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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
9:29 pm
school'll start again tomorrow... hikz. how i wish it'll still be a holiday... wistful dream.
practically did nothing useful today. stayed in the bedroom. gosh. and cause of the heat of my fever + humid weather, i get into a bad mood. though not so fouling. phew.
oh yeah. my dad tried playing the boomerang just now. lol. the boomerang's caught on a tree! and it's still up there. couldn't get it down. too high. like.. 2 to 3 storeys' high? heh.
and i still haven't studied for my chem and phy test tomorrow.
and there's PE tomorrow too!!! long distance jog. die. T^T

2:33 pm
just reached home from my dad's boss' place. received $49 in total from 8 people. hmm. means in grand total i have $209. xD yay! but the food there sucked. most are spicy which i hate. those which aren't tasted weird. urgh.
but there was this cute dog! big one, but cute. siberian husky. i guessed right! haha. kawaiiiiiiiii~

12:55 am
done helping ryan with his new blog. hohoho. should have sneaked in to his credits page and put my name in there. hahaha.
i'm BORED and i can't SLEEP!!! boo.

Monday, January 30, 2006
10:39 pm
watched cheaper by the dozen 2 today!!! with arlha, diana n edwin. the movie is real funny, i tell u. haha. but sadly we couldn't catch the first 5 - 10 minutes. was late. T^T
after the movie we ate in pastamania. i bought the chicken caesar salad. y? cause i'm SICK of pastas. read my previous post. hohoho. then suddenly ryan appeared from behind. gave me a shock. -_-"
after pastamania we went to long john. ry ate there.
then we went to dunno wad place. near centrepoint. this lan gaming shop. watched edwin n ryan play dot.a there. finally i know what the game really is. hha. slow.
then i met my dad at abt 4.30 and we went home. then the whole family except my bro go to my mum's boss' party. ate there. shook hands. collected ang pows. haha. total $30. XD then went home. BORING! but got to drink both red and white wine. hoho.

Sunday, January 29, 2006
9:12 pm
i dunno why i feel so sickly today. my chest felt heavy and i nearly fainted in the bathroom after i bathed. x( luckily my mother was nearby. i was told to not go to church in case i fainted halfway. but i went anyway. and thank God i didn't fall or anything. =) to think that today's prayers seemed so long. my legs were so wobbly. x(
my mom told me to go for the catechism starting from next week. hmm. have to reschedule the cellgroup. =x
after church we ate in casa roma. hahaha. they gave us bread for appetizers. and we even took seconds for that. haha. then pasta!!! the raviole so nice!!! xD then there was this thin pizza. mixed cheese? tasted a bit weird; though the thin bread is awesome. the waiter gave us wrong order. it's supposed to be for other people. my sis already ate one before they realised they were wrong. LOL. but cause it's nice, my mum ended up ordering it also. haha. all these with mineral water. nice!!
but too much pasta really makes somebody feel nauseated. like my mum and i, for example. haha.

10:09 am
HapPy ChINesE New YeAr!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006
10:52 pm
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting, you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure of
how to act. You give off that "I need
to be protected vibe." Remember that
not all people are good. Being too trusting
will get you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent?brought to you by Quizilla

7:31 pm
watched Memoirs of a Geisha last night. [reached home at 12 xP] it's a pretty nice movie. but i'm just disappointed cause it was in english. -_-" it'd have sounded more real if the movie's in japanese. it'd be so cool!! subtitles're a bit wrong, though not too bad, since i dunno the real meaning too anyway. they nvr put dash between the names and prefixes! so this guy called nobu was written as nobusan, instead of nobu-san. that seems as if his name is nobusan, and should be called nobusan-san. ew. and they spelt onee-san wrongly!! --> oneisan. wth?
today also damn boring la. chinese new year celebration. first they showed what 'mass' is. the catholic thing. luckily there were 2 songs that i knew [i forgot one of the title. the other one's prayer of st francis!! 's been years since i sang that], in which i sang along cause what the preacher said wasn't clear and i was getting bored. then it's our turn: the singing part. and, i know u're not surprised, it SUCKED like hell. yup, S-U-C-K-E-D. i mean. nearly everybody forgot the lyrics. well. it was my fault also la. cause i didn't really bother to memorise well last night. thought i could lip sing. but i thought the rest would have memorised... so practically everybody ended up lip-singing. then there were quizzes and mr chow singing. i hate the looking-for-volunteers part. so attention-seeking. standing among the rest who were sitted and all. -_-" luckily there was no briefing in the end.
then we went orchard. boring la today. everybody is like in a bad mood la. DAMN SIAN AND MOOD-FOULING!!! ARGH!

Thursday, January 19, 2006
7:07 pm
been getting so much homework this past few days. T^T as the days go by, more homework appear. bio la. a maths la. e maths la. gosh. these 3 are the main subjects that i often couldn't catch up with. especially bio ["doing" bio now - -"]. the teachers teach sooo fast that i CAN'T [not couldn't] catch up.. T^T even arlha said she can't concentrate too. oh nooo~ T^T o lvls next year. d-i-e. e maths itself is already quite confusing. still got a maths! -curses-

Monday, January 16, 2006
7:03 pm
went to zuriel's birthday party last saturday. [sry i forgot abt your b'day!!!] celebrated at swensens in funan after remaja. xD i love the food~ but the service there SUCKED [all capital letters --"]. they got our orders MIXED UP. so the 3 [me, jess, kak novi] of us practically starved there. and kak novi hadn't eaten anything for the whole day too. pity her!! it was already around 8+ when the CORRECT food was finally served. that's 1hr after we arrived. -.-"
newae. on sunday i went to church as usual. but this time's a bit different. a LOT of people came. and they put additional chairs till the front, side by side, and more behind the last row of chairs!! but pak tong preached a really good sermon yesterday. =)
oh. and i want to say: BETRAYERS YOU SUCK!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006
7:53 pm
Click for Photos: [1] [2] These are pictures taken in front of Ngee Ann City in Orchard, taken 2 days ago. First one's taken by Ryan who stupidly couldn't get Edwin into the picture. Second one's taken by Ervin who got everybody into the middle, but blurred. *Edit [27 January 2006]: Why? Cause the pictures took space and it's a bit irritating to scroll around.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
11:30 pm
went to town with angel + arlha + diana + lele + edwin + ryan + ervin + endy just now. first they [except lele, arlha, diana, ryan and i] ate in long john. then we couldn't decide on which movie to watch again. and some of them didn't want to watch anyway. so we went to the arcade for quite long. paired up with ry and played time crisis II. that stupid gun and foot-step. nothing came out even when i pressed them quite hardly. should have listened to endy just now. -o-" wanted to play house of the dead II. but required 3 coins. -o-" long time nvr plaaaay. oh yeah. wei joe was there. and CHUN HOW, JUSTIN and DITTAYA!!! [they look tall but short at the same time. lol.] omg. luckily i was covered by the football game. the fact that i wore skirt i mean. x( it'd be dead end for me if they found out that i -do- wear skirt when asked to sometimes. -o-" didn't know the rest who were from other classes. so dittaya goes to 3E2; chun how goes to 3E5. forgot which class justin goes to. xP anyways. after playing in the arcade, we ate those $1 ice cream on the street. ate the mint choc chip since i long time nvr eat. [the next one will be the normal chop chip again. xD] then we continued on to the wheelock place. me, ervin, endy, edwin and ryan went down to the toilet while the rest went to the nike shop. didn't know they were not gonna follow us. ~_~ anyways. we laughed at ry outside the toilet cause of some stupid reason. hahaha. i feel sorry for him. then we went to the nike shop on the higher floor. diana bought the nike water bottle. the light blue one. so now 4 of us have the bottle [mi, edwin, diana, ryan]! only diana's a different colour. hehe. [we have the white transparent one, ya know? we were like comparing which one is nicer while chatting. haha.] then ry left first. after looking around at borders, arlha and diana left. then the rest of us ate in es teler 77 before heading home. except for me of course. was called by my sis to go to west mall. but when i reached there, she was only with her bf cause my mum was too lazy to go. -o-" went there for nothing. oh yeah. bought superpsychic nanaki vol 2 and ouran high host club vol 3 just now before everthing started. [as in before i even met angel to take the bus to orchard. xp]

9:22 am
went home quite later than usual yesterday. someone threw/hid lele's bag beside the stairs. the one along the music room. all the money, ez-link, og card, popular card, condo card-key and other things were stolen. gosh. the person who did that is really selfish and heartless.
even lele nearly cried. hope the person will realise his mistakes. [actually. everybody knows that's wrong. so why do they still do it? temptation. he fell into temptation.] well, it was partly lele's fault for leaving her bag unattended near the music room. and thanks to the guard who found the bag [a bit the unwillingly -.-]. and thanks to ryan, actually, who still felt unsatisfied not finding it. lesson learnt: from now on i will
never put my handphone inside my bag again. and my wallet! not after mine was stolen too! x( and don't leave your things alone.

Sunday, January 08, 2006
10:29 am
it's been raining non-stop for the whole 2 days. - -" when will it stop? even my umbrella just broke.
went to town yesterday with my sis to meet up with arlha, diana n edwin in UOB. i thought it's the one near cine. -o-" after diana made her atm card, we went cine to eat in kobayashi. it's then that anelie and dwitya arrived. turned out she also knows my bro. but he forgot. -o-" wanted to watch. but couldn't make up our mind on which movie to watch. as always.
after eating we went to heeren. went to the wallet shop and diana bought a new pencil case. then we went to the roxy/quicksilver/volcom dunno wadever shop and looked around. oh yeah. has 77th street always been *THAT* smelly? urgh. couldn't stand the smell at all. - -" it's already 4 o'clock then, n my sis n i had to go to NBC. my sis quickly bought that $10 watch from momoya then we went back to the previous previous shop and i bought a sling bag. parted there.
~my sis n i went to NBC, then headed back to orchard to have dinner~
ate in soup restaurant. had to queue outside first. -o-" the food's pretty nice. i just hate the olive rice. tastes like TURTLES' FOOD!!! serious! i've tasted the real turtle food before when i was really young! YUCK. i thought they were cereals. -.-" the scallop's real niiiice. xD and fish. and soup. and chicken. and broccollies (sp?). hee.
after eating there we walked around orchard for just a while, then we went home.
now my mum n bro are in the bukit batok church. my sis n carl in glory presb. church. my grandparents in GRII in NBC [morning session]. haiz. i'll go to this evening's service at 5. only with my bro. perhaps i should have followed my mum. geez.
and i dunno how to do the a maths homework!!!!!!!!!!!! simultaneous equation... T^T

Monday, January 02, 2006
1:10 pm
Happy [belated] new yr~
i'm still without a resolution.
shld make one.
but on the other hand.
i'm too lazy.
just have to be more hardworking (the same as the past years' resolutions).
and read more Bible. (this is a must.)
stop buying so many manga.
save money.
i hate the fact that tomorrow's the first day of school!!! must wake up real early cause lele wants me to accompany her tomorrow morning. wad for? eat breakfast b4 school starts. ack. heard i'm incharge of class 1/1. hmm.
n u knoe wad? i just heard *~Asterisk~ in
romantic version!!! THAT song. the 1st OP for Bleach. of course by Orange Range. techno form. changed to romantic version. LOL! wanna hear? sign up in gendou.com, then go here:
http://gendou.com/amusic/?filter=bleach&match=2&page=1. u'll find the song. entitled Asterisk (Romantic Version). sounds so damn corny. hahaha.
yup. i'm so wu liao that i'm just downloading songs frm there. not doing anything else. i really should get off the bed and go to different popular stores to find the 2 books i still can't get. hmm. distinction in english and bio. a course for 'o' level. hmm.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. just needed to get that out of my head.