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Yoroshiku ne~

Sunday, July 31, 2005
11:57 pm

long time no see again. geez. i don't know why but i feel that i'm much too sarcastic nowadays. anyways. made a new blog. a shared one between me and deb.


she's new in this. just taught her today. =p by now i think u should be able to guess which is which. miyo's deb, route's me. gotten my nick from FMwS. grin. miyo's deb's nick in ro.

a lot of projects going on. luckily history's done. last minute work, though. now what's left are project work (yes, i have an extended IPW -.-), home econs and chinese. dang. i wonder why i used to like projects. i just kinda hate them now. and there i am again being sarcastic in an i-dunno-why way.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
11:47 pm

i've become more and more sick of harris (i'm in a direct mood) and projects. first, that guy uses me as his tool to get together with my sis. he's damn stubborn la. i've *scolded* him for, like, at least 1 hour and he still doesn't get the idea. he may not be tired of listening to me. or rather *not* listening to me. but i'm tired of explaining things to that idiot. second, he wastes my smses. he's in aussie. everybody knows that. but being the rich, snobby type of person he is, he doesn't care a thing for my *decrease* of money. he takes it as a joke. he thinks he can pay everything. he even said to let the teachers in school confiscate my hp and he'll get me a new one. wtf? there's something -- no. i meant *many things*. -- definately wrong with him. that thick-skulled, thick-skinned, self-centered snob. the worst thing is, he just HAS to sms me at *all* the wrong time! e.g 1: i was still in class. e.g 2: i was still doing project. e.g 3: i was already sleeping. e.g 4: it was already 1 AM IN THE MORNING!!! DAMN HIM!

as for the projects, only history is done. finally. but we still got to ask alvin to ask something. that lazy guy practically begged us with starry eyes to let him join our (arlha, steffi, me) social studies group. but he joined the group only at the last 2 days (which meant only yesterday)! and the deadline is tomorrow! it's like, steffi, arlha and i with the help of anelie were the only ones doing it. that's wrong! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiz.

Saturday, July 23, 2005
9:40 pm

've been sick for a few days already!! T_T was absent from school last tuesday. i went to the doctor at 8 pm. and there were LOTS of patients. the heck? season of disease or something? anyway, my sis and i waited for our queue number to appear. we were number 44, and the CURRENT number was 23! in the end, at 10 pm, the clinic CLOSED, without us getting a chance to even go for a check up. -_-"
a lot of projects coming up. history and chinese, u know it. project work... *drum rolls for a sarcastic reason* mr lee the caveman called our group out. -_-" we were told to continue doing till around national day. gosh. does he ever give up or what? while talking to him too.. his face was so funny and weird-looking that i nearly laughed out loud. serious, here.
that uploading images thingy is ... is ... *annoying* i can't put tags in properly, or resize the pictures proportionally too. why the heck can't we just put them at the real size? -.-"
mm... while i was having a headache again and resting from chatting, i made a matching banner and logo. made up of takuto and mitsuki from full moon wo sagashite. still plain, though.

Click below for:
-Banner- -Logo-

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
10:53 am

say. what time is it? 10:53 am. would anybody like to guess why the hell am i home typing this instead of being in school? yep. i'm sick. s-i-c-k. why? 1, him. 2, another him. [no, no. none of them are bf-related. i don't have any.] 3, marche. 4, out of oxygen. 5, the smell of anchovies. 6, too much food. 7, too much sweet drinks. [yup, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are related to 3.] 8, my bro's driving skills. 9, my bro's temperamental rage. 10, my bro's immaturity. [yeah, 8, 9 and 10 are refering to the person in number 1.] 11, lack of sleep. guess that's all. i hope. so what's my sickness? chest pain. difficulty in breathing. headaches. migraines at other times. vomitted twice. urk. oh, stress counted? [11:06. my sis is home?]

finally that guy's totally given up on keren. thank God. like, why the heck must i be the center-person *again*? i hate to be a messenger. i hate to side just one person. i hate to be the one who must fake-support another. mostly, i hate to *waste* my sms just to help that certain idiot. the craziest guy in the universe. he expects me to *CALL* or at least sms him. the HECK? we know he's in fcking aussie right now. like, so what if HE's rich? doesn't mean I am. i don't have that much money to spend *just* for him. damn it. GROW UP, ppl. [certain ppl, i mean.] have more COMMON SENSE. THINK. not EVERYBODY's as "LUCKY" as you. don't be so IMMATURE and SELF-centered. YOU cry cause the one you 'love' left you? my gosh. be a bit PATIENT. patient as in wait for another one to come into your life. not give up then after some time chase AGAIN. if not, then it's just too bad. no arguments here, sorry. damn it. just typing this stupid paragraph gives me another migraine. right side of the head again. oh yeah, this guy i'm talking about is number 2 from the above-mentioned list.

updates on my life:
-> yesterday my family went to marche for dinner. along with my mum's clients. both clients are married. cool, eh? indo girls with aussie guys. [no, no. dun remind me of a crazy indo-aussie guy. this one's pure-bred aussie.] amusing. so today i got sick partly cause of the anchovies smell in there.
-> got a few new manga. heh. from the idiot who's so damn naive. and lele lent me a few of hers. =D i lent her and nadya my KKJ 1-7 and Nakayoshi 21 & 22. but as per usual, lele forgot to bring the volume 1 of her manga again. this time it's Random Walk by Wataru Yoshizumi. haha. one of my favourite mangakas around. fb 11 is out. but haven't bought it yet. that can wait, though. 've read the scans up to volume 15. just cause smth's wrong with my internet connectivity, i've not read volume 16 chapter 1 [which is chapter 90 of the series].
->oh yeah. the walk-around-orchard [no. not singapore.] was hell. the most boring-est walk i've ever had. i'm LUCKY that angeline, edwin, arlha, diana and my sis [finally] tagged along. i don't have to suffer that much that way. but i'm still suffering currently partly cause of the same reason. so, yeah.
-> few projects coming up again. let's see. chinese & history. all the boring subjects. hope i didn't miss any. even i've given up on the switches & light bulbs project. *rolls eye* that caveman just has to live with it.

Thursday, July 14, 2005
11:22 pm

ok... lo~~~ng time ever since i updated. whenever i told myself i would, i'd fall asleep sooner or later without doing so. >_<" anyways. i deleted the last post. i feel sorry for mrs lock also. it was just a mistake she made anyway. can't blame her for being so stupid. =p it's wrong of me to make such a big fuss over it. [yet i'm still like that. ~_~] uh-huh... many things have happened since then. so much that i forgot most of them. *shifty eyes* so i'll just talk about today. had the first photoshop workshop today. the instructor [she didn't tell us her names -.-] was absolutely *crappy* in a real *crappy* way which made the day really *crappy*. her irritating tone of voice just made it worse. or maybe it's just the main part that made it *crappy* in the first place. to make things even "better", she repeated the same things over and over and over again. just like my "over"s. made simple stuff only. u knoe? the gradient thingy. why? cause she spent the first 2 hours only explaining the marquee thingy and how u 'copy and paste' them. told ya she kept repeating.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
9:49 pm

-_- arlha, steffi and i went for another round of collection just now... but instead of going house-to-house, we tried asking on the streets... in bb interchange to be exact.. now i know how people feel when they are rejected... ouch. ~_~ anyways, since i was there for quite some time, i got to meet stella, vivian, adeline, adeline's sis [for the 1st time], zhi ping, zhang fan, jody and a few/many more. lols. one senior from our school also donated $10 to us. cool. and a few tips on how to avoid people asking you for donation [haha. if' u're that bad, that is.]:
1. smile then walk away, which is the most polite way
2. just walk away, pretending not to look
3. run away, which is worse
4. change direction, which is also kinda direct
5. talk/pretend to type smth [eg. sms] in your hp, which is lame
6. put on your mp3, which is also damn lame if u put in on right infront of the person
7. pretend to search for something in your bag, if u're really that desperate
8. pretend to talk to another person. sad case.
L-O-L! yes, i admit i've done a few of them before. now i know how "jleb-jleb"-ing [stabbing sound] it is to be treated as if u're not there. aaack. perhaps i should really learn how to be more polite. xP anyways, the most i can get is only $30+ for the total, probably. -_-" sigh.
angeline's absent again today. she said her doctor/sister said that she got stomach flu. o.O and now diana said she got stomach ache after she went home from angel's house. wah.i hope those 2 are okay and will be in school tomorrow! since school reopened, angeline only went to school *once*. man, i envy her. lol. she complains that it's really boring at home though. haha. tt's why... must go to school... ~_~"

Monday, July 04, 2005
6:33 pm

didn't post again, did i? hmmph... not really in the mood to... the taggiebox was 'mad' since a few days ago too.. cause of that i couldn't reply so soon. ._. but it's okay now. ~_~ anyways... i finished reading Marmalade Boy this morning. started reading since last saturday midnight. wasn't really interested in the story at first. x( [big mistake] i should have bought it when i went to indonesia last december holidays. the plot's really good. even though the conclusion is kinda typical, the whole story was pretty nice. the art's kinda old fashioned, but it suits the whole thing. a must-read, other than kamikaze kaitou jeanne. =D speaking of kkj, the drawing style of anime episodes 37 and 38 sucks like hell. -.- and they're the episodes about takazuchiya zen too! the sick guy. *zips mouth* maybe it was arina's assitant or at least somebody else who drew the whole thing. -.- chiaki's legs were practically crooked. the heck?
met up with xin mei, norfi, steffi, arlha, li jun, ruk suek and azy in phoenix lrt [in shell station bus stop with xin mei] just now. wanted to collect the donations for the bike-a-fun thingy. the whole thing was damn tiring. went from block to block and to bp plaza twice. there was this one idiotic guy. i asked the old lady in the house to donate since the door was wide open. suddenly this guy shouted "shut up lah!". kaox. i was simply trying to be kind asking people to donate. i don't even want to. then that stupid, idiotic, crazy, mad, irritating, and etc gay guy said those words. ARGH! sigh. we separated with li jun and ruk suek first cause we [the rest] lost them in one of the blocks. then steffi, arlha and i separated from xin mei, norfi and azy to try asking in bp lrt and plaza. sigh. in bp plaza steffi was told by the security guard that we can't ask for donations there before we went home too. >_<"

Saturday, July 02, 2005
5:48 pm

didn't post for the last 2 - 3 days... too lazy. too tired. too stressed. all dunno for whatever reasons.

2 days ago: went to school as per normal. nth weird or special happened. then went to west mall with angeline and edwin. saw shu qin on the way there, but she didn't see me. then saw jia wen, sandra, penny and stacie. waved to stacie [cause she was the one most in front and was looking in my direction] but only jia wen noticed me. heh. then walked around after eating in delifrance [now i'm really poor. short of money. hics.]. saw that baka akram. he "coughed" when he noticed me. i pretended not to know him. haiyo. then he asked me why i changed school. same reason i gave to hss people [he's my cps friend]. used to take the same bus as him when going to school [hss]. now, wasn't that a stiff paragraph.

yesterday: what happened yesterday? friday... oh. angeline did not go to school cause she got gastric pain. haiyo. told her to eat properly but she only ate bread. tsk. no wonder she fell sick. yeah... if u're reading this, make sure u eat properly, take your medicines and rest. haha. i sounded like a nagging mother. =p but she's so good. doesn't have to go to school for like, 4 days? another long holiday. she only came to school once this week. haha. take care~

today: went to bp plaza with angeline and edwin again. ate in long john silver. had to withdraw money again. sigh. i'm really broke now. after that we went to orchard. took 171 back and forth. first we went to popular. i bought the 2 graph pads and 2 pens. for next time too. edwin bought a webcam. then we went to taka. he bought new perfume. haiyo. even i, the girl, don't use such things. haha. fine. i know i'm the weird one. but he's the guy. usually the guys accompany the girls when shopping. now it's the other way round. the girls [angel n me] accompanied him. heh. on the way there we got free can of whatever white tea too. the heaven & earth one. not bad la. but i still prefer the green tea. then went to the cold storage, bought some stuff, went to the crystal jade cakery, waited for angel and edwin to buy bread, then we went home. damn bus. so hot. cramped some more.

- Reader(s) -




school :: kps-tkkVI|kps-sdkVI|cnps|cps|hss|aes|np.

personality :: melancholy phlegmatic; down to earth, critical, individualistic, introverted. get used to it.

loves :: blue, black, orange, white, manga & anime, JE, j-dorama, appearing offline, editing, chocolates, cheese, photoshopping, abstract stuff.

detests :: spicy food, mother tongue, suck-ups, smokers who don't wish to quit, people who think the world's theirs (as much as it ain't mine).

wishes :: get SAT/SAT1 over and done with, learn japanese, continue learning violin.

*Note: Inactive links will be removed*

Adeline | Alane | Aldrich | Alicia | Alvin | Amanda | Amirah | Anelie | Arlha 1 | Arlha 2 | Billy | Candice | De Hong | Deborah | Diana | Dinna | Edwin 1 | Edwin 2 | Elaine | Esther | Ferly | Filzah | Hilary | Hui Mui | Isabel | Jasmine | Jayne | Jessica | Jia Wen | Jian Zhong | Joleen | Joscelyn | Kenny | Kent | Keren | Kevin | Leslie 1 | Leslie 2 | Lin Jie | Mansor | Marinne | Maverick | Melissa | Norfi | Patricia | Penny | Ryan | Sabrina | Sandy | Shanny | Shi Hui | Si Hui | Wan Ru | Xin Mei | Yee Ping | Yi Xin | Zhuang Ying

Baka no Sekai,
Vampire Knight.

[Indonesian] GRII Official Website,
[Chinese] STEMI Official Chinese Website,
[English] Stephen Tong Sermons.

LJ Communities
Johnny JR Clubbox,
Elegant Koyama,
Have a Break, Have a Ryo!,
[JP] Oricon Chart ~Album~,
[JP] Oricon Chart ~Single~.

Personal Sites
MSN Space,


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layout/design: kezia.mulia
css code: xingying(:
program: adobe photoshop cs2
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