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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
6:26 pm
i'm sick! T_T fever, flu, sorethroat, yet i can't skip school. -.- kuso ne.. stupid homec, stupid music lesson, stupid school!!! another reason being exams. -_-" they'll be here real soon. haiz.
~_~ bought absolute boyfriend vol 6 just now.
SPOILER - the ending:i'm happy that riiko actually got together with soushi.[i don't really like night anyways. no offence wor.] but the ending just seemed... unfulfilling. -_-"
my wrist... fingers... hand... arm... [argh. fine. whole body.] are limp, weak and feels really weird!!!
_sick of school_

Sunday, August 28, 2005
9:21 pm
sigh. so sleepy today. just finished doing math homework too. -_-" those transformations, ya know? tmr i know i'll suffer while doing cme from page 11 to page 22. 10 freaking boring pages. all abt total defence. -.-" what are the 5 aspects again? psychological, military, civil, social and economical defences, right? i'll just refer to this post tmr while doing it. duh.
anyways. bought 3 new manga: ouran koukou host club [vol 1 frm kinokuniya], fruits basket and love for venus [both vol 12; from comics connection]. tt lfv... one of the last pages was torn! had to go back all the way to far east plaza this afternoon to get it changed! man, and the guy there looked so scary too. -.-" now i'm short of money. sigh. i really want that fmws poster and that keita [from w-inds] file... gee. so now lfv is finally done. 12 vols in total. not such a bad ending. just a bit too quick. *yuki... -starry eyed-* "swt."
this afternoon: first went down to the void deck. there was this dunno wad mp meeting with lunch. i only ate the cocktail. already ate b4 that and was still full. then my mum and i went to orchard, changed my lfv manga to a new one in far east cc. then we went to es teler 77. had to wait to find a place to sit. ate the so-longed-for bakso and es teler. (there's this comic rental service!!! indo too!!! but only rental. T_T and *have* to pay too. T_T surely not allowed to rent. and to return it, i have to go to either ntu or to et77 itself. sigh.) then we went to taka the national library; i sat in the cafe galilee there while drinking the 4-hour-lasting bitter capucino and eating the chicken chunks. the clumsy and unfortunate me dropped 2 chunks onto the ground. damn. oh yeah. saw a lot of indons today. in et77 is of course of no surprise. had a talk with her too. a maid working with somebody for like, 8 yrs? woah. cool. no agent needed and more money gained too. then in the cafe galilee i shared a table with 3 indon guys [already working and living in aussie. *shudders* reminds me of a certain stalker. *cough* harris *cough*] unfortunately again, we [my mum and i] were late to church. reached there at 5+. x(
played bball 2 days ago. damn shiok. but now painful. ouch.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
8:00 pm
omg. do i lack sleep or something? no! i sleep like... 5 - 6 hours each night? tt's usually enough for me! these days... i woke up every morning between 6:30 - 7:00. is that good? BAD!!! i was nearly late 3 times already this week!!! oh, remember that today's only wednesday? tt means i was nearly late practically everyday!!! my hp's freaking alarm is so damn soft! is nokia dying or something?!
yesterday too. completely pissed off for the whole day. every single freaking teacher scolded our class for ever single freaking period. the heck? scolding day or something? and guess i have to agree with yiu wai. tt mr.fan. or mr fun? (how the heck do u spell tt name?) the one who moved to my school from krss. he's one hella kind of a gay guy who encounters PMS.
Periodically Mood Swing. not *that*. anyways, if u expect me to type out everything out, sry, too long-winded. -_-"
today: not so bad. mr ong's not as unreasonable as last week. pretty nice, actually. only got impatient at the very last minute.

Friday, August 19, 2005
4:43 pm
wtf. mrs lock sucks big time. she said she actually encouraged us to go to the embassy, but should have told her earlier cause then she'd be able to postpone the test. then when steffi and i went to physics lab to take the practical test, arlha asked her when we can re-take the test. (not re-take, actually. haven't even taken once. so, it should be
take, isn't it? xp) u knoe what that key-less lock said? she said that she doesn't know, and that
that is beyond her control. what the... she could have answered in a less mean way, couldn't she? oh yeah. she can't. hello? this is our marks we're talking about? the 3 of us? how can she act so carelessly? tt's plain stubborn. anyway, i just hope she won't take away all of our marks. (ok, ok. so i admit it's part of our fault too to not tell her earlier.) oh yeah. i only got 17/30 for my first ever expository writing
this year. it *sucks*. i've done quite a bit a few years ago too. how can i get so damn low?
ok. that's 1. now, the practical test. 2 batteries were provided. but only one symbolic battery was drawn. tt's not my fault, isn't it? but damn yes, i could have asked her. so it's my fault again. so now i'm sure i'd flunk that stupid practical test, cause all of the questions are *linked*. and that symbolic battery too, was the *first* question. i'm doomed. to think that this year's the streaming year. and *science* too. my supposedly one of the best subject ever. dang.
english = sick. science = faint. now? home econs = die.
ok. so i'm not really dead yet. the homec test isn't over yet. it's this wednesday. postponed since last wed. but yet, i got this creepy feeling around me. yup. i still got the time to study. but the stubborn, immature side of me is just too lazy. and talking about this creepy feeling: i hate this tingly sensation (tingly shock, actually) whenever i hear a sudden, high-pitched, loud sound. not even noise. sound. even the sound of the bus-stopping bell is disturbing too. that's 1. my frequent headache arrives again. i cut my toenail too short. ouch. my sinusitis seems to come by again. see? even you don't really get my post for today. they're all jumbled up. right? yes, i'm right. i'm sounding like philip now by asking and answering my own stupid questions. nevermind. you don't have to comprehend everything i said today.
so i guess the complains are done. for today. oh, take note of today. that's the bitchy part of me. i guess i'm just more open in the computer than in real life. i just hate the uncomfortable eye contacts. [oops, more complains.]
on the happy side: P.E. today was really fun. though mr kumar wasted, like, 20 minutes on talking and taking height and weight (-.-" they still remain the same. my height and weight i mean. no further details needed. grin.). i played with arlha, steffi, hidayah, eddiek, robinson, shaqif, michael. prashant and yun feng sat and watched us play. xD oh. that alvin tay. i finally noticed how left out he is. and how noobish and immature he is too. his skills aren't as good as the others. especially compared to michael and eddiek. yet he dared to call michael 'potato' when he managed to steal the ball from him away. many times. and he "showed off" his totally wrong style of leg drawing. heh.
PE group: all star '05.
team members: eddiek, robinson, prashant, shaqif, michael, steffi, arlha, xin mei, me.
perfect. grin.
i should probably stop here before i got too carried away and insult more ppl. i'm so sinful and weird nowadays. not that i'm not last time. (stop me from being bitchy please. i hate it.)

Thursday, August 18, 2005
5:56 pm
hmm... pretty much nth happened today. just the usual. oh yeah. mrs lock didn't come. the homec test that was supposed to be yesterday too was postponed. haha. now only left that stupid english
thura's diary test.
went to the indonesian embassy yesterday. woke up at 6, left home at 6:40, met edwin, arlha and diana at 7, steffi at 7:05, angeline at 7:10, ryan at 7:15. hmm. the day before that... really stressing. we were like, discussing/arguing on whether or not go for like.. 3 hours? 8 to 10, wasn't it? and we only decided it yesterday morning after me, steffi n arlha talked to miss chong abt it. phew. and we saw mdm liew before we left together too. --" cause of that we couldn't skip choir. T_T
reached tanglin, met erwin, aufar and ryan's 2 ro friends [1 girl & 1 guy]. then met guido in the embassy. heh.. the ceremony.. the heck.. we weren't allowed to sing the national anthem.. heh.. - -" then we ate the lontong sayur and got the letter to be given to the teacher.. then met some of my church's friends... and CI MAGDA!!!!!!! waaaah. dah lama gak ketemu!!! 1 yr? 2 yrs? i forgot. waaa!!! sampe di peluk. hahaha. holidaying from US, but going to indon this friday. X(
from embassy, we walked all the way to orchard, which isn't supposed to be that far. o_o" the thing is, we had stood since we left tanglin mall [at 8:40] till we reached taka and found seats [which, btw, was at around 11] -_-" 2+ hours... ate tako pochi/pachi [whichever. - -"] and sat and chatted there till abt 1+ ba.. then we went around kinokuniya in which to my utter dismay, tt fking slow chuangyi *still* hasn't published even 1 manga tt i'm waiting for!!! next: went to auntie anne's cause angel n edwin wanted to buy the pretzels. then ryan changed to uniform and we all went back to school. except of course for aufar and guido who went around some more (so gd!! aufar left at 8 and guido reached home at 12 a.m. O_O] and ryan's friends who went home.
tt stupid choir and mr ong. dammit. mr ong
*sucks* like hell. i totally hate him now!!! he's even worse than mr goh! i completely misunderstood him. to think i used to think he's mr. nice-guy. my FOOT!!! he, the really deaf and biased person who desperately needs anger-management thought that only the first row of the altos sang, and a few others in the back row. wtf?! *obviously* me, arlha and diana also sang! *and*: may i be allowed to say that *i* actually sang the *right* tune, whereas the rest [especially the 3rd row] sang the *wrong one*?! fking slow guy, could u actually give me some credit for it?! yes, i might [may, actually. still does.] sound bitchy but what the heck? who gives a damn care? even arlha is also pissed off at that-- that
gay guy!! if only i could skip his practices! and that song/skit we'd have to do for the bbq has to be ready by tmr?! the heck? the bbq is like, on
2nd *september*?! which is heck of a damn long period away from
*now* (18 aug '05, thursday, 6:30 PM). and within such a short time too! how could we be ready *that* fast?! orgil.

Monday, August 15, 2005
7:15 pm
hmm... today can be considered unlucky yet lucky. first, i woke up late at 7:44 and i took a taxi to school which i only got at 8. then i reached school at abt 8:10.
lucky thing no 1: there's no late-coming today.
unlucky thing no 1: i wasted my bloody precious $5 on the stupid taxi driver whom didn't know the way to school.
unlucky thing no 2: didn't bring tie.
lucky thing no 2: andrew lent me his.
unlucky thing no 3: kena caught by ms chong for reading magazine during the celebration.
lucky thing no 3: didn't really get scolded.
unlucky thing no 4: the vincent hall was damn smelly with irritating kids sitting infront of me.
lucky thing no 4: the celebration ended 1 hour earlier than expected.
unlucky thing no 5: had to go for choir.
lucky thing no 5: steffi and ryan decided to go to for
remaja in my church.
unlucky thing no 6: i missed 2 bus stops on the way home while using my hp.
lucky thing no 6: 173 was just behind me, so i didn't have to wait again.
tsk tsk tsk. dunno whether to consider myself lucky or not. ~_~

Thursday, August 11, 2005
6:22 pm
made a new layout. the very first one edited by me. in other words, i stole the frame off from someone i dunno. -_-" sry,
person. my first attempt. very thankful towards u.
went to sp. got to miss the first half of the chinese lesson. heh. the presentation was pretty nice, i guess. there's just this one irritating person who kept on laser-pointing the screen when the presentation was going on. as for the treasure hunt, i was in the same grp as steffi, arlha, xin mei, ruk suek and li jun. but as per usual, we didn't care abt the game. so li jun n ruk suek went with dunno who; me, steffi, arlha n xin mei went to mcdonald's to buy fries. then went back to the meeting point. i saw ibnur in one of the food courts (eating chicken, i think). heh. then he was like pushing his specs up his face la. so funny. reminds me of the sissy days in primary shcool. but no offense la. he's a pretty nice guy.
mm.. so tired. i'd probably copy and paste this post to the fia route one. that mrs lock. damn her again. she knows we'll reach home pretty late today and yet she gave us tons of work to be handed up tomorrow. -.-

Monday, August 08, 2005
8:56 pm
8 August 2005: Happy day!!!
lols. i'm so damn happy today. though it's rather tiring. half-day cause of national day celebration. yup. that's one thing. second thing, my class got first in the overall for the skit and song performances we put up just now. weird. cause we wasted a lot of time and even *skipped* one part. the main character forgot his lines. -_-" haha. i didn't even say the introduction of the skit. O_* and all the mike troubles. waa--
another thing is that project work is finally over!!! w00t. yes, i do seem much too happy. but that's the truth. haha. IPW. that sickening subject. that freaking stubborn wires, light bulbs and switches. that scary teacher. that stupid dateline. finally over!!! xD now the models are both with mr lee. the laptop is returned already. i'm finally free of that project. steffi and i: utterly and uberly happy!!!
after the whole project thingy was over, steffi, angel, edwin, lele and i went to orchard. wanted to watch the charlie and the choccolate factory that one. but when we got there, all the tickets for the 3 o'clock show were sold out already. even though that was at least 1 - 2 hours earlier when we tried to buy them. -_-" in the end, we only walked around orchard area again. pretty much the same places we go to each time we're there. taka, cine, lido, borders. oh. cold storage. haha.
i left my left-over project materials at angel's house. they're so heavy. lol. my uniform and pencil box are there. and many other things. but it was so heavy!!! and it was too late for me to go to her house to collect it again too. so i asked her to bring it to school on thursday, when school reopens. oh yeah. saw xin mei, li jun and ruk suek when we went home on the 171 bus.

Friday, August 05, 2005
6:28 pm
mm... what did we do today... went to school, 6:50 from home as usual. then first period was P.E. waited for steffi to take her shuttle-run retest, then we got half an hour left to play bball. T_T only half hour. sigh. then it was geography, damn boring. recess: ate lor mie. then english. nearly fell asleep. my gosh! so damn boring and useless! science... not bad la. after school we practiced the national day song and skit thingy. sigh. they still haven't come up with the dance steps yet. and the thing's this monday. the skit's not bad. just pretty plain, sitting on just 1 table through the whole skit. but at least got something la. rather than not having anything. mm. then b4 we went home we met lele, nadya, novina, ryan and alistair. so we ate cup noodles first. then the guys went home and me and steffi waited for nadya, novina and lele. but in the end lele nvr appeared again. so we went home lor. all i've done is this since i've been home. oh. and ate ice cream. choccolate chips. nice. heh. plain 'ol me. boring. ~_~

Thursday, August 04, 2005
6:51 pm
mm... got the laptop from mr lim today. it may seem okay. internet connection's weird though. i can sign in with the windows messenger. but the internet explorer's not working. wonder why. oh. and it's damn slow. freaking slow. haiz. and this monday's the presentation. die. i'll have to carry tables, bring a lot of huge stuff, take retort stands, whiteboard and all. sigh. there'll be judges, teachers and students too. -_-" the worst: no, not the principal. it's the
feedback forms. surprising? of course not.
a few amateur buttons and banners:

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
7:18 pm
boo. i hate project work. my group has to present again this monday to the sec ones. there goes my half-day. T_T
choir's going to be disbanded if the attendance is not more than 90%. T_T
my brain's gonna burst. T_T
i'm in a blog-dilemma. ~_~"
i'm in a real-short mood. ._.
meaning easily-angered or short-winded. ~_~"
heh. jya! ._.