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Saturday, November 26, 2005
10:19 pm
gee. even if i'm holidaying, it's still kinda busy. many weddings and funeral to attend, family gatherings, church events, meeting more people. hoeeeeeh. tomorrow i have to attend my mum's cousin's funeral. not the funeral where u bury the dead person part, but where u cheer the family up. and i heard that one teacher from school has passed away too. though i don't know them much, i hope for the best for their family.
that harris too. -.-" unblocked him for 1 minute and the next thing i know he's forcing me to tell him my indon home phone no. so i told him i'd miss call him soon. but lol. i still haven't. no time, yet also cause i'm not willing to call. -.-" i pity him sometimes.
my mum'll be coming on the 30th i think. yay! then on the 1st and 2nd of dec, we'll [me + sis + mum + aunt + uncle] will go to bandung. haha. maybe i can buy a bag for church and more clothes. haha. [speaking of clothes, i bought a reebok shirt just now. xD my far-far away aunt asked me whether it's spelt as reebok or reebox, afraid it was fake. haha. my sis and i were laughing away then.] maybe we'll stay in GGB again in bandung. or maybe some other hotel if my uncle's tired of it. haha.
just went back from church. had a special event going on just now. watched The Days of Noah. pretty cool movie. that shows the power of God is true, and that it wasn't just a legend, but a true occurance. just like God had opened the door for the people then, He's opened it for us now. yup. learn ur lesson.
In the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.

Thursday, November 24, 2005
1:00 pm
PSLE results are out huh? my mum just called. my sis got into the Express Stream in Fairfield Methodist. -claps- can choose the elective program too. she's taking art. nice~
A for English. not bad.
B for the rest. yup.
Aggegrate of 190. heeh.
pro nia. CHINESE. got B. see? she's better than me in that subject. hmm.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
9:58 pm
i love indo so much. gosh. xD ate so much food i missed already! just 2-half weeks and i've gained more weight. wonderful. (- -")
last saturday i went to my church's family gathering fellowship. i met him!!!
WIWID!!! one my childhood friends from church who went to
salatiga to continue his studies. he's 18 now. hmm. 3 yrs older than me. i forgot. (~_~) at first i didn't know it was him cause i didn't know his first name. and they introed him to me using his first name. no wonder i found his face so damn familiar. (-_~) he's back here to find a job, and he's got one already. =) thank God. too bad he only remembers my bro. me and my sis = little.
stayed in my aunt's place for 1 - 2 weeks before staying in another aunt's place [current]. followed her to some dance lesson just now. learnt basics of cha cha cha, waltz and samba. LOLS. (corny) i still find waltz the best among the three.
so now for statistics. so far i already went to Mal Kelapa Gading, Mal Artha Gading, ITC, KTC, Matahari, Mal Taman Anggrek, Plaza Senayan. *only Plaza Indonesia left. at least.* grin. XD fufufu. went to few Gramedia liao. hoho. but the main Gramedia in Matraman still haven't (yet). LOLS. 25 new manga!! ureshii! but still haven't bought anything for my bro yet. Shaman King, H2, Train + Train, etc. =p dun care. i'll use my money to buy my own manga first. then i'll wait for my mum to come and then buy more for him. grin. oh. i still have to buy more clothes. haha. empty wardrobe. only stuffed drawers with manga. hahaha. well. till here ya. so long! my sis waiting.
oh yeah! my sis just permed her hair! looks so weird. needs some getting used to. heh. compliment together with a hint of insult. hohoho. j/k. nice la. she said she thinks she looks like a rambutan. swt. (- -")

Friday, November 11, 2005
8:25 pm
i know i'm short of $$$ now. x)( met up with lele at abt 1.20, then took a taxi [she paid! xD] to bugis junction. we ate lunch in yoshinoya. that alone i've spent $7. gawds. that
christmas meal thingy. it's the drink that's expensive. woah. then we went to absolute comics to look around. then to kinokuniya. and to absolute comics again. lols. cause
of that leonie la. she wanted to buy wallflower vol 5 and dunno wad other title. after buying, we walked around parco again, trying to figure out what we should buy for
angeline + edwin + arlha's birthday presents. ryan already ordered a big billabong pencil case. -_-" so ex!! so we went to dunno what shop and bought the pencil case for him
first. then we went to wallet shop. i bought the "sure =D whatever" black pencil for $12.90. waseh. bo lui liao. next we went to dunno wad place that sold cds. bought a "it's
RAINing" dvd for arlha's present. then we took mrt to somerset and went to cineleisure. bought a winnie the pooh floor mat for angeline. cute one. haha. only edwin one's
hard to find. we didn't know what to buy for him. he talks a lot but seldom talk about himself. -_-" the only place we're thinking about is sembawang. but instead of finding
one for him, lele actually bought me a BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR NEXT YEAR!! woah. my b'day's in september. and she bought it just now. cool. xD she bought me Do As
Infinity's new album: Do the A-Side. haha. yay!!! then we stayed in that place for like, 5 to 10 minutes, just trying to find out what'd be good for edwin. we nearly bought a
phantom of the opera cd for angel and give him the floor mat instead la. but i said no and it's unfair for angel. so we finally decided on delta goodrem. i hope he doesn't have it
yet. x( finally bought everything. really no money left now. -why am i in a singlish mode today arh? cause i'm going back to indon tmr? hahaha.- yup. we then ate the chicken
chop. bought 2 nia. shared yet same amount. haha. then we went home. in a cab again. woah. this time the money's halved. then when i reached home suddenly calvin [pri
sch friend] asked me what i'm going to get for his birthday. -_-" 23rd nov. i finally thought i've bought everything and there he comes in. haha. no choice. going to find it in
indo. meeting him too. haha.

Thursday, November 10, 2005
5:04 pm
finally back from ltc!!! to put it in (real) short, the 4 days were fine, tiring, interesting,
boring, fun, exciting, etc altogether. was in group 4. we're called the 4sil!!! supposed to be fossil, actually. hmm. i'll say roughly what happened during the camp.
4sil's team members (order of remembrance):
amira + hui shi + shawn + shi hui + wu ming + imran + xue jing + marckus + min yew + wei jie + xin rong + christine + ridzuan + me.
first day:
took a taxi to school. but i had to take the sleeping bag from steffi first since i lost it. x( yeah. the reason i took taxi is: there's no way i'm using a bus while carrying such a huge bag! then left at 8 for kota tinggi. took abt 2 - 3 hrs. i think. luckily lele's in my buddy grp (grp 3), so we were able to sit together! haha. if not i'd be damn bored la. there were hardly anyone i knew.
then we had lunch [all the food there are so nice!!! MUCH better compared to the NE camp!!!] and pitched our tent. just by using rope. tt's all. [shared the one tent with 5 other ppl from my grp] then we had a few activities. uh-huh. and campfire for the last activity. yup, campfire on the first day. o_o" dinner, then lights off.
second day:
woke up at 5:45. didn't want to be late. yeah. had morning calisthenics [i hate push-ups!!!] then went for breakfast. then it was the climbing of mt. panti!!! gawds, i was so freaking tired [still am]. my legs couldn't take it anymore. had breathing difficulties. yes, i know it's "mind over matter". i pushed myself, but i just needed to rest for a bit. i was already half-way up anyway. anyways, with the support of the instructors [chief camp abbe, aniq and andrea] and other grp members, i was able to make it there without waiting for the next group. i'm weak and my stamina sucks, remember? special thanks to
hui shi and
amira for all their help and support! [i know it sounds corny and all, but truthfully, that's how i felt. =x] had lunch at the summit of the mountain and then we reached the bottom again *just* before the rain started falling. phew. oh yeah. the mountain's at least 500m tall. [d-uh! 499m and it'd be called a hill already.] 514m i think. or 541. forgot la. took 2 hrs to climb it.
after dinner, it was solo night. new instructors were introduced. then suddenly 2 guys started quarreling.[and tt's when the 'play' began. read abt it below.] in the forest. partnered up with leonie. phew. not really scary since everyone's not so far apart, but there were lots of insects. i woke up with a swollen lower lip. [it's still swollen a bit now. T_T feels funny feeling the swell against my upper lip.] had at least 3 leech bites [2 fang marks in each bite, right?], without even knowing it. only knew about them this morning when i took out my *socks*. "wonderful." i was only scared i'd fall down or something while walking since torchlights weren't allowed. oh yeah. the stars were pretty!!! lots of them! just above us too. cool. now if only i'd remembered all the constellations. haha.
third day:
the instructors woke us up at abt 4:20. still sleepy! we straight away returned to our tents and slept. till abt 6:30 when the teachers suddenly woke us up. yup. the play's started. 3 screams were heard by some people [unfortunately not me. was too in a deep sleep.] coming from the girls' toilet. then we had to go to the canteen. the aura was all serious. guess what happened. a murder occured. [yeah right!] one of the guys who fought the day before 'died'. the 'police' were called, and it was announced that the campsite's on real high alert. [it's supposed to be a CSI play for us as a part of our activity.] i thought the murder was real. dang. it was after many clues that it's obvious that that was a set up:
1. the line used to surround the murder scene isn't a police line. -.-" just those red and white plastic used in construction sites.
2. all of the 'policemen' happened to be an ex-assumptionite. -.-"
3. activity still continued on even when the camp site's still on high alert. -.-" morning calisthenics. -.-"
4. there were "blood stains" on miss siti's shirt. -.-"
and many other clues. -.-" nvm abt this. continue on: after this play thing, it was raft building. our group and group 3 ended up last. haha. nvm. at least we had fun. i ended up not rafting too. 1, cause it was already so late that we were late for omega night. 2, cause in the first place i was too 'achy' to be playing. body aches everywhere. [cause of the tracking and solo night (slept on the rocky ground).] so i'm kinda glad i didn't need to go. xP before omega night, we were sent to our resort rooms. (air con!!!) i was the keyholder. during omega night, we were given the certificates. yup. and the "murderer" was revealed. it was afizul. d-uh! motive: love triangle thing. sooo expected. haha. the advantages of reading higher standard murders in detective conan... hohoho. then we slept in that comfortable bed but hard pillow. lols. was in the same room as amira, xue jing, shi hui and xin rong.
fourth day:
that's today. the last day. had morning calisthenics again, and breakfast in the restaurant. then it was restoration operation. only needed to clean up the campfire site. haha. then aniq tried to cheat the others and we went to walk around while "picking up litters" when we were actually just playing and escaping the help required for other team's cleaning.cool. haha. then we went to multi purpose hall for debriefing and all. left the place at 12+.
anyways. my mum already went to school yesterday to see which class i'll go to next year: sec 3/1, with bio. now i'm stressed on whether i'll be able to manage my studies next year. @_!!
and yeah. here's an award from
ersalina to me for completing a puzzle in her site. x)

[heh. i took at least an hour to write these up. started at 17:04, finished at 18:20. lols.]

Sunday, November 06, 2005
9:30 pm
hmm.. started packing for ltc this morning. then chat awhile, then pack again, then chat again, so on, so forth. sigh. tmr's the 1st day of camp. i'm supposed to be excited, but my muscle cramps in my neck, hand and leg [all right side!!! O_*] really hurt!!! and steffi's not going. she's sick. aw man. now i'm alone in the camp again. to make things worse. know what? my [bro's] sleeping bag is gone. yup. gone. lost. that's it. dang it, right? tmr's just the day and it *has* to be gone now. argh. so since steffi's not going -sobs- i'm going to cck interchange tmr morning to borrow hers. at 6:35. -wails- x( i'm so sad. sad. sad. haiz. get well soon, stef! God bless.

Saturday, November 05, 2005
8:40 pm
went to deb's hse this morning. late by half an hour. lols. xP she made an accessory for me as a b'dae present. haha. all by her hands. thx, ya? i finally returned her forgotten wallet, and she returned me my set of LFV. [i forgot to pass her the cd she asked me to burn. again. (-o-")] i planned to straight away go to church, but the manga were just too heavy. x( so i took a taxi home, then went to bugis. ~_~" so anyways. from now on, the pra-remaja (pre-teens) and remaja (teens) will be combined. every saturday @ 4.30 pm. so many new faces just now. o.* including ervin's younger bro, endy. haha. gosh. he looks so much like ervin. same looks. same voice. O_O haha. so after remaja, me + ervin + endy + ryan went to eat in KFC. then we went home~
erwin's the one who doesn't look like any of the 3 of them after all.

Friday, November 04, 2005
11:01 pm
brought my grandmom and sis to harbourfront yesterday before they took a ferry to batam, and aeroplane to jakarta. then we went to ps and ate in mos burger. we then met my dad and he bought my mum a skirt. then we walked all the way to OG. i wasn't allowed to buy anything before i bought a skirt. [O_O* literal meaning. some how, tt is.] so i bought one [surprising eh?] and then we continued walking to singtel.
hohohoho. my parents finally bought me a new hp! it's N3230. black one. the red one's sold out. T^T but happy nonetheless! xD [turned out andrew has the red one -.-] then we went looking around again before we ate at lucky plaza. then we went home.
hahahaha. no bro, no sis. feels so good to be pampered just for a day. xD once in a year thing.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
7:59 pm
went to jp with xin mei + lin jie + sheng hui + fu ping.
luckily, All About Love started exactly at 5. tt made it cost higher. so we changed the movie and watched Sky High instead. quite funny. i prefer the "villain" compared to the super hero. haha. oh yeah. i still need to return xin mei however much i owe her for the popcorn/drink. or was it the other way round again?
since i arrived the earliest, i went to comics connection and finally decided to buy Superpsychic Nanaki. now it all depends on my money to see whether i should continue collecting it. haha.
[quite a nice read, i should say]

8:27 am
went to orchard with my fam yesterday. finally used my $10 voucher. bought a present for my mum, and a new shirt for me!! xD
BBQ. went to div's apartment. gawds it was so awkward at the first moment!!! the tension between Deb, Stacie and Div was just too much! x[] luckily amirah came and broke the tension. and we called justin down to play with us. haha. justin = deb's toy. tsk.
[note: anelie! i know what u're thinking! give urself a slap! haha.]going to watch a movie with xm they all later on. All About Love. chinese movie. -_-" what's it about again? well. if u refer to the title, it's "all about love". hmm... i wonder
why they don't like nice movies such as flight plan or legend of zorro!!!
low taste.well. different people got different tastes. so, yeah.