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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
11:20 pm
mm... it's a bit tiring today... morning i woke up 15 minutes later than usual.. usually 6, just now 6:15. lols. not much of a difference. went to school with nadya again, flag raising, went back to class, english lesson [boring, boring, boring. did comprehension skills lvl 1 - 4.], then it was PE. i was wearing my PE shirt inside as usual. it was always like that since i'm p2. and just cause of that xm called me kiasu. -_-" judy and i were always like that lor... even when there's no PE on that day... then i knocked on one of the doors of the toilet cubicle cause i
honestly thought there was no one there. then i pushed the door a bit, cause there wasn't any shadow or anything. suddenly norfi screamed.
[*_@!] that was my expression then. to make things worse, she complained to xm. walao. they thought i was a pervert, and am really really kiasu. wth. their joke is so far-fetched.
maybe it's not, but i'm just in a crappy mood today. dun complain or anything. today i screamed a lot too. omg. i'm sorry to everyone for my mood. tt couldn't be helped. it's the weak me, after all. then it was recess, homec [i nearly fell asleep
thrice!], and history, in which mrs gan wanted us to do the corrections to the MYE paper all by ourselves. -.-" BORING! didn't bother to go for taf just now. at 3 we went for choir. man, was it a surprise. mr ong was there waiting for us. he was supposed to have left us after the SYF, but he told us that the school approved the choir fund. at least that's what i think. so he'll still be conducting us now. x) so monday's going to be mr goh while wednesday, mr ong. had an interesting convo in msn with
h just now. now watching shaman king. downloading kkj too. 've watched till episode 26.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
7:24 pm
arlha and diana're back! diana gave me a packet of chewing gum, and arlha lent me her inuyasha vcds! yay! ureshii no~ they also said that their cousin was in the same class as my bro before in KPS [a.k.a. BPK Penabur] in SDK VI. o.O serani or something... small world, indeed.
went to lot 1 after school. intended to ask around for the donations, but ended up doing the same things. topped up my card in cck interchange, ate in ljs, went to popular, went to comics connection [bought love for venus vol 11], went home. heh.
on my way home, in bus 985, [-_-"] daniel and junjie from my class last year in hss boarded the bus. it's the hss bus stop, and i bet they just went home from maths remedial. that daniel looked so funny! seemed as if he nvr combed his hair, and was as blur as ever. lols. jun jie ar... not much of a difference la. so that daniel, the one who's still playing the iro for dunno what reason [wasting his money, i guess. he bots, u see? nvr really play.], sat beside me and made the hell fun out of me. -.- jj sat in front of us. yup. sigh. as expected, they asked me why i transfered out. ~_~

Monday, June 27, 2005
4:42 pm
heeh.. didn't post anything yesterday... basically, i went to the morning church in bukit batok.. reached home at 11+.. then i played gb again.. i had to tidy up my 'study' table at about 4.30 cause my grandmother kept on reminding me... then i packed my bag for today.. which is the first day of semester 2, the dreaded day, the most boring day, the most...
boring day. no other words to describe.
had a lot of changes to the old time table... some teachers are changed too... today's the first day of school
[*yep, had to stress that part*] and i
*knew* that something typical and boring's gonna happen. do u know what that thing is?
of course! recount writing! it's always like that since primary school, really! after holidays, your
non-creative english teacher's gonna ask you to write something about your "holidays". she's gonna make you write all that crap down for one whole hour [40 minutes, actually. she came to class late. she just made things worse. -.-]. my pen ink was gone. suddenly. at the *wrong* timing. -.- to make things much, much worse, we also had to do letter-writing during chinese! my right hand was already so numb. alamak. all the chinese words [even the simple ones] are
gone from my mind! i forgot all the easy words! haiz. what a bad start to a new term, new semester, new living hell. at least miss lim wasn't that bad. she didn't ask us to write down stuff about our holiday. in fact, she made us write 2 happenings that's happened in singapore. sigh. she's creative, but evil at the same time. the more i couldn't write anything. ~_~" luckily it's letter-writing and not those story, continuous writing type. x{( otherwise my wrist's gonna break.

Sunday, June 26, 2005
6:54 pm
6 more buttons made. they're for penny, qiao yang, ruk suek, ryan, sandra and xin mei. tralala. in case why u think i only made for them so far is cause i follow the alphabetical order. no special orders or anything. lols. those between sandra and xin mei not made yet cause i still haven't come up with any theme for them. the colours and all. maybe stacie'll be something pink again.. wanru will be a spongebob squarepants. hehe. sigh. tmr will be the sickening day when school will start again. i'll be stressed up with work and especially the stupid project which we haven't even finish. good thing there wasn't any homework or i'll be doomed right now trying to complete them before tomorrow. so far i watched 17 episodes of kkj already too. phew. at least there's something nice to keep me and my cousin company.
*spoiler starts* ecstatic again: sinbad ****** jeanne!!!*spoiler ends*

Saturday, June 25, 2005
11:03 pm
i have weird mood swings today... -_- like what i said, we planned to do the project today. but i had a sort of bad mood this morning and ended up canceling the whole thing. i figured we couldn't really get anything done today. i've measured the sizes and all, but it's hard to set up the wires and all, especially in mcd. -_- i dun think there'll be enough materials, though. sigh. maybe i'll have to buy one more 7-dollar yellow-paper-covered styrofoam. damn, i'm broke. my sis just borrowed money from me too. haiz... but i'm glad i followed my intuitions again.. just a while later it rained very heavily. if i estimated correctly, i'll be somewhere in the middle to going to kap from my house cause i'd be walking very slowly, carrying all those heavy stuff with no umbrella. and the laptop i planned to bring would have been wet. lucky me. thank God.
*thinking of monday* [[shudders]]

Friday, June 24, 2005
8:02 pm
we somehow 3/4-ly finished painting the choir banner just now. had quite a bit of fun. =) we now only need to think up of a really suitable theme to be painted on the right-hand side of the banner which is really, really *white*. it's my first time seeing a banner which has the background painted too. lols. the cloth was supposed to be black~ took a lot of photos too. about... 7? i think... =x
leonie called me this morning saying that she's finally back in sg! at last! i bet she bought & brought with her a lot of manga! *envious* man, i'm jealous. *green face* no.. that's supposed to be puking. green. or was it blue? oh well. i'm j/k.
i haven't measured and draw the lines for the project work. i'm too lazy!!! >_< the 3 pieces of paper/plastic (=S?) are damn big and heavy. i got so much trouble when i had to carry them back home yesterday in the bus 77. [-.-'] the total cost was like... so ex? $29.75. siao liao. HAIZ.
now my parents are on the way to US. i dunno whether they reached already or not. sigh... so good... they left this morning at about 4 a.m. [i think. i was still sleeping.] can only hope they have fun and relax there. can't do anything about me having no money to go anywhere after all.

Thursday, June 23, 2005
7:40 pm
Went to Bras Basah Complex just now to buy the materials needed for project work. In the end, Mango didn't check his hp at all and he didn't come. Chicken made me wait in the bus stop for 45 minutes. -.- Chicken and I walked around BBC to find no plastic material at all. -.- So we ended up going to Popular after all. -.- This Saturday we'll meet up in McD in KAP there to do the project. That Chicken expected me to measure the whole thing. -.- Yeah, I know this time there're lots of [-.-]s in this post. But that can't be helped. -.- Yup, sweat. -.-" Right. Now that's something different. -.-

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
6:34 pm
i went to bp plaza just now to meet up with the planners' committee in choir... only jasmine, anelie, hui yi, amanda, eileen and i showed up... anelie, jasmine and i arrived earlier and we spent 2 hours in the mcdonald waiting for the rest. heh. the banner's going to be made from a black, 3-m cloth and paint [duh]... then the rest went to dunno where... the three of us went to beauty world to get all the materials... went back home at about 4 or 5... brought back the white paint and thinner.. and going to bring them back to school on friday to do the banner... i've been playing gbwc since then... sigh... maybe later i'll have to go and buy the materials for project work... tmr's the "meeting". -.- i bet the two guys [chicken and mango] are going to chat away while i sit infront of them fuming up. i'm still not sure how to make the wires work... and to think that tomorrow early in the morning my dad n mom're going to US already... 5 am... omg... and no more car from today onwards. T_T

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
7:18 pm
i. am. thoroughly. b.o.r.e.d. right. now.
yep, again.The whole day was spent reading DNAngel [vol 1 & 2], chatting & looking through Shinshi Doumei Cross' fansites. SDC's one of Arina Tanemura's works too. Couldn't believe that ION is too. She drew one of Aishiteruze Baby's specials too. Cool. Her works are (order of release):
- Kanshaku Dama No Yuuutsu (Firecracker is Melancholy)
- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (GodWind Thief Jeanne/Phantom Thief Jeanne)
- Taimu Sutoreenjya Kyoko/Time Stranger Kyoko (Jiku Inhoujin Kyoko)
- Ginyu Meika
- Full Moon wo Sagashite
- Shinshi Doumei Cross (Gentlemen Alliance Cross)
*English titles may vary somewhere else.
So far I've only read ION, TSK, KKJ and first chapter of SDC. Lols.
Damn Kevin la. What kind of a bloody rude son/brother is he? F-ing hell. I read his blog today. It's a few days' ago one I think. But that wicked, rude, irritating, showing off idiot wrote our dad off as an asshole. F*** him. He's just too stuck up, damn it. If you don't believe me, read his damn f-ing gay blog. So unfilial. Maybe he's the only guy I really hate now. What kind of son calls his dad that-- that word!? Kevin sucks. Totally.

Monday, June 20, 2005
4:16 pm
project work. just hearing those two words really make me sick. only 1 week's left and we haven't even bought the materials yet. haven't even
planned, actually. i don't care what the caveman will say. if he's not happy with the new 4-floor model then so be it. like hell i'm going to modify it again. and if i can't get the polyester resin on time i'm just going to use the same material. plastic whatever thingy. he wants long corridor? then i'm just going to make a U-shaped corridor. simple as that. there's no way i'm wasting my money to buy more materials. feh.
*sudden change of mood: agitated --> sugar-high, ecstatic*
harris said he's going to buy KKJ manga [all 7 volumes] for me when he goes to indo!!! yay!!! and he said i'll only have to repay him back by helping him. coolies. a little help doesn't hurt. haha. of course i have to pay him back... if not, another guilty feeling: feels like i only use him to satisfy me. ._. actually, i found an MSN group (
Manga-sama) that hosts scanlations. and all 7 volumes of kkj are there! ^-^ cause of that i really didn't sleep last night, finishing all the 7 volumes. in fact, i slept at 8.30 in the morning just now. =p sigh. but that's really wrong of me. ._. i feel guilty now for not obeying my parents [to sleep]. the last time i didn't sleep at all was last year too. now, you may think,
if you had read them all already, why would you still want him to buy the manga? lol. you should know me. i collect manga. =p even if i've read them, i want to buy the real published one. support the mangaka too!!! arina tanemura's art style is simply breathtaking. [and i do mean it, lol. for some part of the story i held my breath for quite a long time and i didn't even realise it.] the manga's plot also nearly made me cry. the tears were wiped away before they fell. ~_< *sigh* chiaki/sinbad is so caring & cool... maron/jeanne is so weak & yet strong... miyako is so loyal & sweet... minazuki is so bubbly & cute... [haha]

Sunday, June 19, 2005
7:20 pm
just came back from church... during pra/remaja i renewed my faith to God. wonderful feeling. =) it was kak Abe who taught us. then during the main service Pdt Budy was the one who preached. Pak Tong's health is really deproving. pray for him to get better.

2:30 pm
this morning went to macritchie to walk around... ~_~ my cuz n my mum nvr went there before so might as well. after that we went to woodlands library. my parents borrowed few books for their oh-so-carefully planned holidays in US on the 23rd. i'll be here to continue my suffering in silence. -_-" i borrowed one guide book for photoshop 7.0. pretty interesting. heh. then shopped at fair price a LOT. heavy nia. now i got to go church~ just reached home 5 minutes ago and here am i leaving again~

8:46 am
so sleepy... last night slept at 3 something cause i was trying out stuff again... i didn't get the "
'simple' blending" right last night cause of a really
'simple' problem which i still can't figure the reason out. so this morning i clicked here clicked there again and at last it worked. -_-" yep... so for first try-out, i made this really simple banner... [of course kkj again la... =p] now what i mean by 'simple' really
is simple. there:
click here to see the banner.

Saturday, June 18, 2005
8:49 pm
mm... just went back from my dad's boss' house-warming party. ate bbq. the condo not bad la. got sea-view. west coast. oh yeah. we drank a bit red wine and talked about how it degrades the brain-cells & the liver. thing is, liver isn't that bad if you drink very little, but the brain-cells that are dead can't be replaced.
when we reaching home.. the crazy, stupid brother of mine drove back as usual. he was rushing and didn't see the red light. in such a fast speed too... then he suddenly jammed the car. the car tires screeched and smoke came out from them. o.O man, it was damn smelly. burnt smell. i guess he really degraded his brain when he drank that wine. LOL!
i learnt some photoshop skills from photokicho's website. heh. really helped a lot. before that i didn't even know a single clue about how to use them. kehkehkeh... more linking buttons are available too. haha. xD another is making animated buttons. i know how already from photokicho's tutorial, but i dun have the programme. -_-"

3:20 pm
ARGH!!! X_( 2 of my KKJ episodes need to be downloaded again! ;_; wth! and the 3rd one... it was already half-way through! T_T Nooo!!!!!!!! :_[ previously, i paused one of them so that i'll be able to watch one of the episodes. when i resumed it back it was ok! it still continued! but the second time all are gone!!! 2 episodes some more!!! AAAH!!!!! Kuso!!!

9:33 am
Here's a pic of Kaitou Sinbad:

My MSN display pic too! xD

8:30 am
Last night I fetched my grandma & cousin. my grandma's flight was delayed for 45 minutes, my cousin 30 minutes. geez... while waiting my sis, dad and i went to BK then ate there. =p cause we still had enough time i let keren watch kkj epi 1 to 4. got a lot of snacks from them! haha. my cuz [age 9+] also so trendy and stylish. so cute. lol.

Friday, June 17, 2005
7:53 pm
watched KKJ episode 5 already. it finished downloading much later than i expected. 4 pm. from last night 2 am. omg. now waiting for epi 6 is another torture.
go! go! chiaki!!!now's 7:55 pm. going to the airport at 8:30. ^-^ fetching my grandma who'll arrive at 9, and my cousin who'll arrive at 11. my dad's also back from algeria already! xD
chatted with
Vodka R.yuki Mint just now. she's in jakarta!!! so good! she said a lot of new manga have been released there. omg. i really want to buy them all!!! T_T but i won't be in indonesia till later on in november. sigh. i'm going through torture here. -.- she said that even Fruits Basket is already till vol. 14 there!!! ARGH!!!
i hate singapore. chuangyi to be precise. releases are SO SLOW!!! it actually started releasing FB much earlier than indonesia [i'm not sure whether it's
M&C or
Elex Media Komputindo that's releasing it] yet it's only at vol. 10 now. *murderous look* KKJ the manga too!!! M&C's released it since long time ago! i really want to buy them all!
Vodka said the art really rocks! omg... i've only seen specks of it. like,
an image found in internet? sigh...

10:40 am
ne... i dreamt about anime again. but in black and white. halfway between anime and manga? >_< the dream included cards, a dice, pins [the one both kaitou use =p] and 2 guys [1 against me]. some kinda mystery plot. but kinda cool. haha. i think i watch [and think about] too much kkj already. n_n now waiting for episode 5~ talking abt dreams: i dreamt of it after i woke up at 7 [cause of my sis panicking for school] and slept again. not in the night. the past dreams also like that. ~_~ maybe when i first woke up i should sleep again and i may get another dream. lol.

Thursday, June 16, 2005
9:54 pm
walao. the download rate dropped to 1 kb/s again after reaching 97.3% leh. wth... just now i so happy already cause it reached 26 kB/s at the highest. i thought i could watch epi 4 before 10 o'clock loh. -.- then lost connection. wth. now only 17.75 MB is left to be downloaded yet it takes so long. haiz. just now time left was 40 minutes now become 3 hours. -.-"
watched channel news 5 tonight. they said this morning one guy found a box contained with body parts in kallang river. and another box later on. the head and the hands/legs [forgot] still not found yet. sigh. bad things keep happening nowadays. indonesia also found 1 guy with bird flu in sulawesi there. haiyo.
played gb again just now. man, the new version [gbWC] totally sucks. the colours are not matching. the game isn't really that convenient anymore. too long-winded. and though the waiting time is less cause we get to choose the main items and bot before we enter a server, the whole thing is just too irritating. laggy too. -_-

12:56 pm
yup. layout's changed. again. if only that stupid blogger bar on top isn't there, there isn't a need for a scrollbar at the far right. -.- bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. watched KKJ epi 3 this morning. finally, sinbad's making a real appearance! xD waiting for epi 4 to be finished~ only 18.9% is downloaded. man, so slow. oh yeah. if you noticed, my life's a really boring cycle. nothing new in the entries too even though i post nearly everyday. especially holidays, most of my friends know i only get up in the morning to go to the comp. ~_~

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
4:18 pm
went for taf just now. -_-" but cause it was raining we didn't need to do hiking. haha. instead, i played table tennis and badminton. mm.. i miss table tennis.. couldn't do any smacks or spins cause none of the girls i played with know how to play. T_T only 2 guys knew the basic rules. sigh.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. That anime is
damn nice man. dunno for you all la. but tt's my type of story. lol. really,
really wanna go back to Indonesia then buy ALL the manga.
borong, borong~ sigh. watched the first episode already. damn nice!!! [ya, though it seems a bit childish, but who cares? i'm the shoujo manga/anime type. lol.] >_< chiaki hadn't really made a major appearance though. only for a minute or so. now downloading episode 2. so long~ 80.3% only... ~_~ download rate only around 5 kB/s. -.-"

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
7:22 pm
--" i gave up on dling anime using
BitTorrent and followed valerie's advice instead by using
BitComet. lols. though it's a waste [the 38.6% downloaded anime from bittorrent are deleted] for me~ i dunno how the heck u can dl 1 file by 1 file only by using BT. for BC they prompt first b4 downloading. sigh.
feel like changing the layout again. lol. i'm someone who changes mood too fast. moody~ not cause this one not nice la... just that since i'm bored, why not do something worthwhile? hee... not that changing skin's THAT worthwhile. hic. but who cares. so, does anybody know wth happened to
blogskins.com? the page cannot be displayed. sigh.

1:20 pm
Lol. The download turns out faster than I thought. *phew* only about [the most] 2 more days before the 4 episodes are done downloading. oh yeah.. forgot to mention something.. in lot 1 yesterday i bumped into mdm liew. my gosh. i was so totally freaked out. turned from the escalator and there she was. speechless for a while~ ask deb, she knows. lol. met some 2E3 [from hss] too. reminded me of my foolscap horror. --"
now i'm so bored. cause i'm using bittorrent to download KKJ, i can't use it now to dl manga. T_T i dun even know how to use irc; let alone dling from there. ._. somebody please teach me. i can't seem to get them into my brain. must find those scanlations which can be dled by html. ~_~ winzip~ sigh.
*freaked out* the current dl rate is only 4 KB/s!!!

Monday, June 13, 2005
11:29 pm
i went out with debs today. met her at 11 and walked around west mall n lot 1 till... 1 or 2~ then we went to her condo to eat lunch. she read the LfV i lent her while i played with her li'l bro. lols. after that we went out to buy bubble tea. first time i tried oreo cookies bubble tea~ nice sia. heh. i didn't know what zhen zhu [is it?] was until deb told me they're pearls. swt. ~_~" my chinese too "pro" already la.
really wanna watch/read
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. T_T it seems really nice! downloading eps 1 - 4 using bittorrent now. gonna take at least 6 days to finish downloading those 4 eps. [the anime ends at ep 44. *pales*] here's the pic of Kaitou Jeanne and Kaitou Sinbad [the 2 main characters]:

Sunday, June 12, 2005
8:03 pm
Connection's down. Sigh. -_- Couldn't browse the net for a few days now. It's lucky that I could be typing now too. =.=
Mr. & Mrs. Smith a few days ago with mom and sis. Not bad, I say. Full of action. Cool.
The day before I went out with Wanru to Clementi Arcade. $2/hr. Not bad, not bad. Can play as many games as you can within that limited time.
Pretty much nothing happened. ~_~ Oh yeah. Just now Christell and her family came from Indo. ^-^ Lucky I didn't go to the morning service or I would have missed her. =) 'Ve been... 3-4 years(?) ever since I saw her. n_n
Ate in McD just now and that's that. Meeting Debs tomorrow. Gonna lend her the LfV [all 11 volumes o.O"] and play bball. Go around the mall too~.
Ja, ne.

Friday, June 10, 2005
2:04 am
Sigh... Currently 1:55 am~ watching Disney Channel while waiting for the manga [Title:
Koi Suru 1/4] pages to load.
~.~ somehow my mood today was worse than yesterday. some guy really pissed me off this time. he got into my own goddamn business too much. doesn't he know what the word 'privacy' really means? dammit... and my mum told me to wash the dishes too cause they were piling up till the total height was over the kitchen sink.
-_-" i knew that was going to happen even before my mum came home.
._. looking at the pile gave me a bad feeling. after standing for so long too washing the dishes [at 12+ am, mind u] i got breathing difficulties. dunno y. my chest just kinda feel heavy and i had to pull up a chair and sat on it to continue washing.
~_~" sigh. i feel like dying. tomorrow [today, actually] i'm going to meet up with wanru and go play in the arcade. to catch up on things, as well as getting some form of entertainment.
ja, ne. oyasumi nasai. *yawn*

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
8:53 pm
*inhales* *exhales* *inhales*
*screams**inhales* *exhales* *inhales*
dun ask anything. i'm just in a real freaking bad mood now. a very large mood swing. dun blame me if i hurt ur feelings today. but i'm sorry if i did.
today angeline and ryan went back to indo. [so gd! i wanna go back too!] angeline took the same plane as ryan n his fam. only anelie and i are left here in singapore with completely nothing to do. i can bet i'd die of sian-ness. -.- those in indo are going to dufan!! so good!!!!
lmfao, i'm rather sick too! having sorethroats and coughings. my eyes are also drooping. but that's probably cause i slept at 3 a.m. yesterday. as usual: was reading manga.
Time Stranger Kyoko) the story's pretty cool. it's about how the main character must gather all 12 strangers to save her 'twin sister'. there's more to the story, of course.]
but cause i was too sick and tired of nearly everything that comes my way today, i didn't go for the taf training just now. heck. my safety/health's number 1 when compared to that
sort of thing. and now i'm having headache too. wtf.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
11:49 pm
right. i'm at last woken up from my day/nightdreaming. i dunno why. just feel that way. no new manga
to be bought. of course, i still have some of them from the internet. lala~ -_~"
went to west mall with angeline today. we ate in burger king then headed to watson's cause she wanted to buy smth from there. then we watched
Cursed. it's... about werewolves. at first i freaked out la... cause i really hate scary stuffs... some people
SHOULD know... ever since i watched that disturbing
ju-on and
ju-on 2. i can still remember the 31 december 2003 when my primary school friends and i watched that... sickening and irritating and horrifying and scary and damned and [you get the idea] movie (ju-on 2). i hate both of the movies. -.-
but Cursed wasn't too scary la... after i got used to it i even found the werewolves funny. there was this one part where
it pointed the finger at the main character. haha. lols. and one of the guys is gay. [what a gay movie]

Sunday, June 05, 2005
8:11 pm
Found a new scanlation host! So happy.
=))) There's this manga made by
Natsumi Ando too (entitled
Mariappoi No!)!!! *Sugar high* The guys are so kakkoi!!! The main guy
Shiina Hajime is so cute..
xD One of them looks like
Hiromi Oikawa from
Catcher in the Horoscope, except with a longer hair. The girl's also kawaii.. just like
Riri Hoshizawa from
CH too. Sigh... *
Nightdreaming* I'm too hyped up.
Touch of FragranceI also joined an Asakura Hao fanlisting!
xD I just love him too much! Lols.
o.O I sound too girly for my own good. Join the fanlisting if you
<3 him too!
=DFanlisting Site:

1:06 pm
yesterday i went to my mom's boss' son's birthday party along with her, my sis, my mum's colleague and another boss. ~_~ went to Chevrons again just like the past years. played bowling again. it sucked. my second round's score was only 35. haha. feh. the ones who provided the gifts yesterday is a stingy woman, rather than the usual birthday boy's mum. so my sis and i got lame gifts: handkerchief and small o-piang pouch. my mum got chocolate. so nice. reached home at about 10:50. chatted with harris till 11+. then i followed my mum to fetch my bro in toa payoh area. sleepy.
today woke up at 8... read some manga till 8:37 then got ready for church. went to bukit batok one. finished at about 10:30. my mum bought some meat then we went home. just finished eating lunch.
*foul mood*

Saturday, June 04, 2005
4:01 pm
i'm bored. tell me you are too. there's nothing to do. for the whole day, i've only been watching tv, eat, read and write SM fics. sigh. no new manga. -_-" lele'll be going to indo today too. angeline's with her aunt too. my mum's not home yet too. tell me. what do you do in those times?

Friday, June 03, 2005
10:21 pm
I didn't post yesterday? Must have fallen asleep... I went to the Maths Camp yesterday. There was a Maths Trail, too... ~_~ It's just like the Amazing Race that I went to during the NE Camp, except that the clues were all mathematically involved. And mind you, that adds to the cramps in my legs.
I missed Inuyasha and Shaman King
Today Angeline, Leonie and I went to Orchard. Lele wanted to find some presents for her relatives. So caring. Haha. Both of us agreed to meet Angeline in the bus at around 2:15. We went to Paragon cause Lele wanted to get some money from her mom first. Then we went to Lido to eat in LJS [again]. No more cheesy stuff. Sigh. After eating, we went to Far East Plaza to help Leonie find the presents. But didn't really find a lot of things. Only a skirt. We then went to Gelare to eat ice cream. Mocha Chip is nice. =)) I checked out Comics Connection but there was nothing new. -.-
Went to Taka next. Lele found more pressies for her rels and I bought one file [design: blue bubbles] for myself. It was already about 6:30 then. Angeline and I bought bread for dinner from Crystal Jade Cakery [i think] since we're too full to eat a full meal then. Didn't know the bread is so cheap there. Heh. We went to Watsons to accompany Lele buy a hair remover sometime before. Lols. Yeah, she had to meet her rels and family there later in the night, so Angeline and I went back first. Took 171 as usual and I reached home at about... 7.30? I think so...
Luckily I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. Wouldn't want my legs to hurt much more.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
7:42 pm
Now my legs are NUMB! DAMNIT! They're already aching so
BADly; not to think about my stomachache!!! ouch... *sobs* damn hiking. the teachers made us walk for 1.5 hours straight. if u think about it, it's not that bad. but cause of the stupid camp(!), my
already-oh-so-aching body hurts even more!!! and it was
RAINING just now!!! was DRENCHED in COLD, dirty water [that
added up to the heavy-ness I must carry all along] for 1 hour. the 'walk' to macritchie [however u spell that thing] reservoir was halted and changed to another destination. but the changed route also led us to a
dead end! :@ we ended up in a PUB and had to TURN and walk
BACK to school! part of the reason:
the rain got worse. -.-after the stupid thing, angeline and i went back to her place and changed. i borrowed her jeans and shirt. have to wash and return them to her. thx, angel! anelie then joined us and we went to lot 1. ate in ajisen ramen. at last we could rest. sigh. spent $10.10 there. the food so niiiiiiiice~ ^_< had to treat angeline $2 though, cause it was the only way she'd eat there... food's too expensive. T_T anelie only ate teriyaki chicken [w/o rice or anything] and she was full. haiyo..
i bought Fruits Basket vol. 10! yay. at last.
but NOOOOOO!!!!!!! YUKI KISSED TOHRU ON THE FOREHEAD!!! ARGHH!!! i really feel like killing him!!! though i might feel sorry that he's treated that way by akito... but kyou's treated in a worse way! he deserves tohru more than yuki does!!! [those of u who read FB, you
should know what i mean -- if not, you're dumb and unfeeling] man, i'm cruel about these things.