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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
8:41 pm
gah. i'm so tired now. went to NE camp from yesterday. had ice-breakers, water rafting [came one 1st] and singing sessions yesterday. of course, there were lunch, dinner and supper. [the food totally sucks. eew. but they gave us pudding. =p] only the next day [today] was the breakfast quite nice. like, d-uh. the breakfast was just sandwiches. i didn't get to drink the milo, though. --; today's activities were ultimate mascot something [came out 3rd] and amazing race [came out 3rd also]. cause of these things, now my legs are aching!!! man, they totally hurt! but thanks to our creativity and skillfulness, our group became the champion! w00t! grin. got a file as the present. quite fun la, the whole thing. did some cheers and clappings. there's even this stupid cheer that you must say before you are allowed to eat. -_-" oh yeah. our group name's 'Donno?' People were asking us what our group name was and we were, like, 'dunno?', 'I dunno?' and the like. heex. the head of the camp, which i said before is an indonesian, came from BBPC! i couldn't recognize her at first till she said she knew i went there before. >_< i used to go to that church before i changed to GRIIS. still go there sometimes, though. for 'emergencies'. xD

Saturday, May 28, 2005
10:23 pm
today... woke up at 5 a.m... realizing that i had fallen asleep again while waiting for inuyasha and shaman king... damn. fruits basket 10 is out and i really want to buy it! >_<"
.s.a.v.i.n.g. .m.o.n.e.y.
then fell asleep again at 6 and woke up at about 8... read some SM fanfics [mamoru/usagi *squeals*] before falling asleep again at about 10... woke up at 3 when my father was back home from work. waited for my mum till 4 and we went to taka to get my new specs.
we ate in pizza hut. at last. so full now. got another 4 pizzas in the refridgerator. haha. super supreme and chicken supreme... bought the family set meal mah.. with additional beefballs in white sauce... so nice~
my mum bought me a new pair of fila sports sandals. wanted to bring that to the camp. but since it's new, i'm afraid it'll be spoilt when i play in the mud... lols. so i'll only bring old old one. heck. oh yeah. also bought new op black shorts. not that nice la...
had to wait for my damn bro for like.. 15 minutes while he drank his coffee. like he so rich like that. drink also drink in coffee club. alone some more lorh. so we in the car went around the takashimaya for... about 10 rounds? i bet the security guards there recognize us lorh.. -.-'

Friday, May 27, 2005
9:54 pm
today's the last day of term 2~ at last. semester 1 finished. we had a road relay competition just now. from my class, shawm, shaqif, sabrina, xin mei, wee kiat and lin jie represented the class. came in 3rd, i think. not bad. =) then we went to the hall to hear what mr lam and mr taoge had to say to us. mr lam told ur about our performance. not bad for sec 2s. heh. the mr taoge hor... took so long to just talk to us about the 7 A(es) again. sigh. wasted our time lor. say what he'll test us on the mission and 7 A(es) of the school. how lame. -_-" who also know already lorh..
steffi, arlha, diana, edwin and eddiek are already in indonesia now... so good... they took the 6 pm plane just now. steffi promised she'll update me on new manga. haha. arlha's going to lend me her inuyasha vcd/dvds [dunno which one]. yay! haha. gonna miss them... T_T
my class position and level position are 16/37 and 19/78 [not sure whether it's 78 or not]... haiz... so bad... T_T got typo error. my attendance was written as 91/90. swt. i came 1 day extra is it? siao.

Thursday, May 26, 2005
9:19 pm
pretty much nothing happened again. for the first time in dunno how many months i actually went home straight away. got nothing to do. when i reached home also the laptop's wireless connection wasn't working. probably cos my bro again. his comp's downloading dunno wad thing that's making the internet connection 'unsharedable'. tmr will be the end of the term. no homework. so happy. [but why do i sound so sarcastic?] edwin, eddiek, steffi, arlha n diana will be going back to indo. so good.. same plane.. my mum doesn't have to go for the parents' meeting anymore. and i have to pay $3.50 for the report book. going to wear the class t-shirt for the road relay. not running though. of course la. i run = i die. sigh. dunno why i feel like i've no honest feelings today. sigh. not in the mood for anything. got nothing to do. only watching american idol n chatting.. waiting for inuyasha and shaman king.. hope i won't fall asleep again.. inuyasha starts at 11.. yesterday i fell asleep at 10:50!!!!!!!!!! sigh. i'm gone. ja, ne.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
10:09 pm
[Chiisana Inori (Small Prayer) - by Ritsuko Okazaki]
[Credits: AnimeLyrics.Com]
Tanoshii yuu ge / saa kakomimashou
Kyou no namida wa / kora / asu no chikara ni shite
LA [x8] / subarashiki / LOVE & LIFE
LA [x8] / ai subeki / LOVE & LIFE
Sei ippai datta ichinichi ni
Sayonara to arigatou
Waratte oemashou
Sore wa chiisa na inori
Haru / hana saki / midori moeru koro
Donna namida mo / hora / kaze ni nagasarete ku
LA [x8] / subarashiki / LOVE & LIFE
LA [x8] / ai subeki / LOVE & LIFE

9:55 pm
Nothing much happened to me, as per usual. Just feeling tired and in pain with all the muscle cramps I'm having.
The softball team had 2 matches just now [at least that's what I'm told]. One's against MGS while the other... not sure. Wonder what'll the results be.
Mrs. Lock showed the overall results for every subject just now. Sigh. They're not that bad, but not satisfying as well. I'm not happy about my maths, science and
especially english.
>=[ Summarised, i got
3 A1s [Geog, D&T, Art],
2 A2s [Maths, Science],
1 B3 [English],
1 B4 [History] and
1 F9 [Chinese.
what else?].
Joined the planners' committee in choir. Don't think it'll be that bad. Can fill up for my empty hours during the June hols. Anelie's the Person I-C. Hehe. *Evil laughter*

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
9:42 pm

I found this pic from google image. ^-^ They're so cute right?!
Asakura Yoh and
Amidamaru [
hitodama mode] from the anime
Shaman King.
Kawaii desu~~~~!!!
I'll put up pics that I find nice here! ^-^ Of course, the standard disclaimer applies. Don't own any of 'em. T_~

5:19 pm
woke up at 6+ just now. went to school at 7+. we had napfa test. man, my results were like, so horrible for some items. but acceptable la. passed all. phew. anyways, it's as follows:
- sit-ups: 35 [my tummy hurts!!!]
- 10 x 4 m shuttle run: 12.25 seconds. [that's my second try. the first was 13.03, which meant i failed by 0.3 seconds. -.-]
- standing broad jump: 156 cm. [only. before that was 154. but during PE it was 160!!! argh!]
- sit & reach: 41 cm. [sigh. better than last yr though. last yr's only 37 cm.]
- inclined pull-up: 15. [that's a record. last yr's only 4. single digit, 4. the tester was mdm liew and there were some... cheats? she's good to girls. ah-ha.]
after the napfa test some of us went to mrs gan to look at our history paper. i got 22/30 for section A and 45/70 for the rest. total's 67/100. i need 3 more marks to get A2!! T_T

5:06 pm
long time nvr post.. sigh. internet connection's still not set up yet. though i can on my com already. [i'm using my bro's com]
anyways... my family except for my bro went to malaysia last sunday. left the house at 2 pm and stayed in the car till 8 or 9 something. took 6 to 7 hours to drive from home till malacca. my dad drove us all the way there [rested somewhere in the middle for 10 minutes]. we only ate dinner then my sis bought a cap for her friend. we wanted to stay the night in malacca, but after a half-hour of desperate searching-for-a-hotel, i told my dad to just go straight to KL and we'll sleep there. reached the place at about 1 in the morning. the 3-star hotel's called coronna inn... or something like that. in the morning we ate breakfast and left at 11 am to go to genting highland. reached at about... 1 perhaps? took the genting skyway to reach the outdoor themepark. there's this one promoter who promoted something [that we didn't buy] and he gave us 4 free tickets to the themepark. played till 7+ pm. ate till 9+. then went back to singapore and reached at 2+ am.

Thursday, May 19, 2005
4:26 pm
in angel's house again. haha. sian. sigh. there's nothing to do at home. urgh.. so full.. ate in kfc after school..
in school: the teachers haven't given us our exam papers yet!!! i hope it's tomorrow. sigh. i desperately need to know how i did for the exam. xm didn't do section D [20 marks] for history cause she didn't know it exist. o_O. hope she'll still do good. during 'lessons', we had a sexuality course... took up a pledge that says something like safe sex is abstinence and all... >_< didn't have project work just now. yay!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
10:40 am
damn. the movie ticket seller asked for our ages. me + angeline + diana + dewi. angeline's actually old enough to watch. but not the 3 of us. sigh. what's with the movie ratings advertisement saying "there're more choices for everyone" bs?! with the age restrictions, it's even lesser choices for us!!! wad crap. yesterday, nearly every movie's NC-16! only 2 are not. divergence and the interpreter. but divergence starts at 6:15, which already so damn late. whereas for the interpreter, it's 4 something, but it's started already. -.-" haiz.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
8:52 pm
FINALLY!!! stupid publisher took so long to release just 2 titles. 4, actually. magister negi magi [vol 6] and zettai kareshi [vol 4] are still not published yet [i've got no money to buy zettai kareshi though... all 1 - 6... -.-]. and that detective mythical loki [vol 5]... it's published already, but i've got no money as per usual. sigh.
they've just released love for venus [vol 10] and fruits basket [vol 9]. for lvf, yuki finally told suzuna how he feels about her. only to get dumped [suzuna's got eichi!]. sigh. i pity him. kind of a cool guy [eichi too =p]. for furuba, it's getting on kyo's future and yuki's stuff in the school committee. kyo's finally getting closer with tohru! yay! i just want that damned yuki to get hooked on by another girl. kyo+tohru forever!!! hahaha. grin.

11:33 am
in Angeline's house again. lols. getting ready for a movie with her, diana and dewi. =)) the thing is... it's kingdom of heaven again. dun mind watching it twice though. pretty nice movie. =p haha.
at last!!! exams are over!!! yay!!! time to relax! hehehe. but getting a bit boring cos my com's not fixed yet.. sigh. today's the 17th... about 3 - 4 more days till my dad comes back from algeria... patience, patience...
this saturday there'll be a pra-remaja/remaja [church] outing in kent ridge park. i really have to find the time to ask edwin to change the day of the sentosa outing again. sigh..

Monday, May 16, 2005
12:07 pm
haiyo... i found my old specs last night.. wasted $100+ of my mom's money for the new specs.. and to think it'll be ready only on wednesday.. haiz.. i feel so guilty.. i found my specs inside my school bag.. the bigger one.. it was under my files and books.. i wonder how the hell it get there.. maybe dropped from my computer table that's beside it..
just now i had art exam.. man.. my preparatory work is so much better than my final piece. ARGH! tomorrow's history. the 2nd damnedest subject in the whole wide world. ARGH!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005
10:27 am
abt yesterday.. sigh.. still couldn't find my specs.. so finally bought a new one.. will be ready only on this wednesday.. i forgot was it half-frame or full-frame.. black colour again.. my eyes [both sides] 125.. increase again.. haiz..
ate in crystal jade.. dunno y i didn't really enjoy yesterday.. i wanted to go to delifrance.. cos of my bro, we had to follow his stupid "orders". really feel like strangling him.. cos of some things also.. haiz..
then we went to safra to swim.. 45 minutes only.. lyk so bo liao.. cos my sis got new swimming suit, n my bro, 'acting healthy', wanted to lose weight. it's good la.. but i so wasn't in the mood lor.. and if i rejected, he'd come up with more idiotic names and sarcastic remarks to call me with.
ARGH!!!!later on i've to do art.. 2 pieces.. sigh.. tomorrow's the exam already.. then tuesday'll be the final paper, history. haven't even read 1 page of the textbook yet. sick.

Friday, May 13, 2005
8:42 pm
cheh. i thought the manga pricing in indonesia rised up till Rp13,500 like what leonie said. when i checked, it only rised till Rp10,000. scared me. haiz...

5:56 pm
i had d&t paper just now. wasn't quite sure for a few things.. especially the last question.. drawing an isometric figure from an ortographic projection.. sigh.. but i'll pass.. i hope.. then i had science practical test too. wah. damn chicken. only had to measure the density of a stone. to think that they even told us the formula. lols. this coming monday'll be art exam.. but i haven't started drawing the preparatory work yet. lols. gonna draw something that's got to with conservating water.. l-a-m-e...
we went to orchard just now. me + anelie + angeline + arlha + diana + steffi + edwin. we ate in kobayashi again.. very nice. haha. we took neoprint in cineleisure.. at last we have one neo with steffi inside. lols. then we walked around, went to lido and ate mcflurry.. haha.. ate a lot today.. sure get much fatter.. sigh.. oh yeah.. diana lost her wallet.. hope she won't get into trouble..

Thursday, May 12, 2005
3:53 pm
we had science exam just now. most are easy. just that stupid single question. i wrote the right answers already but changed them. :@ ARGH!! just hope i'll get an A1.. if not at least an A2.. long time since i've gotten myself an A1 for science.. finished the paper at 10.. waited till 11 for anelie, 11.30 for leonie and nadya and edwin, and 12.30 for diana and angeline. lols. tmr i must wait for angeline till 11:15 [i think].. i'll finish the DnT paper tomorrow at 9:15..
after that we [me, angeline, anelie, diana, leonie and edwin] went to BPPlaza.. ate in KFC.. cheese fries and root beer only.. then i got free mashed potato from edwin. haha. he didn't want it. then we went to library.. leonie n anelie n diana went home before that.. edwin, angeline n i were left.. when we were eating lollipop in the library.. the librarian scolded us. sigh. damn her. it was just a lollipop in our mouths. how can they attract ants? sigh.. but still.. it was our fault for eating inside in the first place.. -_-"
it'll be dnt paper tomorrow.. and i haven't studied for it yet.. LOTS to learn.. sigh.. hope it'll not be too difficult tomorrow.. oh yeah.. i lost my specs.. damn..

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
3:21 pm
in angeline's house again now.. using her computer.. had cme and maths exam just now.. not too bad i guess.. for cme, it was chicken feet. haha. only 1 or 2 not sure la.. for maths, it was quite difficult i should say.. sigh.. hope i'll get a 60 at least..

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
9:41 pm
i had geography and chinese language listening comprehension exams just now.. for geography, some were easy, some were difficult.. hope i'll get at least 70/90 for that.. as for chinese, you don't don't have to ask. heh. right. it sucked as usual. i didn't even know there was one person with the surname 'yang' mentioned in the passage until xinmei told me about peter n yang fan. sigh..
then the miss chong.. we [xinmei, cheryl, steffi n i] had to wait will 12.20 for her.. at first she said 11.45.. but she hadn't marked cheryl's book yet.. so we talked crap in the canteen and went to study area later on..
after that, we went to lot1. actually we wanted to study in mcd while eating.. but then.. as you know la.. as per normal.. we didn't study.. only ate silently.. haha.. nvm la.. before that miss chong taught us maths again for, like, 1/2 an hour mah.. counted as studying already la.. lols..
there'll be cme n maths exams tomorrow.. i'm so scared of maths! hate it so much.. i find the numbers very irritating.. T_T but of course, it's not as bad as chinese.. -__-" sigh.. yeah.. bye then..

Monday, May 09, 2005
5:24 pm
happy belated mothers' day. it was yesterday.. yeah.. i went to bukit timah plaza 3 times yesterday.. first went in the morning cos my mum wanted to buy curtain holders.. then went home.. didn't go for pra-remaja again yesterday.. at 4, my mum, sis, bro n i went there the second time [first for my bro] cause my bro wanted to take a look at the piano.. probably wanting to buy a new one.. ate some dessert after that.. then went to church.. was late 5 minutes.. omg.. after church, we went to bt plaza again cause we wanted to go to pizza hut to have dinner.. turned out to be fully-booked.. no more place for us.. so after my bro and i bought Mythical Detective Loki no. 1 n 2, we went straight away to bukit batok.. went to the pizza place to see whether we can have dinner there.. but t'was fully-booked also.. sigh.. so in the end, sadly, we only went to the food court at the 4th floor in west mall to eat.. T_T after eating, my mum n i brought my bro n sis home, and we came back to west mall again to watch Kingdom of Heaven.. it's nc-16 but heck, they thought i was old enough. =p bloody movie.. nice but gory.. the movie started at 9.30 and ended at 12 mn.. reached home at 12:10. lol. as a result, i woke up at 6:40 this morning. a bit the late. heh. the english exams just now was average for me i guess.. paper 1 was a bit difficult cause i had a bit of headache.. mixed up minds.. luckily, paper 2 wasn't that difficult.. the grammar insert was chicken.. just that i wasn't too sure of 2 of the words.. for the compre, didn't know 1 or 2 questions.. sad thing, i lifted some of them right from the passage.. hope i won't be penalised.. i didn't know how to explain the meaning of commotion.. damn.. only remember now.. sigh.. bought mythical detective loki again.. now is no. 3 & 4.. i'm broke.. sob.. T_T . T_T . T_T ..my dad's not coming back till the 21st.. argh.. my mum said it's cause the project there isn't done yet.. sigh.. k then.. till here.. bye..

Sunday, May 08, 2005
12:27 pm
why the hell is the song not playing?! i tried putting up the song from mimisk8.com, but it couldn't play! i wanted to put if not Karenai Hana, Tomorrow.. both're from Full Metal Panic.. nice songs, u know? try listening to them..

Saturday, May 07, 2005
3:13 pm
bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete bete
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
what do people do when they're bored? sleep? doesn't work for me. study? it makes me feel even more bored. play? there's nothing to play with. watch tv? none of the shows are nice. go out? too lazy. sigh. so what do you do? i'm bored. maybe i'll try playing the world of warcraft. using my bro's account. cya.

Friday, May 06, 2005
7:07 pm
sigh.. chinese exam just now.. it was damn horrible... for paper 1, for ying yong wen i did question 1.. about sports' day.. wrote crap. heh.. for zuo wen.. did question 5.. also wrote crap. sigh.. but at least.. paper 1 not as bad as paper 2.. so.. if paper 1's already that bad.. i wonder how many marks i'll get for paper 2.. probably get only 20 something.. or even less than that.. dang.. my chinese's getting lower and lower..
went to bp plaza with diana, arlha, leonie, edwin n ryan after the exams.. went to ljs to eat again.. sad.. the tray of combo 1 fell onto the chair.. then the manager gave me another free meal.. when i asked for another fork.. it fell. again. malu deh gw.. sigh.. after eating arlha went home..
then we went to popular.. walked around a bit.. then lele, ryan and edwin went home.. diana n i waited for anelie in mcd.. she was drenched when she reached mcd.. was raining quite heavily there.. then went home at about 4.30.. i think.. and i reached home at 5.30.. yeah.. so.. till then..

Thursday, May 05, 2005
9:29 pm
Tomorrow: Chinese Exams. Paper 1 and 2.
Which means: Another F9's nearby.
But then: I'm too lazy to study.
Cause: I hate Chinese and I'm used to failing.
-_-" why must that stupid language exist?! i dun mind the chinese people, just the language. it's too... extra? tones.. characters.. strokes.. dunno wad crap.. 've studied 3 chapters.. chp 1, 3 and 5.. [chps 2 n 4 not gonna be tested] mm.. 9 more chapters to go. tralala. ah heck. i hate that language. how i wish i could take malay from the beginning..

7:09 pm
I don't know what happened to dual-mind.blogspot.com... T_T As for myOtaku, I'll still be using that. ^-^ Anime-freak as always. haha..