size of the full stop you see here [.], you see? =/ so we went home at about 12.30. before i went home i stopped at west mall to buy magister negi magi 12! XD cover page's below:

after i reached home, i went online till 4 when i went to beauty world centre to meet angel + diana + anelie + steffi. then we went to bukit timah plaza before we went home. haha. just that for today. =)

Sunday, May 21, 2006
9:32 pm
've been busy from this morning till when i got to go to church. and i didn't feel quite well. =/ packing things up for moving to block 7 this june hols. =D actually, i only packed most of my manga. no clothes yet. ha. 3 boxes of manga! XD hmm... the boxes are about 33 X 33 X 48 cm. haha. that makes it about 0.05 cubic metre or so. XD times 3 boxes, 0.16 cubic metre. hahaha. and they're extremely heavy. ~_~ haha! XD tmr's holiday~ yay~ XD and i'll get baptized next week, most probably.. [like, finally?] =)

9:07 am
ERR!! ALL "TODAY"S MEAN YESTERDAY!whoa.. the latest 3 posts [including this] are all about poseidon. yup. today ervin and lele decided to treat me to it cause i told them there's no way i will pay for it anymore. =P
first, me + lele boarded 174 to orchard. at farrer road, nadya took the same bus as us. then we went to cineleisure and ate at kobayashi. before eating, ervin and endi came. last was, as usual, ryan. we decided to play safe and not watch da vinci code. =/ ervin, endi and nadya are just too small! XD after buying the tickets, we went to heeren and paragon to find erwin a present. only managed to find one for lele in the end. ha. in paragon, we met up with angel, diana and arlha, then we went to taka before finally watching poseidon [again]. while we watch, angel, diana and arlha walked around orchard, i guess. after watching, i went back in to look for juliana's lost wallet. wha.. couldn't find it. oh well. after that we met up with angel n the rest again while lele and nadya went home. ate at subway. ervin, endi and ryan went to ps first. then me + angel followed suit. ha. we just went around. go up one level, walk 1 round, go up one level, walk 1 round, so on and so forth. but we stopped at comics connection! XD as always... whenever i'm there. aha. then we walked some more before taking a look at the cyber club (?) below dg mrt. then we went to park mall to go to the toilet [angel and endi haha] before going home. tada~ all took 174.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
10:24 pm
today watched poseidon again! XD with arlha, steffi, eddiek, robinson, edy and thomas! XD now i get what the people were saying properly. haha. i was late. -_-" supposed to meet them at 12 but i woke up at 12 instead. slept for 12 hours! i slept at 12 last night. haha. my life's full of 12. anyway, was late for 45 minutes. ate in food court with them [they waited for me before eating !_! sorry!] then played in arcade [eddiek treated us. thx!] before we watched it. haha.
we're free now cause EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER! XDD
i know this yr's mid years're the
worst but SO WHAT! they're OVER!!! XD i must enjoy myself till i cry when i get back the results! haha.
what a dumb logic. =/
tmr's napfa test. didn't practice after all. =/
ja na!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
5:30 pm
watched it with angel, diana, anelie and edwin in JP.
bought ouran koukou host club 6 too! and the anime ep 6 finished downloading. XD
currently downloading NANA! haha.
long live anime and manga~

Sunday, May 14, 2006
12:09 pm

this will be out on tuesday!!! ouran high host club 6! >_< wanna buy!!!

10:24 am

isn't that cute? XD

Saturday, May 13, 2006
6:50 pm
back from church retreat. loved it. the place. the food. the people. the sermons. [fell asleep at the last one, though. so malu! X(] how i wish i'm still at the retreat!! shared the most beautiful room in the dorm with zuriel, jessica, the 2 michelles, kak shirlyn [spelling? XD she's the room IC] and kak arlen [sp? XP].
oh. MY BRO GOT ACCEPTED IN GOSHEN COLLEGE! finally! haha. 66% chance, at least, and he was like, jumping up and down? hahaha.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
12:59 pm
exams suck <-- the only suitable word that's not too vulgar =D
i'm off to church camp later!!! =D tata!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
5:38 pm
e maths was
horrible(!!!), bio was
thought i'd lost my exam time table this morning. =/ woke up a bit late so i was rushing to the bus stop. i thought it fell off from my bio guide bk on the way to the bus stop, but it actually fell out at home. -_-"
tmr's geog. =/ must try to score!!! if not i'm doomed. then there'll be chemistry and a maths remedial after that. -.- boo.
anime updates:**done downloading
TRC 2nd Season epi 27 and 28!!! XD only finished watching ep 27. =/ must find time to watch!
**Ouran Koukou Host Club epi 1 - 5 downloaded! XD also must find time to watch! only finished watching ep 1. =/
dorama updates:*
**finally watched the last few episodes of
Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang!!! XD found them on youtube [thanks to whoever uploaded them!!] under the title
Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang! XD Kinda corny but cute ending! hahaha.
Love Contract is nice too, =) though it's in chinese. hahaha. from taiwan, right? yeah, not bad. =P
**still looking for
Marmalade Boy episodes 26 - 30!!! T_T anyone knows?
manga updates at the moment. =/ craving for
FB and
OKHC. and
Natsumi Ando-sensei's manga!!

Monday, May 08, 2006
6:57 pm
strawberry mousse. i LOVE!!! XD
it's home-made and low-fat. hahaha.
exam updates:
chinese -- mentioned
english -- mentioned
social studies --
i forgot to do question 1d!!! i thought i've done it cause when i was done with 1c, i was already more than half-way the test! -.- 6 marks gone. why? cause i managed to write "all of the sources are useful". ha.tomorrow's e maths paper 2 and biology. dang.
5th of May -
Happy birthday to my dad and my blog! XD

Thursday, May 04, 2006
6:13 pm
deleted previous post. it was meant to just be a way to vent my anger out. i'm a bit calmed down now already.
did quite badly for compo today, but was quite confident for compre!! but yes, "the easiest holds the most dangers", so i might be just too over-confident and lose my cool when i get back the results. ~_~ at least it has made me happy for a while. that over-confidence. better enjoy the times before the results are out. then can i be sad. hah.
went to bp and ate at kopitiam then took lrt to lot 1 to duplicate the neos we took on anly's b'day [a day after, actually] turned out it'll only be done tomorrow~ went home after we went to fairprice~

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
7:34 pm
something's wrong with my adobe photoshop!!! it'll close by itself after it loads~ buu.
bought fb18, mnm11 and ohhc5 today! yay! XD only finished reading fb, though. =/
just now's chinese exam SUCKED as usual~ tralala. i'm not really bothered by it. =/
that marmalade boy drama (in chinese) actually helped me once just now. tiny help, though. LOL. XP i only watched till ep 22. haiz. tried downloading 23 but there seems to be some error with rapidshare. dang. savefile's perhaps the best now. =x
ha~ tmr's english. rather nervous, actually. first time. geez. it's probably cause the last 3 english tests were killers for me. or i really couldn't concentrate, and still can't! X(

Monday, May 01, 2006
10:34 pm
internet connection's currently off!! =/
thing is, i just bought a new keyboard to replace my old, broken and dirty keyboard. XD
used to be white turned grey turned dirty yellow (eew), now it's black. (^^;)
not really well-known though. it's the first time i heard of this brand: A-One TECH. =/
well, as long as it's comfortable to use (yes, it is)! XD
yup, my point of "blogging" now when the connection's off is to try out this new keyboard!
hehehe. XD
*typed on Notepad at 9:22PM on Monday, 1 May 2006.
**EDIT: well, now it's on again. =X

9:02 am
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