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Monday, October 31, 2005
8:34 pm
went to KAP this morning to have brunch with angel before going to school for choir.
choir. both mr goh and mr ong came. geez. had warm up session with mr ong [weird as usual]. then mr goh taught us how to sing the Kyrie Eleison song. he changed the orientation and all. che. then 10 minutes break... stayed in the choir room the whole time. since i was all alone in the alto section, i went to the soprano section and sat there till the end cause after the break we only watched a video on some choral group from US [i think. blondes and all. and mr goh said they're from the other side of the earth. couldn't be aussie.]. sigh. they are good, i guess, but i still like my church's choir the most. x) while "watching" anelie actually played pokemon red version on her gameboy. dunno whether it's advanced or sp or wad.
after choir angel, lele and me went to ryan's hse. angel wanted to check out how it's like. the room's bigger than her current one. the swimming pool is bigger too. haha. there're 2 playgrounds; 1 under renovation, 4 tennis courts, 2 squash courts. woah. there's even a childcare centre, clinic, restaurant and minimart. cool. so his mum knows i was behind them yesterday in church afterall.
'twas abt 4.30 when we left for orchard. same thing occurance. stopped at cineleisure, ate at yoshinoya. then we went to second floor. lele bought presents for her indon friends. then i bought a present for deb. ;) won't say what it is in case she reads my blog. haha. then we went to the ground floor. shared the chicken chop with angeline while lele bought the extra spicy one for herself. urgh. then we went to the dodo shop to buy drinks, and for lele [and maybe angel], some nail polisher. i finally drank pocari sweat once again. so ex! x( 1 small can for $1.20! aiyee.
then we went home lor. took 171 home. caught in a traffic jam. sigh. tmr i may go to orchard again, now with my grandmother. maybe with my mum too. then in the evening i'll go to div's bbq party. and angel'll go back to indo!!! T^T

Saturday, October 29, 2005
9:30 pm
met the remaja peeps in the morning to play bball, badminton, frisbee and that new 'fortress game'. i still dunno how to play - -". ci anita made sandwiches. so nice. x) then we went to vanessa's house after the games. her house. omg. that's my dream house!!! so glassy. futuristic. and it gives us that secretive feel! cool place!!! i love the dining room, living room, bedroom, bath room. everything! her bathtub is half-made of glass! cool! her toilet bowl too is made of white ceramic. *in awe* she's got a lot of manga too!!! xD and she loves rei ayanami from NGE. lols. anyways. i love her house. sprained my right middle finger while playing bball! pain! shall not type anymore.

7:19 am
Added few new links to my old friends! x)
HalimahYi FangNicholas T.

Friday, October 28, 2005
10:06 pm
haha. got 2 prizes. so happy. our class' girls' bball players actually got the 3rd place. we got a bronze medal for it. haha. unexpected. yet expected. ... nvm. the other one is for project work. my team also got 3rd prize. $10 voucher for taka s.c. -_-" since our class seemed to get the most number of prize, mr lam actually made us put the chairs back into the storeroom. how bad.
got the report book back today too. guess my scores weren't that bad. some improved, but some deproved. sigh. only got 31 for chinese. die le. my overall %age... 69.9%!!! 0.1% more and i'll be able to take bio. saw mrs lock during the parents' night (should be evening -_-") though, and she asked me whether i'd like to take it if there's still spaces left. i accepted it. hope it was the right choice. x my class position's 12, with a level position of 14. if i got just one more mark each for english and maths, i'd have straight As!! X( so near yet so far. why did i get a B for CME again? [total scores: 629/900]
parents' night was tiring. had to went up and down to find the teachers, as well as put back those chairs used and serve drinks to the parents. and some other stuff. uh-huh. made a few new friends. gehehe. too lazy to write in more details.
i don't know whether i should go for choir this monday. ~_~

Thursday, October 27, 2005
5:59 pm
alright. my dad's finally back from algeria! xD and we've confirmed my ticket. free ticket for sq. haha. but instead of 11 nov, i'll be leaving on 12 nov in the morning (11 nov will put me on the waiting list -.-). i'll be back on 28 dec evening. ^-^ hmm...
bball inter-class game's finally over. sigh. only won against 2/3. lost against 2/5 [by 3 shots! tt's 6 points in total! wtf?!] and 2/4 by only 1 shot [2 points. amazing. -_-" 2/4's supposed to be better than 2/5].
and that girl. i shall not mention her name here. damn bitch. stubborn betrayer. she thinks she's so fking pro. she thinks she's the boss. she thinks she's everything. wth. action kia. lent her money still not enough. don't even want to return. full of excuses only. fk la. some "friend" she is. only use that fake term to sweet-talk me to give u everything u need. i'm not your fking slave or provider u slave-driver [man. that term reminds me of some other guy]! stop using me!skipped today's choir after all. was too tired and not in the mood to sing. ~_~
tomorrow's awards day and parents' night. heard we got duty for parents' night. still not sure what though. as for awards day: my group's project work got the 3rd position. i was like, woah. we merely got the idea from the 4/1 seniors. that too advised by mr lee and miss fiona hong [she's no longer here T^T]. heh. real big thanks to them. =)
=T to help me remember some stuff:*1/11: i'll be going to divya's bbq party.
*5/11: i'll be going to deb's b'day party.
*7/11-10/11: i'll be in the ltc camp.
*9/11: must remind my dad to go see the posting results.
*12/11: go indon! yay!

Saturday, October 22, 2005
11:40 am
i wonder why i didn't mention this yesterday. after eating in bp plaza yesterday [with angeline + leonie + steffi (finally. lol.) + ryan], we [except lele and steffi] took bus 75. it's a little problematic bus. -.- didn't have the bus number on it at first. then ryan went down. angeline went down. 2 - 3 bus stops before it was my turn to go down, the stupid bus suddenly gave off a loud siren. like a signal or something to show that it's breaking down. -_-" the driver stopped at the nearest bus stop, then told us all to go down. -_-" my first time really experiencing a bus breakdown. still have the used complimentary ticket receipt with me. -.-
[continued at 8:22 PM]today me + angeline + edwin + my sis went to novena square and ate at ljs
again. then my sis' bf came and they separated tables with us. -lol- angeline said the guy looks weird. nvm. then we [no more my sis] went to lucky plaza. tooooooook a long way to finally find the travel agent my grandmum went to yesterday. haha. there is a chance that i might take SQ after all! YAY!!! ^-^
-my mum calls- -my grandmother calls-
LOL! it's confirmed that i'll take SQ! haha. so happy! my sis'll go with my grandmother after all. though i'm alone (-_-"). heh heh heh.

Friday, October 21, 2005
6:08 pm
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! pengen nangis, nangis, nangis, nangis, nangis, nangis, nangis!!! masa gak ada tiket murah untuk ke indo dari tanggal 11 nov sampe 28 dec?! pengen tgl 11 krn tgl 12nya ada undangan ke pesta pernikahan!!! pengen tgl 28 krn gak mau mepet ke sekolah, tapi gak mau cepet cepet balik ke sini!!!! T_T T_T T_T oma bilang klo dah $300 mahal. tapi mo gimana lagi?! kan gw jg pengen ke ultahnya angel!! yg dia dapet murah cuma bisa sebulan!! klo dari tgl 11 nov sampe 10 dec kan gak bisa ikut!!! lagian cuma sebulan gak bisa ngapa2in!!! [ya... gak bisa enjoy fully gitu la.. T_T] *pissed off*
NOTE: If anybody manages to find any cheap tickets to Jakarta between those 2 dates, please tell me!!!anyways. school day was fine. spent the first 1 - 2 hrs for cca admin stuff, then back to scraping off the paint on my table again. same thing for after recess. started cleaning the tables and chairs and windows and walls from 11. managed to get back some results.
my fingers [especially my two thumbs] hurt like hell. oww. [add that 2 horribly painful ulcers in my mouth. had a sore lip yesterday. x_X >=O] back and forth with steffi, we used fu ping's metal ruler till it is now slightly bent. LOL! sorry! then washed the tables and chairs. omg. they're *black*. not to mention andrew's table. eew.
somewhere in between periods, we managed to get back our exam results. only geog and chinese haven't been shown. anyways. i'm so damn DISSATISFIED WITH MY MATHS!!! *cry and bang the bed* i only got a B4!!! NOT EVEN A B3!!! that sickening 63.5. it hasn't even reached 65! T_T how am i supposed to take A Maths next year?! even if i could, can i even balance my studies well? i'll be dead. T_T T_T T_T
[not overall] english: B3. science: A1. history: A2. [that 1 more mark... 1 more mark and i'd be able to get an A1... da~mn!] home econs: A1. Art: A2. CME: A1.
you see, right? if you look at them, they're actually not bad results. for my standard, at least [except maths. A LOT OF CARELESS MISTAKES!!!]. 1 B4, 1 B3, 4 As. [just like mid year, i think] when i calculated them, i got abt a 75% average. an A1. great right? i'm sure my geog will get at least a B3. or B4, to expect the worst. but it won't be so bad. I can get at least... 70%? BUT CHINESE! omfg. lmao. well, i expect to get 20+. oh, over 100, btw. not 50. i won't be surprised when i get it back. but my whole percentage will drop. T_T T_T T_T ARGH! DAMN!

Monday, October 17, 2005
7:33 pm
today's a holiday: marking day. me + angeline + edwin + arlha + diana + dewi went to ps. bought tickets for corpse bride then ate at ajisen ramen [so full x]. 1.5 hrs before the movie started we walked around, went to carrefour to smuggle into the cinema then we went to arcade to play. only played the racing game. = =" i played trice. once against a stranger [while i was clueless wth was going on], twice against edwin. i won edwin. gehehe. then we watched corpse bride. it was okay i guess. just that i nearly fell asleep midway. gee. x after the movie angel lost her hp. (tsk. she lost her ez-link card last time) luckily someone found the hp and returned it to the person in charge (i think). after we watched the movie, we walked around borders in orchard, then went home. that's that. tmr there'll be an inter-class soccer game. haiyah. no basketball. sian.

Thursday, October 13, 2005
7:05 pm
mou... something's wrong with my computer and my mum's laptop's internet connectivity. both can't connect... since yesterday. -.-" and now i'm using my sis' com since she isn't here. my bro? sigh.
tomorrow. finally. the last paper. art. i spent the whole day doing those 3 pieces of preparatory work. purposely did them real slowly since i couldn't use the com. [computer without internet is just useless for me - -"] still, though, the 3 pieces are untidy and ugly. feh.
luckily all the downloads for full moon wo sagashite were over yesterday. and managed to download finish volumes 5, 6 and 7 of tokyo crazy paradise too. those were the only things that kept me alive today. u see, doing art homework isn't exactly my way of living.
fmws. 52 episodes. finished watching them finally. all my worriness about mitsuki not ending up with takuto are for nothing. yay. xD i really wish to see more takuto in human form!! haha. *kicks eichi sakurai off the screen* i pity eichi, but too bad. i prefer takuto. xp
kkj, done. fmws, done. inuyasha, prefer to just read the manga or just watch it reaaaally slowly. --" now i'll watch samurai deeper kyo. not bad also. heh. maybe i should download dnangel when my com/mum's laptop is back to normal. xD

Sunday, October 09, 2005
11:39 pm
CME and Math paper tomorrow. Lots to memorise: formulae, rules, regulations, etc. And now's already 11:39 PM. matta ne. - -" scared. scared. scared. scared. scared!! mrs gan still hasn't given us back our CME books, how'd she expect us to study for it and score? haiz.
was half an hour late for church just now. gosh. went up to the hall together with pak tong and his wife. ~_~
ah. sian. sleepy. fail cme liao. no time for maths liao. bye.

10:41 am
i watched into the blue with angeline, edwin and leonie last night. started at 9:50, ended at 11:45. cool. 4th time for angeline to reach home real late ever since she went to aes. the movie... a lot of murders, eh?
english paper done. chinese paper done. english paper sucked enough. chinese paper's the worst one ever in my life. compo: wrong *CONTENT*. i didn't even understand the question. - -" letter-writing: short and stupid. paper 2: HAHA! I'LL GET A SINGLE DIGIT THIS YEAR! damn.
recent new sigs:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
7:13 pm
what's with the increasing number of security guards in our school? they're pissing me off. gosh.
got an 89 out of 100 for my english project. that holocaust thingy. w00ts. just a lack of tables and statistics. hmm. at least it'll help me pull up my english marks since i did really badly for my paper 1 english exam.
did last year's eoy maths paper just now. lmao. i seriously need to get back onto the right track. 1st page: 2 mistakes; second: 1 careless mistake; third: another mistake. so on and so forth. and i don't know how to do at least 3 major questions. there's a test tomorrow too. a "retest". -_-" it's cause we did badly for our last test. the one on chapters 11 - 13. s~c~a~r~y~
>3< and ^3^. suddenly got an affection for these 2 emotions. LOL. got them from the sv forum. someone there actually thought that the number "3" [hey, "3" is cute too! haha. corny. -_-"] is the nose. it's the mouth, for those who don't get it. haha. they're like those cartoonic facial expressions used in some manga. ya know, like that
henohenomoheji expression. haha.
speaking of manga. eddiek lent me his slam dunk bks 1 and 12. i practically fell off the bed while reading. not literally, of course. ;3 rukawa is cool. [finally understood chris and judy. gee.] sakuragi is... is... what's the word? unique. and queer. and "special". fufufu. now i really wish to turn back time to when axn still showed the anime.

Monday, October 03, 2005
9:14 pm
omg. i'm so full. the fried rice is a LOT! x woaa... can't finish. should've just bought two: 1 for my bro, another one shared between me and keren. oh. keren's sick today btw.
checked out ways to make brushes to be used in PS7.0 then went to school as per usual. art: completed my math homework [most of them, at least]. had steffi to teach me. thx! then math: just that. math. finished the homework too. recess: nth. english: damn. forgot to bring my summary worksheet. -_-" luckily mrs lock let us off. exam's over already anyway. for english, at least. history: gan didn't come, but we had to do an essay. practice for exam. ~_~ so is the tension and rivalry between PAP and UMNO the main reason for separation? or was it race riot? ah, heck. chinese: did wan cheng ju zi for the whole hour. sian. forgot to bring my shou ce some more. -_-" PSE: talked the whole way through with steffi, fu ping, sheng hui and prashant.
end: stayed back in school with angeline, diana, anelie and edwin. talked, talked and talked till diana and anelie left. then ervin and ryan joined us, talked a bit, then we went home. that's that.
so what do i have to bring tomorrow? scared that ah-lock's gonna do something i totally forgot again. -_-" sigh. i need to get a life.