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Monday, September 26, 2005
7:48 pm
went for the briefing on being an sc this morning. got attached to hui yi [or was it hui yee? dunno spelling =x]. then went back to class. art lesson: got our exam paper today. left it in school though. forgot to bring it home. which one should i do? the textured patchwork one or the creative design one? =s math lesson: finally learn that sine, cosine and tangent. confusing. i needed quite some time to figure out which is which, and often ended up with the wrong angles. gee. though easy, it's confusing. english lesson: had compre test.
seemed easy. i just hope i didn't misinterpret the whole passage wrongly, or answer them in the wrong way. 'twas about the vikings. norsemen. yep. somehow i got the feeling i read it before. history lesson: cheh. quiz what quiz? it was just a revision worksheet. scared me for nothing. that mrs gan. chinese lesson: teacher had to go for the oral exam, so we were relieved by mdm liew [and did a science wksht] for the first half hour and another teacher for the other 15 minutes. the other 15 minutes were spent on going to the hall. then watched the act3 drama till abt 2. got released early.
i straight away went home. i got too lazy to study chemistry after 5 minutes and ended up using the com again. read manga and printed out the history guide for the stupid chicken [that lazy chick]. changed the blog layout for the past 15 minutes. just for 5 minutes and it was done. gee. i dunno how i could waste so much time without remembering/realising what i did. didn't know reading so few manga could take that long. whatever happened to my speed manga reading? cause i chatted while reading, probably.
my mum's still not back yet. she's either on the plane right now, or taking the taxi back home. can't wait for my new manga. grin.
thanks, mum!

Friday, September 23, 2005
10:17 pm
right. it's abt my bro again. he ruined my day again. my already-not-so-perfect day. i went to church for the KKR with my bro and sis. ryan n his mum and sis were on board the bus too when we got up. my bro and sis didn't know that. and i didn't bother telling them. so those 2 kept on insulting me again. my sis? heck. she's not as bad as my bro. after the whole thing was over, my bro forced us to take taxi home. damn it, i have no money after i just bought the 2 new manga!! but he showed that "scary" face of his and "made us [me and my sis] feel bad". on the taxi, he started talking abt nonsensical stuff again, so i tried to stop him. i asked him why is it that everything that comes out of his mouth are only insults. no praise [i dun mind], no
normal talking [i do mind]. wanna know what he answered? he said he'd rather not speak to me at all. why? cause there's nothing good about me. so is that how a brother is supposed to feel abt his sister?
if he doesn't like me in the first place, he could very well be a bit more matured and just keep quiet about it!!! i even bit my tongue and held back my tears! dammit, wtf is his problem?! i was so fcking embarrassed the whole way in the bus and the whole way back [cause there's the taxi driver, excuse me]! AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HIM!!!!! AND TO THINK THAT HE'LL BE LEAVING SOON AND I KNOW I'LL MISS HIM! BUT I JUST HATE HIS FUCKING UGLY PERSONALITY!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005
11:21 pm
sigh. very unlucky today. maths test: i only remembered that 1 litre = 1000 cm-cubed at the very last minute, so i couldn't change my answer. -.- chinese: class kena scolded cause most of them didn't do hmwk. a-tan also happened to pass by when ms lim pushed the chair away angrily and went out of the class to get worksheet, so we kena scolded by him.
then it was raining. i straight away went to the bus stop after school and took 184 to clementi before going to *NOVENA*. damn. my meeting place with my grandma was supposed to be in *LAVENDER*. so i/they waited there/
there for 1 hour before my sis called me to say i waited at the wrong place. sigh. finally took care of my ic.
my bro sucks. he's being totally childish. he deliberately play truant and skip school so that my parents AND *grand*parents, mind u, would quickly take care of his VISA so that he'll be able to go to US real soon. wtf? his school called us TWICE just to ask us to reprimand him. he never listened when he's being told off. no, change that to
when he's being told to think wisely nicely. just when exactly is he going to be JUUUUST slightly more caring towards others? my mum's sick again now cause she thinks too much of him too. man, he sucks. guess it's true abt real smart ppl being crazy. and no, this time i'm not exagerrating. heartless freak.

Friday, September 16, 2005
11:24 pm
my current mood:

xD Ooh I sooo love Kei Enue's works!!! RSR R's Revolution la... Channel Wonder la... and now B-Wanted!!! *shrieks* I love Kaoru!!! xD
hmm.. let's go backwards.. bought teenage magazine just now. might as well lor.. got free game starter cd (ice world or smth...) [i think]. jessica's tiny face also appeared in the wilber pan's fans' page. lol. didn't know she's a fan of his.
ate in burger king. ate the french chicken burger or something. so damn nice. ;) but extremely fattening. -_-" a lot of cheeese. ~>x<~
nth interesting... till PE. -.- played street soccer according to our groups again. quite nice game. =) but shucks. first, i accidentally kicked the [volley (lol)] ball using my right *toe*. second, my left wrist was hit by the fast ball that was kicked by prashant in the starters. not so pain... third: kicked the ball again. this time i used the supposedly correct part of my right foot. but lin jie's leg came for the ball too from the right/back(?). accidentally hit my leg at the same time when i kicked the ball. *ouw* damn pain. T_T luckily my distant [so distant that i forgot her face and name] grandmother along with my mother side's gramps came from indonesia. she knows how to heal sprained/fractured parts. massage la.. pain!!! >_<>
aiya.. the download 46% only.. sian. ja. oyasumi.

Thursday, September 15, 2005
8:02 pm
finished my holocaust project. finally.
i watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children the movie already!!! man it rocks like hell!!! cloud and vincent are so damn cool!!! tifa is too!!! *shrieks* kadaj also so shuai~ sigh... sephiroth... xD
oh yeah.. 5566 coming to our school.. pro nia.. shu qin begged me to take photo n try get signature. haha. i try, i try. lols. i dun even know who zax wang is until she told me. haha. my name was included by xin mei mah. then i go lor. another reason: since they're popular ppl.. haha. get some experiences. haha. gee. not like i like them or smth. 've nvr heard of their song b4. ~_~ probably had, but dunno it was by them. heh.
gotta do hmwk now. bye. ~_~
does being alone means you'll have no problem such as peer pressure?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
11:29 pm
hmm.. 3/4 done with my holocaust project. took abt 3 - 4 hours. i'm left with the creative writing and turning the whole project into a booklet. still without the creative writing, 17 pages already. haiz. my summary skills has gone down into the drain. the same with my compre and composition skills. argh! the whole subject la.
got my progress report yesterday. my god. it was *horrible*. even though the average percentage is higher than my mid-yr scores, this time it totally sucked!!! my english dropped to B4. a damn low 62!!!! that's not acceptable!!! kuso!!!!!! my chinese deprove again, no surprise. got 33. in the other hand, my maths improved. got 78. science... also frightening. a B3!! no!!! gee. from A1 > A2 > B3. sh!t la. geog. geog. geog. geog. curse that miss lee. how the hell did my marks deprove *tremendously* from an A1 to a fking B3 (67)?! she didn't even give us any difficult tests that would pull my grades down till like that!!! during 2 out of all the 3 tests, we were allowed to refer to our textbook. so how the heck did i get *THAT* low?!?!?! -pissed- my history, to my real surprised surprise, got an A1. 88 at that. woah. o.o but wth. i wouldn't mind if I got a fcking C6 for my history, but i *can't* get a B3 for geography!!!! homec, 85. arts, 71. 2 more marks and i'm dead. -.-

Saturday, September 10, 2005
11:37 pm
stayed at home for the whole day. except for breakfast. went to the hawker centre downstairs n ate chicken rice. heh. didn't even go to the housewarming cause my mum was busy.
the whole day was spent on doing the english project, forwarding mails from my hotmail account to my gmail account, doing the chinese hmwk, reading a few manga, watching fmws and burning cds for my kkj anime. haven't continued my maths yet.
while doing my english project... kuso.. my printer's connection was off again. luckily i was patient enough to follow the troubleshooting steps one by one. -.-
but, while i was meddling with the wires behind my com, my speakers suddenly stopped working. had to use my mum's laptop to listen to my songs and watch the anime. sigh. and until now it's not fixed yet. -.-
my throat hurts like hell too. and to think i didn't even talk at all today, except for when someone asked me something. i really remind myself of mitsuki, -_-" in addition to the fmws i just watched [watched ep 14 - 20].
**cough** ep 18 **cough** kakkoi ne.. takuto wa..sigh. boring day. something's missing. and no, i'm not refering to everyday life. ~_~ smth's bothering me. ticked me off pretty well. penting up my anger and real emotions really sucks.

Friday, September 09, 2005
9:21 pm
went out with wanru
+ yihui
+ huihui
+ rachel just now.
^-^ met in clementi mcd at 10.30+
[our usual meeting place. xD]. then we took the mrt to bugis and bought the tickets for
herbie: fully loaded. it was an ok movie~ pretty funny but not so much. started at 1:15, ended at 2:50. short movie. then we took neoprints and i bought a present for steffi. finally. -phew- then we went back to clementi and went to the arcade to play. used to be very cheap
[$2 per hour of non-stop playing anything you want], but now they changed the whole payment thing
[50 cents per token -.-]. more expensive. damn. we went home at 6.
~_~ i bought a grass jelly drink at $1.40 from mr. bean. dammit. i forgot there was this mini stall selling them at 50 cents! same amount of drink too! i remembered only when the ah ma selling tissue at $1 asked me to buy a glass for her.
>_< ~_~ nvm. a good deed once in a while doesn't hurt. haha. gee.
tomorrow'll be a boring day. i promised myself to not go out anywhere before i've done at least 1/2 my homework
[well... not counting the housewarming i'll have to go to..].
short post eh?

Thursday, September 08, 2005
11:06 pm
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this:
My main e-mail will now be officially kezia.Crossed@gmail.com (thanks to Keren's friend that I'm finally able to use it. ^-^). I'll be using that for MSN Messenger too. For k_whitecross@hotmail.com, it's up to you whether to keep it or just delete it. I will still have to use it for quite some time cause a lot of important information is contained there. I've yet to move all the information to the new e-mail. And I have to make changes to all of the subscriptions I've subscribed to by that e-mail. !!_!! I've used that for quite a few years, anyway. It's quite sad to leave it and not use it so often anymore. X_( So, yeah, you might still be able to catch me using that old e-mail. =x
My reason for the e-mail change: Hotmail sucks and it's getting on my nerves. -.- It has so little memory and space, yet it's often a page that can't be viewed. Simple as that. In fact, I pretty much prefer the old Hotmail to the current new one. =.=
Ja ne,

10:28 pm
=) happy mood. now i really really have to off that mood from this saturday onwards. have been slacking a lot this holidays, neglecting all my homework. projects and the up-coming tests, especially. -_-"
hehe. thanks, guys, once again, for all the birthday wishes! xD i received lots of them, especially from anelie. hahaha. thx, thx. =D now, if only i could feel any difference to my increasing age. 14 -> 15. i don't really change the way i think, the way i talk, the way i feel. o-o" i think.
after posting yesterday, i decided to follow angel and the rest after all to orchard. xD but i felt like something was missing. the usual feeling's just wasn't there for me yesterday. for me. not the others. sigh. after we ate in bk in cine [again], we only managed to walk around before we separated ways. i went with arlha and steffi to the bball court near steffi's house to play bball, while diana, angel and edwin continued their walk in orchard. they didn't come and play in the end. ~_~
today, me + angel + edwin + diana + anelie + dewi went to sentosa. for what, i dunno. we [except for dewi] gathered in kap mcd then met up with dewi in harbourfront (sp?). oh yeah, i ate big breakfast in mcd for free since i used my membership points. so i at least managed to save my money. gee. we took the shuttle bus in hbf, paid the entrance fee [$3.00] and then took the blue line to siloso beach. stayed there for the whole day, eating only either hotdogs [me] or burgers [them] for lunch. we slept through the first few hours we were there, then we walked around in the water. the end result: we are now all sun-burnt. i'm not that bad, though it's quite obvious. angeline... my gosh. she's no longer white, yellow, or red, even. she's *purple* (<-- yup, *that* purple). O_O man, there really was a bball court [mini less-than-half court. lols.] there! and nobody played in it too! i should have brought my ball! T_T we went home at abt 6 from there. i met lia's mom in the blue line on the way home too. =) she was with a few ladies. tourists, maybe. dunno.
tomorrow will be the day when i will meet wanru n the rest again. xD wr said she saw me in clementi interchange just now. haha. yup, i'm *really* fat right now.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
11:11 am
haha. happie happy day. woke up at 9:40+ already got 9 messages all saying happy b'day to me. haha. thanks, guys.
and i found out that Square Enix would finally release the FF7 Advent Children 6 more days!! xD well... i hope so. i don't know if that would only be shown in japan. i hope singapore *does* release it, and with UNdubbed voices! subtitles are always better!!! and the movie trailer was like... so cool!!! cloud and sephiroth.. woaah.. -faints-
nah, the link:
now there's only this one unsupporting factor to my happiness. headache again. hi, headache, nice to see you again. -.-"
well, going out to orchard soon with the usuals. me, steffi, edwin, angel, hopefully arlha and diana. and perhaps anelie. ~_~

Monday, September 05, 2005
9:37 pm
went to angel's house again just now... before i went, i gathered the things i had to bring... only to realise that i left my graph pad in school. -.-" now i have to buy a new graph pad if not i won't be able to do the maths hmwk. reached her house at 11, waited for the rest [edwin, arlha, diana] till 1+, then we cooked some food before watching the vcds. then i reached home at 8. xD
right. while waiting for arlha and diana, edwin taught angel how to install the sims 2 while i did my chemistry and part of maths homework... he also brought lots of snacks and drinks, so when arlha and diana came, we headed straight for the kitchen to cook the
"french toasts", made the
"teh tarik" and also
nutri sari.. then we went back to the living room to watch
my tutor friend while eating all those stuff plus some chips and crackers.. that was round 1.
for round 2, they made even more toasts cause the previous one was finished already.. lol. toasts ala edwin. not so bad, i must say. then we opened the bottle of sparkling juice and carlsberg beer.. but i didn't drink the beer la.. i hate it. tastes and smells really weird and bitter. eew. while eating and drinking again, we watched
waterboys again since arlha and diana hadn't watched it yet..
for the last round, which is round 3, we ate the leftovers from the previous rounds and an additional neapolitan ice-cream with bread. for this, we watched
wet dreams 2... sick movie. no graphics or whatsoever [since there was none], but the freaking teacher, a guy, would always fart when he becomes erected.. urgh. tt's why the movie was rated nc-16. the ending... unfulfilling. -.-" only the ugliest pair ended up with one another. eek.
pretty fun, altogether. now i'll have to suffer for an hour for chinese homework. dang.
oh yeah:
May God bless you. =)

Saturday, September 03, 2005
10:25 am
yesterday was fun. at
angeline's place. not during school, not during bbq. well, at least the bbq was okay. just the stupid rain which ruined everything. oh, and the fact that a certain guy came only when i was about to go back to angel's house. heh.
first: school. only celebration, but just waiting for the teachers to come up to the hall took 1 hour cause they had breakfast buffet. all the performances were bands formed within the school. and they had similar errors: the
lead vocalists *shouted*, not *sang*. i say, even the back-up singers were much better than the leads. the drummers and guitarists were cool, though. =]
then we went to angel's place
before and
after bbq. edwin bought many new japanese/korean drama cds!!! we watched
WaterBoys [jap; before bbq] and
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant [kor; after bbq] in angel's house! haha. the movies were so damn funny. especially waterboys. xD and that 100DwMA... i've been wanting to watch that!!! tried to download it before, but it just took too long. xD hmm... korean chick flicks definately have a certain format, eh? girl/boy kena bullied [funny part], then fall in love [serious part], get together [romantic part], and a turn-around from the very first scene [conclusion]. but they're always nice. i wonder why. [being sarcastic, here]
cause singapore doesn't know how to make good movies. [-.-]
oh yeah, after bbq, her house got blackout a few times. the fuse box went down. too much usage of electricity, i guess: computer, tv, fan, lights, air-con. hee. and the me; i don't know why i was so freaking sensitive yesterday. anelie became sick too. too much smoke, i think.
[well, if u're reading this, rest and get well soon. =)] reached home at 11:30+ in the end.
-PREVIOUS POST BEFORE DELETION-remember the day i said stuffs about mr goh? alright. i take those back. throw them back at mr ong. no further explanations needed. (like, duh!) just an advice: go for lessons on anger management.
holocaust: simply a sick and inhuman genocide. those heartless freaks. fking nazis created history to only make us suffer.
teachers: heartless creatures who love to torture us by the amount of holiday assignments given. daily assignments counted.
right. no longer in the mood to type. all that highlightings caused me to rewrite everything again. blame blogger for being so freaking stubborn now.